Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 4/3/23
Remember how we were told that even though Nathan Hochman LIED to us about his position on abortion (in the primary he was pro-life—immediately after the primary he announced he was pro-abortion and would NEVER vote for Donald Trump for President). We were told that Hochman was a good Republican—though we had nothing to base that on, except his lying words.
Yet, this is the same party that unendorsed nominees for being “too conservative”—at least they were Republicans.
On Friday, Bryan Watkins, the ED/CEO of the California Republican Party informed me that after the recent CRP convention, Hochman re-registered as an NPP. The L.A. Times then ran a story that Hochman admitted he changed Parties, to run for L.A. DA.
Then the Epoch Times on March 27, 2023, in a story about Temecula and the school board outlawing racism via CRT, Bryan Hawkins, the GOP nominee for Congress from Hemet announced that, “on Lincolns Birthday I re-registered as a Democrat.”
What does the disgraced former Assembly GOP Leader Chad Mayes—who supported Biden in 2020 and became an NPP, Brian Manschesein (San Diego), the former GOP Assemblyman turned Progressive Democrat and Bryan Hawkins all have in common? They are among the “graduates” of California Trailblazers who have turned on the Republican Party and either left with our money or stayed in the Party but now vote with the Democrats on tax, education and union issues.
We had Suzette Valadares, who went through the California Trailblazers—ran for Assembly as a pro-life Republican. In 2022, when running for re-election she proudly proclaimed herself “the only Pro-Choice Republican in the Legislature. She is now running, after her loss, for the Scott Wilk State Senate seat.
You also had GOP State Senate Leader Scott Wilk speak to numerous California Trailblazer classes—as a role model—who then gave $53,000 of GOP money to elect a DEMOCRAT to the State Senate.
It seems California Trailblazers is doing as well for the Republican Party as it is for the Democrat Party and policies.
- “ Second woman accuses Nathan Fletcher of improper behavior ,” by NBC 7 San Diego’s Eric S. Page: “Embattled County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher — the subject of a suit filed this week by a former MTS employee alleging a pair of sexual assaults by the prominent San Diego politician, who resigned as the chair of the MTS on Tuesday — faces additional accusations of improper behavior, this time lodged by a former UC San Diego student who interned for him back in 2015.”
How many more women will get the courage to speak up?
- Now the snow is working against the largest scam in American history–next to Fascist Fauci and his COVID lies.
California’s beleaguered bullet train faces another hurdle: flooding from melting snow — Recent rainstorms that have created flooding in some parts of Kings and Tulare counties have also ground work to a halt at several key construction sites for California’s high-speed rail project. Tim Sheehan in the Fresno Bee — 4/2/23
- The city of Sacramento has given up on solving the homeless problem. Instead, they have set aside the first portion of the city to the homeless. This is the first of many sections government is turning over to the mentally ill, drug addicts and alcoholics. The Democrats have give up on Sacramento.
Sacramento homeless encampment wins a lease — and hopes to be a model for California — Residents at an encampment who successfully negotiated a formal lease with the city of Sacramento called on homeless people across the nation to follow their example at a Saturday news conference. Ariane Lange in the Sacramento Bee$ — 4/2/23
- The Bay Area, once the wealthiest in the nation is turning itself into a gigantic slum—from San Jose to San Fran, this area is being depopulated by corporations and families and replaced with homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts, alcoholics and the poor.
Bay Area’s empty-storefronts plague: Blight goes far beyond downtowns — Struggling downtowns in San Jose, Oakland and San Francisco receive plenty of public attention, but cities around the region are facing a confluence of troubles outside their cores that are replacing formerly vibrant shopping districts with decaying, empty storefronts. Ethan Baron in the San Jose Mercury$ — 4/2/23
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)