Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 6/6/22
Joe Collins is running for Congress against Ted Lieu. Joe claims to be a conservative. Here are some videos of Joe in action—claiming to be, in his words, A RINO”. Being escorted out of a public event for trying to start a fight, his willingness to use an AK-47 and more.
Oh, he has been sued by the County for San Diego for failure to pay child support for four children from three different women.
The California Republican Party has endorsed Joe for Congress. The LA GOP Central Committee has also endorsed Collins
In late April the CRP unendorsed three conservatives running for the Assembly—though the CRP never endorsed these people in the first place, nor did they want the CRP endorsement. In 2020 the CRP unendorsed five GOP nominees—thus helping the Democrats.
After watching the videos below, do you think the CRP and the LAGOP should unendorse Joe Collins?
RINO RAMPAGE! Short tempered Joe E. Collins III
RINO RAMPAGE! Short tempered Joe E. Collins III |
Major Williams, Joe Collins III & BLM Freeway Takeover
Major Williams, Joe Collins III & BLM Freeway Takeover |

- These is how you create slums—due to State lae, none of these 3600 new units have to have parking spaces.
Berkeley BART stations could see up to 3,600 units after council approves plans — After a 6½-hour meeting, the Berkeley City Council voted unanimously for seven-story buildings — which could rise to 12 stories with a state density bonus —at the North Berkeley and Ashby BART stations. Lauren Hernández, Sarah Ravani in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 6/4/22
- Important tweets:
Kevin Kiley @Kevin Kiley
Court of Appeal Justice Vance Raye has been expelled for failing to do his job. This is the judge who reversed our victory over Newsom and allowed one-man rule to go on.
2:22 PM · Jun 2, 2022·Twitter Web App
If you let government take away your rights under the guise of an “Emergency,” there will always be an emergency.
- Here is a picture of the Republican running against Maxine Waters. It is Omar Navarro, pictured here with his good friend (and political mentor) AOC. That is how crazy the GOP has become, thanks to lack of State leadership. We have a candidate against Congressman Ted Lieu, who marched with the BLM and willing to use a AK-47 in the streets—Joe Collins, who also had to be escorted out of the Nixon Library for trying to start a fight. Since the CRP “unendorsed” three conservatives that they never endorsed (nor asked for an endorsement), shouldn’t they now unendorsed Omar Navarro?
- Tip for the Tuesday election. By Thursday or Friday we will have a handle on how many votes were cast for each race. Look at the results, race by race. Then add up the GOP candidates votes vs. the Democrat candidates votes. If the GOP votes are significantly higher than the cumulative Democrat vote for that race, the GOP has a real chance in November. In November expect a higher than June Democrat turnout.
- [Over 50 years ago,] Malcolm Muggeridge opined that modern man is abolishing himself through education.
His famous quote so eloquently and accurately albeit unknowingly predicted why America’s prospects in 2022 look so tenuous:
“So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense.”
- The Chair of the California Republican Party, Jessica Patterson,–she is joining the Cahir of the California Democrat Party in this belief– is satisfied that there is no election fraud. No wonder we continue to lose—in part due to election fraud and corruption (corruption by the Secretaty of State and numerous Registrars of Voters. Here is an example.
Tomi Lahren @tomilehren
Just received my California voting code and mail-in ballot information…only problem is I haven’t lived in California in over 2 years and have been registered in Tennessee for over 2 years but it’s all good, fraud is a myth
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)