Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/15/23
Real Ballots (Paper) vs. PDA—Computer Voting
The slogan used by many after the 2020 election was STOP THE STEAL—WE ARE NOT DEMOCRATS
We know that in many States more votes were cast than those eligible to vote, machines broke down, due to machines ballots were “adjudicated”—rewritten—and audits were not allowed in the 40 California counties that had Dominion machines. Folks want paper ballot. When we had paper ballots by two in the morning after an election we had results in 99% of the races. Today we are lucky if we get them in thirty days and even then, they are suspect.
So why does the California Republican Party use machines to collect and count the ballots. Here is one example:
“On Sunday when I voted for Soo Yoo for Vice Chair and I Sent it the Device came up in the display Corrin Rankin so I brought this to the attention immediately to the gal with CRP and told her what happened. She took the Device and tried it again by putting in Soo Yoo’ name and immediately changed the name to Corrin Rankin when she sent it. She then proceeded to go out into the hallway and told the person at the computer that the device was switching votes and there is a problem. They took the device and did something to it and it recorded everything afterward ok. I just how many other people that it switched votes and people were not watching the device to see whom it registered for.
Steve Sarkis
Delegate from Orange County.”
I reached out to the CRP ED, Bryan Watkins, and this was his full, unedited, response:
“We feel confident in the accuracy of the results. Any issues that were brought up during voting were investigated. Each campaign’s observers attested to the accuracy of the results as well and that the names were displayed correctly. We believe that in the case you mentioned specifically, it was user error and not an issue with the voting device or the technology.”
Given the benefit of the doubt—how many others had “user error” and did not realize it? How do you audit that? The delay, I was told by Watkins in announcing the Vice Chair race was due to fixing the Sarkis issue. Good to know. But paper ballots are easy to see. So what if it takes a little longer to get the results, the convention has other business to conduct while waiting for the results.
Is our goal fast results or accurate results? I won’t even mention the minimum of ten illegal delegates appointments allowed—or the nominee who had his credential hacked and someone else got to make his appointments. Does anybody disagree, we need paper ballots so no one can argue with the results and recounts can be done?
As they said, STOP THE STEAL, WE AREN’T DEMOCRATS. Just to be on the safe side.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)