Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 8/12/22 .
Democrats are to defeat Republicans. Republicans are to defeat Democrats.
On Saturday, by a 12-3 vote, the California Republican Party Board of Directors voted to end due process as a guiding principle of Republicans in California. Instead they voted to act like CNN, Biden, Schiff and Schumer. Do not tell Republicans the charge and allow for time to create a defense. Instead of giving GOP nominees the charges BEFORE the hearing, Chair Patterson did not allow the candidates to be unendorsed to know what they were being charged with UNTIL the hearing. Just a few weeks ago the same Board, in the same manner, unendorsed three GOP nominees for Assembly. In total now, there are six races the Democrats do not have to worry about—add that to the 22% of the legislative races the Republicans do not have a candidate on the November ballot—and the Democrats are doing great, thanks to the “leadership” of the Republican Party. Think the Democrats will thank the CRP Board for their help?
But CRP staff is helping an eight time Obama donor/member of Republicans for Harris in 2016. raise money for an Assembly race—and did not attempt to unendorse a congressional candidate sued by the County of San Diego for being a deadbeat DAD, four kids with three different women.
California Republican Party Chair Jessica Patterson has been working hard. She has been working hard, getting $250,000 a year of other peoples money for herself. Her record is consistent with someone trying to close down the Party in California
- She has refused to register voters
- She refused to get candidates for every office
- She refused to allow conservatives on CRP Committees, except for a token here or there.
- In 2020 she told the L.A. Times that she is telling GOP candidates not to mention President Trump, head of the Republican Party.
- Did not allow a Fall convention to promote our Statewide candidates, like State Senator Dahle, Jack Guerro or Robert Howell.
- In 2020 she forced the Board to unendorsed several GOP NOMINEES—then sent out press releases smearing them—while continuing the endorsement of a congressional candidate who was being sued by the County of San Diego for being a deadbeat Dad—not paying for four children!
- A few weeks ago, without telling them the reason prior to a hearing—so they were unprepared to defend themselves—she got the Board of Directors to unendorse three GOP nominees for Assembly.
- Now the grossest action she has ever taken: A few days ago she sent out a notice to CRP delegates that the Board in five days, August 13, will vote to unendorse five GOP nominees—for a total—so far—of eight! But she is allowing delegates to make comments-by Aug.11
What do you think happens to activists who see this? Could this be the reason so many have left the Party?
The only way a nominee can get CRP money is if they are endorsed by the Party.
In the 71st Assembly district (Riverside/Orange County) the November election will see a race between kate Sanchez—endorsed by the Orange County GOP Central Committee—and who received more than 50% of the vote from the Riverside Central Central.
She is running against Matt Rahn—an eight time Obama for President donor. A member in 2016 of “Republicans for Harris for Senate””. He is a registered Republican.
Based on the by-laws and the fact CRP staff is NOT suppose to raise money for non endorsed candidates, you would think Chair Patterson would obey the RULES. Instead a few week ago she announced that CRP Staff had bundled $400,000 for seven candidates—including Matt Rahn. Then on August 10, she sent out a FUND RAIISNG EMAIL to raise money for Matt Rahn, based on the fact she was a candidate of California Trailblazers—now owned and controlled by the California Republican Party. This is the group known for weeding out conservatives in primaries and running candidates against them. One of her earliest supports for Chair was Chad Mayes!
If she is trying to fund unendorsed candidates—why isn’t she raising money for all of our endorsed candidate FIRST? When you donate to the CRP ask where your money is going. Make sure it is by the books—not an anti-GOP political agenda. Ask members of the Board of Directors if they approve the use of staff and assets to raise money for unendorsed candidates who were Obama donors and Harris supporters?
P.S. This is the same Jessica Patterson that used her proxies—which control voting in the CRP to help Lanhee Chan, anti-pro-lfe, Nathan Hochman anti-pro-life—and both are openly anti-Trump. For years she has been trying to get the pro-life plank out of our Platform—and has REFUSED to send out a press release celebrating that the Supreme Court ended Roe v. Wade. So when she supports a candidate, unendorsed and uses staff to raise money for them—you have to question the candidate as to his views. If he claims to be pro-life, why hasn’t he stood up to her?
- For years President Newsom has opposed the building of any new dams or storage facilities. He even opposed President Trumps’ offer to expand the Shasta Dam by 100 feet, with the Feds willing to pay the full cost. Now that he is running for President he realizes his views on water will kill him with farmers and city folk across the nation. Now he wants more water.
Newsom calls for boosting water supply projects to curb California drought, climate change — Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday said California must do more to expand its water supplies by building new reservoirs, desalination plants and recycled water facilities to address worsening droughts and water shortages from climate change. Paul Rogers in the San Jose Mercury$ Ian James in the Los Angeles Times$ — 8/11/22
- Unions have destroyed government education and many California industries. Now even the L.A. Times realizes unions are old news and this is a new day.
Labor unions are hot, but their moment may not last — Experts acknowledge the newfound excitement around labor but caution that unions, which have suffered decades of declining membership, are unlikely to turn the tide. Noah Bierman, Don Lee in the Los Angeles Times$ — 8/11/22
- California is the killing fields of the world. We save the lives of murderers—but kill babies—even have a program to import women from other States, so we can kill them. Shortly you will be able to go to morning class at UCLA, get a free abortion on campus, then go to class in the afternoon. Drugs deaths are soaring in the State—and the Democrats are about to pass a bill to use government to give deadly drugs to addicts, to kill them!
Supervised drug injection sites could soon pop up in California. How will they work? — A handful of California cities and counties would operate supervised injection sites if Gov. Gavin Newsom signs the legislation. The details of how the centers operate will be largely up to local officials. Ana B. Ibarra CalMatters — 8/11/22
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to
keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my
mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the
“Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)