Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/20/23
Tonight, March 20, the LAGOP is holding a county wide meeting, in Long Beach. This could be the meeting to attend!!! I might attend. My old friend Shawn Steel, the GOP National Committeeman
Is going to spill the beans!
His topic, using the long time phrase of our mutual friend, Congressman Tom McClintock, is
“Shawn’s Special Address: Evil Party v. Stupid Party”
I will be listening carefully to hear him explain how the Stupid Party (the GOP) continues to claim the 522,000 new GOP registrations in the past four years was done by the DMV (Motor Voter), not the GOP, but the CRP Chair Patterson takes credits for the work of the DMV. Oh, in the same time, with a real voter registration along with the DMV registering 1,200,000 Democrats.
Another topic to be raised is answering why the Stupid Party smears GOP nominees. Then we need to be told why the Stupid Party, as a role model, allows former County Chairs, in violation of the by-laws, appoint delegates to the convention. This illegal act affected two races—to the benefit of the Chair, not the members.
I am looking forward to hearing from Shawn why the Board has an Election Integrity Committee, but continues to refuse to sue to get dead people off the voting rolls—and folks in other States from getting absentee ballots—though registered in their new home State.
Would be happy to hear how the CRP collected hundreds of thousands of dollars to help school board candidates—but gave zero dollars to them?
We need these answers to issues that prove the California Republican Party is the STUPID Party—and does not fix the problems.
Looking forward to hearing Shawns list of why the California Republican Party is the STUPID Party—I am sure his list is longer than mine.
I spoke with LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly on Saturday about this meeting. It is his attempt to bring the GOP to the different portions of this demographically large County. Other monthly meetings will be in Pasadena, Santa Clarita Valley and other locations inside LA County. It should also be noticed that as part of the invitation to the meeting is the statement that this meeting is open to guests. Imagine Andy Gimmecandy is not happy with that.
We will report on the Shawn Steel speech and give his answers to these STUPID issue.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)