Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 8/10/22

ACTIVITY VS. PRODUCTIVITY! California Republican Fails Again
My good friend Dean Kunicki always reminds me that there is a difference between activity and productivity. Just because you are “active” does not mean you are “productive.
The California Republican Party is a great example of that, along with showing incompetence and disinterest in getting the job done. Many of you have been inundated with emails from Chair Jessica Patterson begging you to get candidates to run for school board. That is a great project, it needs to be done. Along with getting candidates, she says we have to help elect them, then asks for money to do this great project.
How well is it working?
Last week there was a ZOOM call for school board candidates from Monterey, to Sacramento along the coast and inland to the Oregon border. Millions of people and hundreds of school board districts. How many were on this call?
13. No that is not a typo, a total of 13 people were on the call. That included FIVE staff people and two Board members. Yes, from that whole region! That is the good news. It was advertised as a training and learning session. Instead it was a promotion of California Trailblazers, the organization started by Charles Munger and Jessica Patterson to weed out conservatives running for office—and to defeat them.
According to Shawn Steel there are over 1,000 school districts in the State. He says this campaign by the CRP has been going on for six months. We know due to the ZOOM call there are at least FIVE staff people involved. So, how many people have signed up in a State of 40 million? According to Shawn Steel—350. That is all. How much money has been given school board candidates? ZERO. How much is budgeted by the Board of Directors for this? ZERO. In other words this is another effort to finance staff—period.
Oh, a whistleblower staffer called me last night and read me the names of the 350 people. Of that I recognized more than 90% as CRP, CRA or Women’s Fed members. What does that mean?
It means the staff people have not reached out to the hundreds of thousands on social media that are members of group wanting school choice, end CRT in the classroom, end the mask/vaccine mandates, not promoted this among the churches or those who want to end the use of schools as audition centers for a “Hugh Heffner School of Sex.”
Except for raising money for staff and promoting the anti-conservative Trailblazers, this has been a failure. Except, it was never expected to succeed—just make money.
We have seen this before with raising money for “headquarters”, for “field Representatives” and other targeted efforts—where the money was NOT spent on the project promised the donors.
As for me, I give money directly to candidates, work to get folks to run for office and to promote our Platform ideals and principles. Still waiting for the CRP to celebrate our pro-life Platform being vindicated by the Supreme Court.
- Did anyone expect the L.A. Registrar of Voters to be honest about signature verification? He still has not removed dead people from the voting rolls.
Gascón recall committee says county may not be following law in verifying signatures — Election officials dispute claim by recall committee, saying petition signatures are being verified fairly and accurately. Scott Schwebke in the Orange County Register — 8/9/22
- President Newsom and the Sacramento Democrats claim to be for the working person. But evidence shows they are working hard to stop unemployment checks going to the unemployed—maybe they are trying to get these folks to move out of State?
California unemployment checks: New report explores why they’re often so hard to get — The state agency that handles unemployment benefits pursued lowering costs and hindering fraud over making it easy for workers to access benefits, a new report found. Grace Gedye CalMatters David Lightman in the Sacramento Bee$ Adam Beam Associated Press — 8/9/22
- Why does it take a vote to clean up a community—that is the responsibility of government. Instead, they are conflicted—should they allow the homeless to take over public property and forced families to go elsewhere for recreation—for the safety of the children?
Sacramento County to vote on clearing homeless camps from American River Parkway — Sacramento County this week could move toward clearing hundreds of homeless people living in encampments along the entire American River Parkway, stepping up enforcement in a public space but potentially displacing vulnerable people without first providing more options for shelter. Theresa Clift and Amelia Davidson in the Sacramento Bee$ — 8/9/22
- Maybe if LAUSD stopped using the classroom to create sexual students starting at kindergarten or stopped using the classroom to promote racial bigotry and hate, ala KKK, maybe parents would allow their children to attend the academically failed LAUSD. Still, sending your child to LAUSD schools is a priori evidence of child abuse.
LAUSD chief promises expanded early education, more bus seats and other ‘swift’ changes — Los Angeles Supt. Alberto Carvalho, in his first back-to-school address, pledged Monday to bring rapid progress to the nation’s second-largest school district, which has long struggled to make modest, consistent gains. Howard Blume in the Los Angeles Times$ — 8/9/22
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)