Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 10/3/22  .


You can’t make this up.

In Contra Costa County the chair of the GOP Committee Matt Shupe refuses to allow them to endorse GOP nominees for office if they are not his variety of conservative.  He supports Nathan Hochman for Attorney General who is openly pro-abortion and anti-Trump (though he kept that a secret until AFTER the primary).

And to clarify a previous HOTT, Shupe did not allow one ex office, NOT four as I reported<, to vote or even be in the room when voting was taken place.  But he never responded to requests for his comments on why he was blackballing GOP nominees or not allowing ex officials, who by law are members of the Committee to vote.

Go to the Contra Costa County Central Committee website.  Then look under endorsement, Local Offices.  You will see they endorsed Debora Allen for Board of Supervisors.

Allen is NOT a registered Republican—she is an NPP  Allen is well know as anti-Republican and anti-Trump.  She left the GOP because of it being “too” conservative and Donald Trump.

Yet,Matt shupe got the GOP Committee he chairs to endorse Allen for Supervisor.  As the famous line in “Jerry MacGuire” says, follow the money.

Matt Shuper and his company received $10,052 from the Allen for Supervisor campaign.  Did he tell the Committee at any time?   Did they know that while he was telling them not to endorse GOP nominess for Assembly and other offices, he took money from a non Republican, an opponent to the Republican Party and urged them to endorse someone who wants to end the GOP?

Go to https://www.sos.ca.gov/campaign-lobbying/cal-access-resources/city-and-county-electronic-filings

Of her $117,214.70 total spent through September 24, 2022

Allen paid $10,053 to Matt Shupe’s company  

Praetorian Public Relations

Walnut Creek, CA  94596

The expenditures were for 

CMP campaign paraphernalia / misc.

CNS campaign consultants

WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail)

At a minimum, this is a CONFLICT OF INTERST.

While the Party needs to be helping its nominees, the Contra Costa GOP is harming our nominees and supporting a candidates that denounced the Republican Party.

Is it any wonder few want to participate in a Party that is on a suicide mission—hurting its candidates, yet its leader taking money from someone that opposes our Party.  Literally, Shupe is taking money from non GOP’ers to harm our Party—Yet is the Chairman.  What is that Committee smoking to make them think, killing off the GOP in Contra Costa County is a good idea?

Matt, if you would like to explain your actions, happy to give your response.


  1.  Today is 36 days before the election.  Under State law, the Secretary of State is mandated to issue a 60 day report on the status of voter registration.  As of 2:43 pm yesterday, they have not made that report public—which is a violation of the election code.

For those that do not know, the GOP does have a nominee for Secretary of State.  Rob Berowsky of San Benito County.  Since the primary has anybody heard of his speaking tour of the State, raising money or sending press releases?  He has raised almost no money.  The California Republican party is not going to give him any money.

He filed at the last minute to run in the primary—and used CRP staff, illegally, to gather his signatures.  I wrote about this before and the CRP has not denied this fact.

If Bernowsky was a serious candidates he would be sending out a press release each day about the election code violations of the incumbent,  Go check out his “Bernowsky for Secretary of State” website—Here.   It is empty.  A  candidate for local city council has more information.  It is obvious that while others wanted to run for the office and take on the appointed Secretary of State, Rob is not even pretending to be a candidate.

You would thing the California Republican Party would demand the 60 day report.  After all, how are they deciding which campaigns to help, if they do not have the required registration figures?  The responsibility of the CRP is to help our candidates—and they are silent on this—though they did send out an email complaining about the Secretary of State NOT debating Rob Bernowsky!!

  •  The ultra rich of Palo Alto love to support Sanders, AOC, Biden and Newsom.  But when it comes to welcoming affordable housing to the ri multi billion house neighborhood, they say NO.  Looks to me to be a great place for Abbot and DeSantis to send a few busload of illegal aliens—since they also love law breakers.

Stanford’s most exclusive neighborhood becomes legal battleground over housing — Nestled just south of Stanford University’s campus, amid narrow winding roads lined with imposing oaks and historical estates, an exclusive enclave has neighbors pitted against neighbors over a legal battle that poses a new twist on the region’s housing crisis. Gabriel Greschler in the San Jose Mercury$ — 10/2/22

  •  This explains why firms in the Silicon Valley are closing and moving ourt of State—the workers no longer want to go to an office.  As this continues watch commercial property values fall, along with property tax reveneus and government looking to raise taxes to finance the socialist governments they have created.  A suicidal spiral toward economic collapse.

New poll shows doom and gloom in Bay Area, with one bright spot — Bay Area residents are finding a lot to be cheerless about these days, according to an exclusive poll by the Bay Area News Group and Joint Venture Silicon Valley. But there’s one major bright spot in all the doom and gloom: working from home. By and large, local workers agree this pandemic holdover has changed their lives for the better, and they’re not ready to give it up. Marisa Kendall in the San Jose Mercury$ — 10/2/22

  •  Once a great national high school, Lowell High School in the failed city of San Fran is not even in the top 100 in the nation.  The School board has made it a political football of political correct radicalism—and now its reputation has been tarnished badly.

This prestigious Bay Area high school didn’t rank in the U.S. top 100 — Missing from the top 100 was San Francisco’s Lowell High School, a competitive magnet school that’s been the center of controversy in recent years due to changes to its merit based admissions. The 166-year-old institution — the oldest public high school west of the Mississippi — ranked #143 in the country. Danielle Echeverria in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 10/2/22

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to

keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my

mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the

“Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)