Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views,7/19/21

Will the California Republican Party turn County GOP central committees into Faulconer for Governor headquarters?
July 16 was the deadline for political Parties to notify the Secretary of State who they endorsed for Governor, in order for that information to be in the Voters Guide. So why violate the CRP by-laws to change them? Why hold an endorsing convention just days before ballots are sent out?
CRP Political Director Krista Pittman may have given us the answer. She has been explaining that if the CRP endorses a candidate on August 7, then the full resources and assets of the Party will be given to that candidate.
In the course of explaining what that means, she has said that on August 8 ALL County GOP Committees will be promoting a YES vote on the Recall and a vote for the endorsed candidate. At the same time, they have been working closely with the Faulconer campaign to make the endorsement happen.
If a Committee refuses to promote Faulconer, then the CRP will shut off its access to Sidekick, the free campaign data bank/server. Instead, they will be charged for using it, with the price set not in negotiations but by the CRP. The good news is that if that happens, the Committees can go for FREE to Rescue California to use their data/server system to promote the Recall.
Pittman has gone on to say that all of my exposes of the CRP are “Fake News” Yet they have not denied a single expose I have made. For instance:
a. For months I have said the CRP gave the major donor list to Faulconer, back in August or September of last year.
b. I wrote that the Party does not have a separate Recall account, rather, all the money donated for the Recall goes to salaries and over head.
c. I documented the two previous attempts to change the by-laws by making either the Chair or the Executive Committee the endorsing body of the CRP -eliminating 1400 delegates from that decision. (Similar to the current scheme to re-write the bylaws)
d. I wrote that the General Counsel of the CRP, Ashlee Titus said the California 2020 election had no fraud or corruption.
Never has there been a word from the CRP denying these and the other issues I have exposed.
What happens if the CRP/Pittman follow through and cut off the County Committees that do not want to be used as Faulconer operatives? It will further divide the GOP. It will harm the Recall, it will suppress the vote. Delegates to the CRP and County Committee members might just leave the Party for acting like the Democrat Party. Perhaps this is what they want, alienate everyone they don’t control.
The reason given for the “endorsement” is that we need to unite behind one candidate,, otherwise a Democrat will win part 2 of the ballot. Now that no significant Democrat is running, that is no longer possible. There is no need to continue to divide the Party, violate by-laws, and distract volunteers from JOB ONE— Recalling Newsom. It is time to cancel both the Executive Committee meeting and the convention—the time can be better used to promote the Recall.
(If what I wrote about the intentions of the CRP to turn County Committees into Faulconer campaign headquarters via the use or cutting off of the Party servers to them is unfair conclusion based on the evidence we all have, I would be happy to write a retraction. Otherwise it will be added to the long list of manipulations by the Chair to help one candidate))
- Begging CRP Chair Patterson to unite Republican Party instead of harming the Recall. Here is an interesting YouTube from Mike Cargile, a GOP congressional candidate in 2020 UNENDORSED by the California Republican Party Board of Directors, without a hearing or notice—yet still wants the Party united for the Recall.
- Coke has decided one of its brands tastes “too white”—could that be why Coca-Cola is rebranding Coca-Cola Zero Sugar and switching up the taste. Did it not learn from the New Coke debacle? Will we see Wonder Bread close down its white bread factories—obviously a symbol of white supremacy. Think this is funny—these things are really happening in the Cancel Culture.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)