Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 5/17/21


THE SECRET SOCIETY HAPPY HANDSHAKE (or why people no longer have respect or trust in the Republican Party in Los Angeles).

Last Thursday a webinar was held called “Townhall Central”.  The speaker was the Chair of the Texas Republican Party, Col. Allen West.  One of the topics was precinct operations.  During the course of the conversation, one of the participants noted that th Los Angeles GOP was not abiding by its by-laws—and read the portion of the bylaws to show they were not doing what they are mandated to do.

A few minutes later someone looked up the by-laws—and like magic, in less than five minutes they disappeared by the web site.  When checking the participants, everyone become aware that an officer of the LAGOP was on the ZOOM—he acted quickly and the by-laws disappeared.  Now, the members of the Committee and the public can not see them.  I checked to see if they re-appeared, and as of 3:30 on 5/16/21, they are still gone.  Imagine a group so secret in the GOP that the by-laws need a secret handshake to be seen.  Any wonder folks are leaving the official party and joining independent clubs and political movements?  This is the same group, LAGOP that will not allow REPUBLICANS to watch a general meeting, if they are not sworn in members of the Committee.  We call this a SECRET SOCIETY.


Several months ago, Joe Collins, known at the CRP endorsed candidate for Congress, also as the GOP candidate for Congress being sued by the County of San Diego for not paying child support for four children, from three different mothers, sued congresswoman Maxine Waters.

As for me, she deserves to be sued every time her hate filled rhetoric hits the airwaves or an audience.  But, in this case Collins sent around a copy of the lawsuit—which apparently he wrote.

Now he is asking for donations because as he put in his email last week, “lawsuits are expensive”.  In his email he said, “Maxine Waters is not only in danger of losing her seat, she is in serious legal trouble.  The Waters district is 12% GOP—she is not going to lose her seat due to an election—though she could via redistricting.  This is a “civil” suit, that has nothing to do with Congress.

Then he wrOte:

“Maxine’s going to try and drag this out as long as possible in the courts and cherry pick ultra liberal judges…”

So, I checked with the Los Angeles and San Diego courts—could not find any such law suit filed.

Before anyone gives money to “fight” for this lawsuit we need to know three things:

  1.  Please give us the lawsuit file number.  Once I have it, I will publish the lawsuit.
  2. .  Who is your attorney on this lawsuit and is following up with the courts.
  3. Since the suit was filed more than six months ago, please give us the name of the Judge in who’s court the suit is at this moment.

These are VERY easy questions—you should be able to give them in less than 30 seconds—please send your response, and I will publish it.  Please send to [email protected]

Once I have that information I can tell people it is OK to donate to your lawsuit fund.


  1. No comment, just the facts:  Mignon Whitaker is the wife of Fred Whitaker, Chair of the Orange County Central Committee.  She has changed her Facebook Page Profile photo to one that says, “I Stand With Liz Cheney”.
  2.  Newsom is going to use tax dollars to create graffiti, he will call them murals, on our freeways.  There are some on the 101 freeway in L.A.  They promote racism.  While you work hard to feed your family, the rich, privileged, arrogant Newsom is going to spend $1.5 BILLION of your money to promote hate.  To create the hate he is going to cause eye pollution on the freeway.  He is causing eye trash.

Newsom channels some Californians’ frustrations about freeway trash, pitches $1.5 billion cleanup,” by the OC Register’s Elizabeth Chou: “His plan also includes public arts beautification projects, and is expected to yield an estimated 15,000 or more jobs for people experiencing homelessness, at-risk youth, formerly incarcerated people and veterans.”

  •  Biden/Harris to push banks to issue credit cards to illegal aliens—folks with NO credit scores.  This means banks will have larger losses and honest people will pay more for use of credit cards.  This is a TAX on the Am erican people and an attack on our credit system.

BANKS LOOK TO ISSUE CREDIT CARDS TO PEOPLE WITH NO CREDIT SCORES — WSJ’s Peter Rudegeair and AnnaMaria Andriotis: “Some of the largest U.S. banks plan to start sharing data on customers’ deposit accounts as part of a government-backed initiative to extend credit to people who have traditionally lacked opportunities to borrow.”

  •  Ready to risk your hearing, getting a stroke or getting the virus?  The effects of the vaccine can be deadly.  Now we have a whacko Leftist losing their hearing in one ear, four hours after taking the second vaccine shot.  Do you sign a “no liability waiver before you took your shot?

Trump-Hating Garbage ‘Comedian’ Chelsea Handler Says She Feels Sick and Went ‘Deaf in One Ear’ After Getting Second Moderna Jab (VIDEO)

  •  In the new Newsom budget, he is really working hard to buy votes.  He is using COVID relief money from Biden to “pardon” people of low income from having to pay for parking tickets—even if you owe since 2015!!!  Corruption?  You bet.
  • How effective is the experimental vaccine?  “EIGHT MEN OUT The New York Yankees confirmed eight cases of Covid this week, with shortstop Gleyber Torres being the first player sidelined by the positive result.

All eight people who tested positive were vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot vaccine. Only one player showed symptoms, while the rest were asymptomatic.


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)