Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 6/9/23
- On Tuesday, the State Assembly celebrated, among others, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence—the anti-Catholic, anti-Christian group that mocks Nuns, Priests and religion.
Republicans walk off Assembly floor during Pride Month celebration — Republicans in the California Assembly walked off the floor Monday to protest a Pride Month celebration that included a member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a queer and transgender group known for its colorful style of drag and philanthropic work. Dustin Gardiner in the San Francisco Chronicle$ Hannah Wiley in the Los Angeles Times$ Maya Miller in the Sacramento Bee$ — 6/6/23
One Republican DID NOT walk off. Assemblyman Greg Wallis. I called his office to confirm he did not walk off.
This is the same Assemblyman Wallis that is the only Republican co-author of ACA5, a Democrat move to redefine marriage. Worse, he is using the language of the Democrat Constitutional Amendment as to the California Republican Party Platform. This may be the most blatant effort to make thr Republican Party of California an affiliate of the Democrat Party.

- From the June 7 edition of the California Political News and Views, “Assemblyman Greg Wallis of Palm Springs, former Chief of Staff for Chad Mayes, is the ONLY Republican sponsor of ACA 5. Almost every Democrat in the Senate and Assembly support this. What does it do?
“ACA 5, as amended, Low. Marriage equality.
The California Constitution provides that only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California, and federal law permanently enjoins the state from enforcing this constitutional provision.
This measure would repeal this unenforceable constitutional provision and would instead provide that the right to marry is a fundamental right, as specified.
If this language looks familiar—Wallis has introduced this as an amendment to the California Republican Party Platform—word for word the position of the Democrat Party. No other Republican is co-sponsoring this bill—which overturns the vote of the people on Prop. 8.
- Can anyone name a “conservative” or even a liberal Republican—or Democrat—that attended the University of Ho Chi Minh City AND attended language school in Peking?
This is from Media Bay Ventures: http://www.mediabayventures.com/team
David Fennell
Bachelor of Science in Commerce Degree in Marketing; Santa Clara University
Master of Arts in Asian Pacific Studies; University of San Francisco
University of Ho Chi Minh City and the Beijing Language Institute
- Who says that Sacramento Democrats do not believer in pay for play corruption? Not the L.A. Times as they expose it in Speaker Rendon.
As Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon’s power grew, so did his wife’s income — Annie Lam’s consulting business has flourished during her husband’s unusually long tenure as speaker. Hannah Wiley, Katie Licari in the Los Angeles Times$ — 6/8/23
- This is call SOCIALISM:lIKE “Should California residents have the right to housing? That might be up to voters — If adopted, California would be the first state to guarantee the right to housing in its constitution. Hanna Kang in the San Francisco Chronicle$ Andrew Sheeler in the Sacramento Bee$ — 6/8/23.
- Like San Fran the L.A. Times has collapsed. In fact, it is no longer in Los Angeles, they were forced to move to El Segundo—it is now the El Segundo Times. Buy a daily edition of the paper and toilet paper is thicker. It is best used to train a dog to poop or as a lining on your birdcage.
Los Angeles Times to cut 74 newsroom positions amid advertising declines — Reporting positions are expected to be largely spared but the production staff will be scaled back. Meg James in the Los Angeles Times$ — 6/8/23
Or, expect by Fall, journalists will go. The Times is working on AI for minor stories, so new journalists will not be needed.
- Fascist Fauci said you must get the COVID vaccine to prevent you from getting the disease. The Marxist Mayor of L.A., Karen Bass, fully vaccinated and with multiple boosters, still get it. We hope for her full recovery. So what happened? How could this be?
From Twitter: “Tweet
Last night, I tested positive for COVID-19 following a routine test. I’m feeling fine and will continue to work from home and follow public health guidelines.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)