Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views,6/11/21


Saturday the 19th, the Los Angeles GOP, the County Central Committee, will take the NEXT step in closing down.  So far they have stopped running candidates in many legislative races, have no voter registration effort.  If you are a Republican voter in L.A. County (or elsewhere) you are not allowed to attend its meetings.  Only one person can give permission—and it is not the elected Chair.

On Saturday June 19 they will vote to change the bylaws, to end the State Senate and Congressional Caucus—so they won’t need candidates for those.  They will vote to END the Executive Committee—who needs that.  They will vote to allow the Chair, who lives in Calabasas near the Kardashians,  to decide who fills vacancies in Assembly District committees in Lancaster, Diamond Bar—instead of having the local Committee fill the vacancy.

Along with no treasurers report at meeting (we have money in our bank account” is not a treasurer’s report).  But folks can go to the FPPC website and see the financially reports made to the State.  They still have no voter registration program—but at least numerous other groups and local committees are already finding candidates for 2022.

Yesterday I spoke in Torrance at the Doubletree Hotel in Torrance for the South Bay Women’s Federated.  We had more than 60 people present at round tables.  The room could hold about 150 people auditorium style—no masks no social distancing.  Yet the LAGOP is going to continue to have their meetings, like the one on Saturday via ZOOM—makes it easier to take off people not allowed by their standards to attend, the Chair will miss seeing hands trying to speak or ask questions.

Oh, the quorum for LAGOP is 55—they could easily hold the meeting in Torrance (and I bet lots of other places around the County) face to face if they wanted.  These are the steps taken to demoralize activists, make them feel unwanted and unneeded.  Saturday is the next step to ending what was one of the great County Committees of all


  1.  There are still some County Central Committee that are not meeting and have no plans to meet.  Some committees had organizational meetings, but did not invite all the voting delegates to the meeting.  I hope and expect all of this to be straightened out by the end of Summer. 
  2.  Many are still concerned about the fraud and corruption of the 2020 election.  Some have put together a petition to send to the Supreme Court.  So far the courts have ruled on technical grounds, not on the facts of the corruption. i.e. in California 440,000 ballots were sent to dead people and folks that moved out of State.

Many American’s were very disappointed when most of the Supreme Court Justices voted not to review cases on the November 3, 2020 voter fraud.

This is the purpose that my friends and I agreed to write this letter. We would like to support Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, and Legislator’s efforts to request the court to hear their cases on the November 3, 2020 General election.

Please ask me to send you the petition and if you agree with this would you please forward our letter to help get signatures from your contacts,

and please post on social media. Thank you!

I am asking everyone to mail the letter certified when they send it to the Supreme Court. We want confirmation that the court received our letters.

          To Guard Virtue and Freedom, let us follow the wisdom of our Founding  Father and President, Thomas Jefferson:

” We in America do not have government by the majority — we have government by the majority who PARTICIPATE…. All tyranny needs to gain a    foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” Thomas Jefferson

Help Defend Our Constitution Republic and Voter Integrity!

  •  Thought you should know, since your doctor and the government won’t tell you:

Nearly 800 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination in US

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber Original Article

Posted by earlybird — 6/10/2021 5:18:31 PM Post Reply

Federal authorities have received over 800 reports of heart inflammation in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine, a health official said Thursday. The reports of myocarditis or pericarditis were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a passive reporting system run jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration, through May 31. The bulk of the reports described heart inflammation appearing after the second of two doses of either the Pfizer of Moderna vaccines, both of which utilize messenger RNA technology.

  •  By opening our borders this is what Biden and Harris have done to women—mass rapes:

Doctors Without Borders details rape, murder of migrants heading toward U.S.

Washington Times, by Stephen Dinan Original Article

Posted by Ribicon — 6/10/2021 4:48:58 PM Post Reply

A U.S. congressman’s shocking account last week of migrant abuse in Panama, including incidences of babies being washed downriver, is being echoed in a new report from Doctors Without Borders, which says staffers in the region are seeing a stunning number of sexual assaults of migrant women. The humanitarian group said it sent medics to Bajo Chiquito, the village migrants arrive at after crossing the treacherous wilderness jungle of the Darien Gap, which lies on the border between Panama and Colombia. Migrants coming north from South America have to either boat around the jungle or cross it—the cheaper, but far more dangerous option.

  •  More proof Biden is NOT on our side.  This is disgusting.  To “honor” 9/11” he is releasing terrorists from Gitmo.

Biden to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of 9/11 by Freeing Gitmo Terrorists

FrontPageMag, by Daniel Greenfield Original Article

Posted by OhioNick — 6/10/2021 3:19:24 PM Post Reply

Biden is restarting every terrible Obama project. And he’s trying to finish those that Obama couldn’t. Obama’s big dream was freeing all the terrorists and closing Gitmo. One of his first executive orders addressed Gitmo’s terrorists. He forced out Secretary of Defense Hagel over it, and terrorized Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to such an extent that at one point Obama actually asked a Republican Congress for the power to override him on this. The Osama mission wasn’t about killing the terrorist leader, but detaining him for a civilian trial so he could justify dismantling Gitmo and the military court system.


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)