Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 4/4/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
- With Nathan Hochman now an NPP, he no longer is a member of the LAGOP. That means his “alternate” is also gone from the LAGOP. Under the rules set by Andy Gimmecandy, the alternate, who is no longer an appointee of Hochman, may not attend LAGOP meetings—unless they change the Rules. Expect the Rules to be changed—the Hochman alternate is Andy Gimmiecandy! Will he kick himself out of the meetings or will hypocrisy reign?
- When the pro-life ruling came down from the Supreme Court, the California Republican Party ignored it—said NOTHING. Maybe that is because the Chair, Jessica Patterson had been working for years to get rid of the pro-life plank and she is unhappy.?
Now that Trump is being railroaded by a Soros DA, what has the California Republican Party have to say about the U.S. becoming a Banana Republic? Nothing. Could that be because on March 3, 2020 in the L.A. Times Chair Patterson advised all GOP candidates NOT to mention the name Donald Trump? Yet, she took on the role of California Trump Chair—just so no supporter of Trump could have the responsibility. How many times have we had a Chair of a candidate committee that is OPNELY opposed to the candidate?
- On Friday I received an official list from the CRP of people who have NOT paid their dues. That means they were unable to get a delegate badge and participate in the Sunday session—except for one person, who as of March 31, per the CRP, has not paid their dues—Jessica Millan Patterson. So how did she get a badge?
- Amy Reichart ran against the Progressive/Klan Democrat Nathan Fletcher for Supervisor in San Diego. Fletcher has gone from a solid Marine to an anti-Second Amendment Progressive. But, apparently he has made so many enemies that the County has had to provide him with armed body guards. “Last year, I (Amy Reichart) received information from a source that Nathan Fletcher’s 24/7, two-man armed security detail was costing taxpayers approximately $30,000 per week.
However, my FOIA request was denied by the County, and as a result, no news outlets would report on the information provided by my source.

Finally, the County sent the document with the cost of “services—in the past two years they spent $2 million on Fletcher to keep him safe. The Left wants tax dollars to protect them from you—but you are not allowed a weapon to protect yourself from the criminals! Hypocrisy.
- Assemblyman Josh Hoover has been productive and successful.
“My proposal to audit homelessness spending gained bipartisan support and was unanimously approved by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. The State Auditor has been tasked with investigating 5 state programs and 2 local governments. His report should be completed before the end of this year. You can watch my comments here.”
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)