Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/6/23
Stop DEI Support by California Republican Party LEADERS
One thing unites Speaker McCarthy, Sen. Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, Gov. DeSantis and almost every GOP member of Congress, Senate and GOP Governor—opposition to the racist DEI—Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is a euphemism for modern day racism.
In 2020 the Progressive Klan/Democrats spent $33 million on Prop. 16 to make California a racist State. But the current CRP Regional Chair Corrin Rankin SUPPORTED IT.
In past conversations with Corrin Rankin, she also supported CRT—Critical Race Thoery—the racist program being taught to our kids. I do not know of ANY GOP elected official that supports either DEI or CRT. YET CORRING RANKIN IS A PROPONENT OF THESE RACIST POLICIES IN OUR CLASSROOMS AND IN SOCIETY.
From a recent article about her in CFER (https://cferfoundation.org/posts/the-new-cagop-ldership-may-embrace-it) :
“However, it is under this context of growing optimism that CFER becomes aware of a concerning development pertaining to a high-level CAGOP candidate. After being alerted to the fact that Ms. Corrin Rankin, who is running for the position of CA GOP Vice Chair, had supported Prop. 16 in 2020, we reached out to Ms. Rankin for clarifications. To our great disappointment, Ms. Rankin clearly demonstrated little knowledge about the cultural war we Americans are facing in her response**.** Her positions on race, education policies and other relevant issues are thoroughly misinformed and infiltrated by the woke dogma.
She didn’t even understand what DEI stands for until we explained it to her after mentioning the term twice. She thought the fight against racial preferences “is over” despite that the radical left relentlessly seeks to keep this topic alive. While we presented CFER’s views and empirical evidence backing our views, Ms. Rankin continued to cite phrases like “anti-racist,” “living experience,” and “my people.” These facts had us concerned about her ability and willingness to fight this cultural war in a leadership capacity. While I respect diversity of thoughts, California Republicans need to elect leaders who are in line with their values.”“
How to finally end the California Republican Party? Elect a Vice Chair that supports DEI and CRT. How can such a Party trust her? When you see her at the CRP convention, ask her why she supported the racist Prop. 20 and if she wants those values in our Platform?
- When the California Republican Party allows a $25,000 BONUS, you would have to expect great things. In my next HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS I will release the name of the person who, for losing Assembly, State Senate seats, taking credit for the work of the NRCC, taking credit for the work of candidates and counties, got a $25,000 bonus for LOSING. And the Party was so proud to give this person a BONUS, that they have hidden it from the delegates—but they did have to give the information to the FPPC. Guess who got this $25,000 bonus.
- Jessica Patterson is famous for taking credit for the work of others. On March 3, she sent out “CAGOP Department Download”. In it she takes credit for, among other things:
22.5 million mail pieces sent
13.4 million text messages sent
It is true that those texts and mail pieces were sent—but NOT by her efforts. Patterson forgot to mention that almost all the mail pieces were sent due to the CRP endorsing or opposing ballot measures—and those measures gave the CRP money so it LOOKS like the Republican Party sent them. In other cases tha Assembly and Senate Caucuses told the CRP to spend the money on belief of the candidates THEY wanted.
In both cases it was NEVER Pattersons’ efforts or decisions to do the mail pieces or texts. She just followed orders—and hoping you would not know the truth about that.
Oh, the same goes for the volunteers, door knocks etc.—those were done by the candidate and County Committees—but she took claim for these—think this taking credit for the work of others deserves a $25,000 bonus? Only for Chutzpah.
When you see her at the CRP convention you can ask her why she is misleading the Board and the delegates about what she has done as Chair? Also, why she is not joining with Speaker McCarthy and most Republicans in opposing proxies?
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)