Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views,6/16/21



Cal Access reports the following donations to the Anti-Recall Newsom effort by the California Democrat Party

Cash:  $750,000

Non Monetary (in kind)   $563, 925

From the California Republican Party:

$125,000 donation to Rescue California

$60,000 in non monetary contribution (in-kind)

They also spent $65,000 on polling, digital ads, “infrastructure” and opening a single office in Little Saigon (Orange County), which may actually be an office of the RNC or NRCC for the congressional races. (the $65,000 came from money raised via the Internet for the Recall).

But the $185,000 actually came from the Republican National Committee, not money raised by the CRP.

The California Republican Party has been raising money from the Internet to “remove” Newsom.  Yet the Board of Directors has not approved a budget item for the Recall, no separate account has been set up to collect and spend money on the Recall.  For $25 the CRP will make you a “Founding Member” to Recall Newsom (actually it has already qualified and thousands of people worked to make that happen.

The question now being asked “where did the money go to Recall Newsom sent by donors to the CRP”.  Answer:  It goes to the General Fund to pay salaries and overhead—including the quarter of a million dollars a year to Chair Patterson. And after a year of fund raising, $65,000 actually raised by the Party, went to the Recall.


  1.  How did the public see Arnold Schwarzenegger by the end of his term as Governor?  This is the man who started the process of closing down the California Republican Party by turning away supporting, belittling it and using policies only a Democrat could love.  That is why we are at 24% registration today—who wants to be part of a Party that still looks to Arnold—who endorsed Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020, as a leader?

From Politico, 6/4/21:

HASTA LA VISTA RECALL? — “Another Arnold in this California recall? Would it even matter?” by Garry South, senior political advisor to former Gov. Gray Davis, in the Hill: “By the time his seven-year governorship came to an end, Schwarzenegger was widely viewed by Californians as a bullying, blustering, bragging buffoon, a caricature of his Terminator persona, with his job approval ratings in the 20s.”

  •  When Elon Musk decided to build a $5 billion battery factory in Nevada, California lost well paying jobs and tax revenues.  Now thanks to Musk being in Nevada, another firm is building a factory in Sparks—near the Musk operation.  Thanks to Newsom and the Democrats great jobs and tax revenues are going to Nevada.  They win, we lose.  From Tech Crunch:

Battery recycling startup Redwood Materials, which was founded by former Tesla CTO JB Straubel, has purchased 100 acres of land near the Gigafactory that Panasonic operates with Tesla in Sparks, Nevada. The company is trying to create a circular supply chain by collecting the scrap from consumer electronics companies and battery cell manufacturers, processing these discarded goods by extracting materials like cobalt, nickel and lithium that are typically mined, and then supplying those back to Panasonic and other customers

  •  He forgets he was “dating’ a Chinese Communist SPY.  His security clearance needs to be taken and maybe an indictment.

From California Playbook:  “QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I hope Trump supporters who fear Big Brother see that Donald Trump was the biggest brother we’ve ever seen in our country.” Rep. Eric Swalwell, to CNN on revelations the Trump administration subpoenaed his phone data from Apple.

  • Adam Schiff forgets he used phony dossiers, created in part by the Russians, to smear President Trump..  How close was he to the Russians?  His hoax caused an Impeachment, trial and waste of national assets.  Maybe he should be investigated for his relationship with the Russians?  From California Playbook:

ICYMI — Adam Schiff calls for investigation after report of his phone records being seized by Trump DOJ by POLITICO’s Myah Ward: Rep. Eric Swalwell of California confirmed on Thursday that he was the second committee Democrat whose records were seized, telling CNN that he was notified by Apple.


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)