Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 10/7/21    



Mark Meuser just said the CRP “hasn’t got anything on”. Is anybody at the CRP listening? Or should CRP leadership in building and operating a ground game be just like Harmeet Dillion’s approach to vote fraud—it’s something we don’t talk about so the Democrats will let us sit at the “cool kids” table. 

Mark is tired of losing. How about you?”

The Emperor Has No Clothes!

In the great city where he lived, life was always gay. Every day many strangers came to town, and among them one day came two swindlers. They let it be known they were weavers, and they said they could weave the most magnificent fabrics imaginable. Not only were their colors and patterns uncommonly fine, but clothes made of this cloth had a wonderful way of becoming invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office, or who was unusually stupid.

“Those would be just the clothes for me,” thought the Emperor.

So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, “Oh, how fine are the Emperor’s new clothes! Don’t they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!” Nobody would confess that he couldn’t see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

“But he hasn’t got anything on,” a little child said.

— Hans Christian Anderson

The Chairwoman of the California Republican Party is exceedingly proud of the “infrastructure” she has built and her trailblaz[ing] training and the “road to having a speaker from California, that is also a Republican, com[ing] right through our state.” 

She thinks paying staff and consultants lots of money will put “clothes” on the elephant—will put the California GOP on the “comeback” trail—without doing the “tedious work of politics” to build an election team for 2022. That’s her mistake. The GOP establishment thinks that this “leadership” is worth a quarter-of-a-million dollars a year. That’s their mistake.  Our mistake is allowing the GOP establishment to continue this failed effort that guarantees defeat in EVERY election and blame conservative policies and issues—not their arrogance—for the losses.

Mark Meuser is taking on Alex Padilla for the U.S. Senate in 2022.  On Tuesday he sent out a letter begging for donations to fund a ground game for his campaign:

It’s become clear to me that we need to get back to basics and build a robust ground game. We need to spend the next year talking to our neighbors, building coalitions, educating new voters, and reenergizing Republicans. 

We have to take this time to reactivate our base …. To do that, we need to make sure we have the financial resources to rebuild the ground game infrastructure.” (emphasis mine)

While candidates must and do provide their own volunteers and ground game to the “pursuable”, it is the responsibility of the California Republican Party to build a “permanent” ground game to identify and turn out the Republican vote, some of which is registered as not political party and ethnically Hispanic.  Over a million Republicans didn’t vote in the gubernatorial recall but did vote in the 2020 Presidential election.

Of course, this takes vision and leadership from the State Republican Party Chair to empower the County Committees to do the actual work.  But, the State Party, according to CRP Secretary Randy Bergholtz does not have the money to sue county registrars to keep dead people, illegal aliens and those who live out of State from receiving live ballots.  But we do have money for a quarter-of-a-million salary for the Chair and plenty of money to pay staff and consultants. 

Obviously, it’s a matter of priorities. Those of the California Republican Party are all backwards.

It is not the role of a candidate to register voters.  While the CRP pays the Chair quarter-of-a-million dollars a year, the budgeted amount for bounty and voter registration—for the entire State, is $50,000.  That’s not even enough to fund one in Los Angeles County, the home of the most Republicans in the State. Even worse, almost nobody knows this program exists, which is chaired by CRP Vice Chair Peter Kuo, who doesn’t even live in Southern California where over half the population lives in just five (5) southern counties.

The good news is volunteers and activists are putting together precinct operations, voter registration drives and support teams for candidates.  Some of this is percolating inside the CRA, and some inside Women’s Federated. Many are trying to work with county committees, who seem uninterested in the project.  None are working with the CRP—not because they don’t want to—but the CRP doesn’t even know they are missing the ground game.

Mark Meuser just said the CRP “hasn’t got anything on”. Is anybody at the CRP listening? Or should CRP leadership in building and operating a ground game be just like Harmeet Dillion’s approach to vote fraud—it’s something we don’t talk about so the Democrats will let us sit at the “cool kids” table. 

Mark is tired of losing. How about you?


 REPUBLICANS: RNC Expands Hispanic Voter Outreach Efforts in Texas

The RNC is opening “a Hispanic Community Center on Tuesday in” McAllen, TX, “a U.S.-Mexican border city, part of its Latino engagement effort for next year’s midterm elections.”

  1. This is the fourth center targeting Hispanic voters to open in the past few months, with three other centers in Laredo, TX, Doral, FL, and Milwaukee, and one planned to open in San Antonio. (NBC News).  The RNC opened an Asian Community Center in Orange County.  Why not open an Hispanic Center in several parts of our Stat?  Hispanics voted about 40% for the Recall of Newsom—w have an opening, we should use it.
  •  This is what happens when you fire qualified nurses and doctors for NON professional reasons—you need the National Guard to keep your hospitals open.  How long will it tak for these folks to decide NOT to re-enlist?  How many will di because of Gavin Newsom?

California deploys national guard to hospitals overwhelmed by Covid,” by the Guardian’s Maanvi Singh: “Although California has the lowest coronavirus case rate in the country, its agricultural heartland in the Central Valley and its sparse, rural north have case rates that are three or four times higher. National guard medical teams have been deployed to several hospitals in the valley’s Bakersfield and Kern counties, and to two hospitals in Shasta county in the far north.”

  •  This is one change Newsom will not allow—meaning you will need $2-5 million to qualify a ballot measure:  From California Playbook.

PAY-BY-SIGNATURE: California ballot initiative campaigns can continue paying by the signature as Newsom vetoed a proposed ban on the practice on Tuesday. Under CA SB660 (21R), petition-circulating firms would need to pay signature-gatherers hourly or salaried rates instead of compensating them based on how many signatures they can collect. But Newsom rejected the idea, saying it would benefit powerful interest groups.

  •  CRT, harmful masks, jabs that could harm young people, bigotry taught in our schools along side of sexual positions and the use of oral sex as a way to prevent pregnancy—yes, the parents who want education are now called “terrorists” by the demented President of the U.S and the Attorney General.  What are parents to do?

There is a movement to boycott government schools on October 15—if you keep your child home on that day, it will be one day less of hatemongering, harmful masks and a day less of the Hugh Hefner School of sex.  Pass this message to those with children—stay home on October 15.

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)