Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/14/23
NORFOLK/SOUTHERN train derailment hits Sacramento during California Republican Party convention
The train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio has destroyed that town for years. The just concluded CRP convention has done the same for Party. This will take a few days to explain, but little by little, the CRP is being closed down.
- A by law was presented by tom Hudson to PROHIBIT the buying and selling of proxies. The last convention had more proxies than live people. This convention had one third of the votes cast by non attended. When the vote came to the floor the Cahir, Jessica Patterson told the delegates to vote against it—and she won. Now, with the defeat of this by law amendment, it is APPROVED by the Chair and the CRP to buy proxies. What is the difference between buying a vote in a General Election and buying a vote at a CRP convention. And, you do not have to tell anyone you did it—and no one will be notified how many bought votes are being cast.
- For the first time in the history of the California Republican Party, NON MEMBERS were allowed to run for CRP office. Tom Cole ran for Chair, though not a CRP member.
Corrin Rankin was NOT a member of the CRP at the time of her election. Yet, it took a Point of Order from the Floor to get the Chair to admit that Corrin Rankin was not a member—nor did Jessica explain why a non member is allowed to run for CRP office.
Between the buying of elections and non members being allowed to run for office, a rich non member could buy the California Republican Party.
- I bet you thought committees and bylaws rule the California Republican Party? You are wrong. Those who control the gavel and staff do. In the Bay Area Regional chair election a candidate won by a vote of 61-57. It was pointed out that at least ten voters were illegally allowed to vote by CRP staff. When challenged, it was announced the results and vote are postponed until the Proxy and Credential committee hears the issues. Once everyone left the room, the CRP ED Bryan Watkins announced, no need to go to Proxies and Credentials HE was certifying the election for the candidate supported by Jessica Patterson, his boss.
- Who needs committees, by laws and rules when you have a staff member, who is supposed to be out of the decision making on election results, informs the delegates who they can even elect.
- For weeks the California Political News and Views has been saying the California Federation of Republican Women has been destroyed. That was evident at the convention this past weekend. I have been attending CRP conventions for years, my first was in July of 1966, after Reagan won the nomination for Governor. At conventions the CFRW has a table and a meeting. At this convention, NO table, NO meeting, NO presence, as if they no longer exists. Several people from different parts of the State came to me to announce their club is leaving the Federation. Looks like the goals of the Rogue Nine is being met.
- For those that believe in Roberts Rules and Bylaws—in order for a meeting to be official, a proxy and credential report has to be made, discussed, complaints heard and then approved by the Body (delegates). Once again, Chair Jessica and Parliamentarian Mike Osborn did not allow the report to be discussed, did not give the Body the complaints made and the resolutions of those complaints. Worse, they never called for a vote to accept or adopt the Proxy and Credentials report—in others words in an organization governed by rules, we did not follow them, hence someone can honestly say none of the decisions made were actually made.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)