Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views,712/21
You will see many more announcing they are running for Governor in the Recall. I urge each of you to select your favorite, conservative candidate and work hard for them
That said, it is worthless to work hard for Joe Smith for Governor if the Recall does not pass. Passing the Recall is JOB ONE. There are several real efforts going on to contact voters to promote the Recall. If you are interested in helping, contact me and I will put you in touch with them.
Pass the Recall and we get a Republican Governor. Fail in the Recall and we keep Newsom.
As for candidates for Governor, ask this: What did you do for the Recall effort? Some gave money, nice. But did they get their supporters to distribute petitions, did they tour the State speaking about the Recall. I have been involved in too many campaigns, where the voters and the grassroots people changed the political climate and made it happen.
Then when it is time to have an election the super rich, the celebrities with nice smiles tell us thank you, now get lost, they will take it from here. They sat on the sidelines while we did the work, now they want to hold our banner. These rich people and celebrities, some of whom with hours before filing closes will declare themselves “The Peoples Candidate” have NO idea as to the commissions and boards the Governor serves on? Jenner told a reported that he did not know what was in the budget—he had a copy but did not read it.
What can they tell us about SB 9 and SB 10—without asking an aide about those bills? Can they explain the 99 freeway problem in Madera County or the effect of closing the nuclear power plant in Morro Bay on the economy of the region?
I want a Governor that can act on Day One—without being led by the nose by staff. We did that with the celebrity Arnold, and look what that got us!
I want someone that KNOWS California politics and policy, personally—not someone that has to be schooled upon taking office. How about you? Want someone who is rich, a celebrity or someone that has been involved during the Recall effort, not just taking advantage of it.

For months now, the California Republican Party has been raising what little money they could, using the coming Gubernatorial Recall as the need. But a funny thing happened on the way to the bank. It did not go to a special account. Instead, it was deposited into the Party’s General Fund.
Why? Because the General Fund can be spent on salary and overhead, particularly the Chairwoman’s quarter-of-a-million-dollar salary and the “feather bedding” fees of her Eminence Grise.
The ruse continued this past week when the California Republican Party announced, to great fanfare, hiring “field staff” for the “Recall”. They are expected to be trained and ready to go by the end of the month.
Once August 7 rolls around, Chairwoman Jessica Patterson will deliver the California Republican Party official endorsement to the really tall, but politically damaged Kevin Faulconer, candidate for Governor. It will take a political coup but when it is finished, the “Recall” staff will legally become Faulconer operatives. A “grateful” Faulconer will have his “really big” donors flood the California Republican Party with contributions. There won’t be many but enough to make it look like the California Republican Party is flush with money.
Why make a backroom deal to mortgage the future of the California Republican Party to the far-left, scandal-marred Faulconer? Can you say, scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours?
This sort of venal, double-dealing constantly undermines the Republican cause, our candidates and the Party reputation. Sadly, it will bite everyone else but the backroom dealers in the butt.
Shenanigans like this sap the energy and enthusiasm to vote from supporters of other Republican recall replacement candidates. These voters are needed to answer the first question on the recall ballot “yes” if we are even to get to the second question. This bone-head maneuver will insure they do not come out to vote!
If this “Jam Down” succeeds, the California Republican Party will have endorsed a candidate being investigated for corruption. Faulconer, as Mayor, steered the city of San Diego to purchase an environmental waste dump of a building from his biggest donor (look it up 101 Ash Street, San Diego). But that’s not all. “Jam Down” Faulconer supports open borders, never met a tax he wouldn’t raise and failed to back the Blue.
Are these values that Republican voters support? No! “Jam Down” Faulconer is a donkey in elephant clothes, albeit a tall donkey.
And, if you don’t think Governor Newsom is gonna have a hey day with “Jam Down’s” corruption and flood the airwaves with this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Newsom will be unable to contain his glee. He will use the “Jam Down” endorsement as prima facie evidence that what he said was “true”. The recall IS a “Republican” effort to get what Republicans can’t get in a regular election. When he’s done, voters will blame Republicans for “stiffing” California taxpayers with the $250 million cost of a “partisan election”.
The late Bob Novak once said, “God put the Republican Party on earth to cut taxes. If they don’t do that, they have no useful function”. Kevin Faulconer has already proved he is the polar opposite.
If this “Jam Down” endorsement is successful, it will destroy what is left of the Republican brand and the Republican Party in California. It will finally reveal that the Republican Party stands for nothing other than the interests of its leaders and their paydays.
This scurrilous use of California Republican Party assets and resources will further alienate rank and file Republicans and right-leaning voters. GOP Party registration will exceed the 1.5 million that left the last time the Party sold out to the Terminator—another donkey in elephant clothes. And Republicans that don’t leave the party will go on vacation.
But those lining their pockets will be smiling—they will have killed the Recall, disgraced the Republican Party, obliterated the Brand and still managed a payday.
Nice work if you can get it.
1. From California Playbook—looks like the Sheriff is a straight shooter, while the politicians are scheming to make money for their friends as Los Angeles spirals deeper into Third World status.
@LACoSheriff Alex Villanueva continues to escalate a homelessness standoff with LA lawmakers: “Over the last 10 years, both the city and county of LA have spent in excess of $6.5B on homeless programs, only to see the unhoused population grow from 39K to +80K. It’s time to end the deception and the failed policies that only lead to more death and destruction of our beloved communities”
2. The San Mateo County Republican Central Committee holds its meeting the second Thursday of the month—and welcomes all Republican to observe and participate. The Los Angeles County GOP does not allow Republicans to attend, except with the approval of one person. It is a secret society, in an effort to close down the Party in that County. If you want a vibrant GOP, which model do you think is best?
3. Think San Fran and Oakland have turned into a war zone—they have. Now we have another war zone—Los Angeles. California under Newsom and the Democrats is not a safe place for families or businesses. From California Playbook:
LOS ANGELES VIOLENCE: In the LAT, Sonja Sharp reports on the violence in Los Angeles over the weekend.
Police could not immediately say if this holiday weekend was bloodier than past ones. But killings in L.A. have continued to surge in recent months, following a 31% increase across California in 2020. According to Los Angeles Police Department data collected through June 26, local shootings were up more than 50% from the same period last year, and homicides were up by about 25%. Though far below its peak in the 1990s, the violence is worse than it has been in years, many in the community say.
4. Here is a headline that does not make sense. We are the most woke State in the nation—every word is considered by some to be a hate crime—except the actions fo the Democrats and Progressives. In 2020 Newsom and the Democrats supported the Jim Crow law of the 21st century—Prop. 16, which would have created quota’s for Asians going to government colleges and universities in California. This is no different that the Jewish quotas at Yale—and the Asian quotas at Harvard, racist to its core. So why be surprised—Democrats have given you permission to hate Asians.
California Hate Crimes Hit Highest Level in Over a Decade
Overall, hate crimes in California are at their highest levels since 2008.
5. The real unemployment figure for California is not the 7.9% touted by the grinning, oblivious Gavin Newsom. The real number is that if the u_6, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that analyzes all the unemployment. The true number for California is 18.9%, almost one in five Californians are unemployed! That is 4% higher than ANY other State!!
From CalMatters, 7/8/21 by Emily Hoeven:
But if you’re the latter, the report is cause for concern: Despite record job growth, California’s labor force only grew by 12,400 workers — meaning thousands of open jobs are going unfilled. The Golden State has only regained 51.8% of jobs lost since the onset of the pandemic, far below the national rate of 66%. And the small business economy is “decimated,” with openings down 40.8%, according to Bernick.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)