Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 5/27/22
The California Political Review has been consistent in denouncing the anti-Semitism of the Democrat Party—Sanders, Warren, AOL, Cory Booker and more. The AOL squad appears not to want to say the word Jew without spitting. They hate Israel and love the terrorists. Gavin Newsom would rather buy oil from the Middle East than allow Californians drill for oil and provide well paying jobs to honest Americans.
So when a Republican, well known in his County spouts outrageous hateful statements about Jews, they also need to be taken to task, censured and yes, shunned,
Mission Viejo Councilman Greg Raths on May 20 gave a speech to an Islamic group in his campaign to defeat Congresswoman Young Kim (both are Republicans). Here is the headline from the Washington Free Beacon of 5/26/22:

California Republican Goes Full Ilhan Omar in Anti-Semitic Rant
Primary challenger Greg Raths says the ‘Jewish community’ uses ‘money’ to ‘control a lot of’ politicians
“(Raths) also called to “rein in” U.S. foreign aid to Israel, a position he said he is able to support because he hasn’t taken “one dime” from Jewish sources.”
“”The Jewish community is very well organized in the United States and they control a lot of politicians. That’s why the foreign aid is so large going to Israel. … The Jewish community has never given me one dime, so I’m not beholden to them at all.”
“His decision to appear at the candidate forum is a curious one for a Republican congressional hopeful. The Orange County Islamic Foundation’s leader, Sheikh Tarik Ata, has called Israel a “Nazi-like, apartheid, racist, aggressive, tyrannical, vicious, child-killing Zionist entity.”
I agree with the headline below. Even decent person, Republican or Democrat needs to denounce these outrageous views of Greg Raths—will you? If so, put your views in the comments section.
“Republican Congressional Candidate Sounds Like Anti-Semitic Democrat… GOP NeedsTo Denounce Him [Video] The Blue State Conservative, by Jess Lawson Original Article
One advantage the Republican Party has had over Democrats for several years now is moral credibility. When Harvard University and other Ivy League schools confessed to discriminating against applicants based on race and skin color, specifically against white and Asian students, Democrats had no problem with the practice, including President Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Republicans have been understandably vocal in denouncing the policies. Similarly, when racial bigotry rears its ugly head from Republicans, action is taken. When former Republican Iowa Congressman Steve King made “white supremacist” comments, he was rebuked by a vote of 416-1 in the House of Representatives,
- I work with lots of candidates for local office—school board, city council, superior, Judge and more. One of the real problems is that many of these folks are first time candidates, do not understand the requirements of the FPPC and usually
use a cousin as Treasurer. Do not do that—get someone who knows how to file an FPPC report. Here are two candidates for Supervisor in Ventura County that should know better. Both are current office holders—one, Janice Parvin is the long time Mayor of Moorpark. She is under FPPC investigation—she did not report a loan to the campaign from herself for $30,000
Page 20 of the Parvin Form 460 period ending April 23 shows a $30,000 loan to herself that should have been reported with 24 hours of depositing it.
24 hour reporting for contribution received greater than $1,000 for all candidate controlled committees in CA
Then you have Ed Abele, also running for Supervisor in Ventura County, a former ADA, former candidate for judge and current elected Board member of the Simi Valley Park and Rec Trustees. In the Fall of 2021 at a private meeting of community leaders and activists Abele announced he would loan his campaign $100,000. Yet, on January 3, 2022 when he filed for Board of Supervisors he checked the box that said he would not spend or raise more than $2,000 for his campaign. But on April 23, 2022 he reported the $30,000 loan from himself. and over $11,000 in regular donations. He is now being investigated by the FPPC.
The lesson is clear—when you receive a donation of over $1,000 you report it within 24 hours. When you start a campaign when you have already publicly stated you were going to loan yourself $100,000, don’t file your original statement with the FPPC claiming you will not raise or spend over $2,000.
Now both Parvin and Abele are under FPPC investigation.
- This is the Tweet from the strategist for the NPP candidate for Governor Michael Shellenberger (why doesn’t Shellenberger talk about his opposition to Trump? Remember, he is a Democrat that re-registered as an NPP to get attention in this race.:
Viva Raffensperger. Viva The Constitution. Whither Trump, enemy of our precious Democracy.
- L.A. County Supervisor Kathryn Barger is very confused. She just endorsed the Recall of DA George Gascon, in part because he supports NO CASH BAIL—which she correctly notes is a reason for the current crime wave. Then she endorses Sen. Bob Hertzberg, a Democrat—she is a Republican—for Supervisor. Hertzberg is the author of the bill to create NO CASH BAIL as State policy. Just connecting the dots.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)