Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 8/24/22 .
The race for the 71st Assembly District shows what is wrong with the California Republican Party. This race pits two Republicans against each other. Kate Sanchez of Orange County and Matt Rahn of Riverside County. In the primary Rahn received 52% of the vote and Sanchez got 48% of the vote. No Democrat filed.
In the race for the Republican Party endorsement, from a Sanchez press release on Sunday 8.21.22:
“Our campaign momentum continues to grow. During the Riverside GOP Primary endorsement meeting, we received 24 votes to 21 (53.3%). Last night, we again received a majority, 28 votes to 17 (62.2%). We started with a handful of volunteers, and today we have a couple hundred.
A few weeks ago in Orange County, we crossed the 2/3rd endorsement threshold and earned the OCGOP endorsement with a vote of 41 to 5.”
The growth in the Sanchez vote in Riverside, came after three smear emails sent by Rahn. Instead of harming her in his backyard, it helped her. The smears came from Rahn, a 2016 member of “Republicans for Harris for Senate” and an eight time donor to Obama for President.
Though not endorsed and clearly not the favorite of Republicans in the OC and Riverside, the staff of the California Republican Party has been raising money for Rahn.
In fact the CRP is supporting a candidate without an endorsement, a candidate who has voted to raise taxes and support the Democrats with money and endorsements.
To me Matt Rahn looks like another Chad Mayes—someone who calls himself a conservative, but plays with the Democrats. I am told that the reason the CRP is supporting Rahn, without an endorsement is because California Trailblazers is supporting him. But the Trailblazers IS a program of the CRP—and they cannot endorse candidates. Your donations to the CRP is helping elect another Chad Mayes—just thought you should know.
- I love to play bridge. Usually during a bridge game someone asks to “review the bidding”. The purpose is to be reminded how we got to this point in the game. Let us review the bidding on the California Republican Party and how it became irrelevant and a weak Third Party in California.
- No voter registration since March, 2013. NOT DENIED BY THE CRP
- Takes money for school board candidates—but spends it on overhead and staff—NOT DENIED BY THE CRP
- Is anti-Trump (and conservatives)—see the George Skelton L.A. Times in March 2020 article where the Chair, Jessica Patterson advises GOP candidates not to mention Trump—The article speaks for itself and Patterson does not deny it.
- Refuses to applaud the Dobbs decision, though we have a pro-life Platform—THE CRP DOES NOT DENY THIS.
- Unlike many State Parties, the CRP refuses to denounce the Gestapo like Fascist raid on the home of President Trump—CRP REFUSES TO COMMENT ON THIS
- Uses the California Trailblazers to weed out conservatives running for office and uses staff to raise money for non endorsed candidates running against Republicans. CRP DOES NOT DENY THIS
- They have at least seven staff people receiving more than $150,000 a year plus benefits, and the Chair gets $250,000 a year plus benefits—THE CRP DOES NOT DENY THIS.
- The CRP is trying to undermine the real Election Integrity Project CA which is gathering information on dead voters, voters that have left the State, errors by Registrars and the Secretary of State in the balloting process and suing Counties—while the CRP has a Committee that has raised a lot of money—but NO lawsuits, no complaints filed against the dead being given ballots—and the Chair, Patterson, claims “there is no vote fraud in California. (The Nevada Secretary of State found about 7500 people who voted in their November, 2020 election ALSO voted in the November, 2020 California election—and the CRP claims there is no vote fraud) THE CRP DENIES VOTE FRAUD IN THE FACE OF THE NEVADA EXPERIENCE AND THE 440,000 DEAD PEOPLE AND FOLKS THAT HAVE MOVED OUT OF STATE THAT CONTINUE TO RECEIVE BALLOTS—THE CRP CONTINUES TO DENY ANYTHING IS WRONG BUT WANTS YOUR MONEY FOR A NON ACTIVE PROGRAM.
I could add more, but even the electrons are embarrassed by this record of non action by the California Republican Party. What would you add to this lis?
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to
keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my
mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the
“Tom/Tom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)