Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 5/19/23
One of the biggest stories in California is the proposed $800 billion “reparations”. Added to the money is no cash bail, prioritization for housing, a State agency to take over local permitting, zoning and approval of housing and commercial projects and the LEGALIZATION of shoplifting and other “minor” crimes.
We know the Democrats wanted this. But did any Republicans? Yup, two GOP State Senators voted to create the California Reparations Commission—so they wanted this or a form of this to happen. Who were they?
The bill was AB 3121 and voted on August 29, 2020 in the State Senate. Below is the list of Ayes, Nays and not voting.
The TWO GOP Senators that supported this were BRIAN DAHLE AND ANDREAS BOGEAS.
On the Senate side, not voting at all—neither yea nor nay, were Shannon Grove, Brian Jones and John Moorlach
On the Assembly side not voting at all, neither Yea nor Nay from the GOP were Chen, Diep, Flora, Lackey, Mayes, Voepel (Mayes later became an NPP and continues to this day to denounce the GOP.) Only Chen, Flora and Lackey are still in the Assembly.
Bill Votes
Assembly Floor
Ayes Count
Noes Count
NVR Count
AB 3121 Weber Concurrence in Senate Amendments
Aguiar-Curry, Arambula, Bauer-Kahan, Berman, Bloom, Boerner Horvath, Bonta, Burke, Calderon, Carrillo, Cervantes, Chau, Chiu, Chu, Cooley, Cooper, Daly, Friedman, Gabriel, Cristina Garcia, Eduardo Garcia, Gipson, Gloria, Gonzalez, Gray, Grayson, Holden, Irwin, Jones-Sawyer, Kalra, Kamlager, Levine, Limón, Low, Maienschein, McCarty, Medina, Mullin, Muratsuchi, Nazarian, O’Donnell, Petrie-Norris, Quirk, Quirk-Silva, Ramos, Reyes, Luz Rivas, Robert Rivas, Rodriguez, Blanca Rubio, Salas, Santiago, Smith, Mark Stone, Ting, Weber, Wood, Rendon
Bigelow, Brough, Choi, Cunningham, Megan Dahle, Fong, Gallagher, Kiley, Mathis, Obernolte, Patterson, Waldron
Chen, Diep, Eggman, Flora, Frazier, Lackey, Mayes, Voepel, Wicks
Bill Votes
Senate Floor
Ayes Count
Noes Count
NVR Count
Assembly 3rd Reading AB3121 Weber et al. By Mitchell
Allen, Archuleta, Atkins, Bates, Beall, Borgeas, Bradford, Caballero, Chang, Dahle, Dodd, Durazo, Galgiani, Glazer, Lena Gonzalez, Hertzberg, Hill, Hueso, Hurtado, Jackson, Leyva, McGuire, Mitchell, Monning, Pan, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Skinner, Umberg, Wieckowski, Wiener, Wilk
Melendez, Morrell, Nielsen
Grove, Jones, Moorlach, Stern
The next CRP convention is September 29 at the Anaheim Marriott. Go to https://cagop.org/s/convention for information. When you do, you get this statement: “CAGOP Fall 2023ConventionSeptember 29 – October 1, 2023
Anaheim Marriott–More details coming soon!”
So you will wait to get the hotel reservation information, right?
Try to book online? This picture shows the answer—all the blocked rooms are booked—at 3:09pm, 5/18/23:
WRONG. A friend just called the Marriott—and ALL the CRP blocked rooms are BOOKED!!! Another inside job.
“All Republicans are created equal, except for the Patterson Republicans, they are more equal.”
Looks like if you are not part of the Cool Kids Table, you are staying at the Econolodge or not staying at all. Tell Jessica to book more rooms so all the delegates can attend at the same Hotel.

- This is why the California deficit is growing. More unemployment and the Democrats wants to give $300 a week to illegal aliens that broke our immigrations laws. “California layoffs jump 60% to 27-month high — California bosses laid off 236,000 workers in March, a 60% jump from the average pace of job cuts in the previous 12 months. Jonathan Lansner in the East Bay Times$ — 5/18/23”
- This is a bill to create slums—and San Diego looks like it wants the slums. “Will Senate Bill 10 destroy San Diego’s single-family neighborhoods? Experts aren’t so sure — The law aims to allow builders to construct a multi-family building on a former single-family lot. Some in the community are upset. Phillip Molnar, Emily Alvarenga in the San Diego Union-Tribune$ — 5/18/23
Higher density, more SROs and a controversial new state law: What’s in San Diego’s sweeping new housing proposal — One proposal would make San Diego one of the few cities in California to embrace controversial Senate Bill 10, new legislation that allows as many as 10 housing units on a single property if it’s located near transit. David Garrick in the San Diego Union-Tribune$ — 5/18/23
- All government transportation systems in California are in a death spiral. Folks understand government buses are dirty, disease and crime ridden. All have massive loss of riders—and growing. “Why the start of BART and Muni’s death spiral is ‘closer than we think’ — Gov. Gavin Newsom and Sacramento lawmakers have one month left before they must pass a state budget, and it appears unlikely it’ll include a $5 billion bailout for BART, SFMTA and the state’s transit agencies. Ricardo Cano in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 5/18/23
- Career criminals are jumping for joy in Los Angeles County. If they get caught robbing a bank, within hours they can be back on the street robbing a convenience store or another bank—no need for that pesky bail money. A Judge has given them control of the streets and businesses. “Injunction limits cash bail in L.A. County — for now — A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge has granted a preliminary injunction barring the city and county from enforcing cash bail requirements for some people who have been arrested but not arraigned. Christian Martinez in the Los Angeles Times$ — 5/18/23”
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)