Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/12/23

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Leadership is an action, not a position.


While we are not a financial advisor, I thought you should know about the latest financial efforts of the former congressional candidate Joe Collins—famous for being sued by San Diego County for lack of child support for four children—demanding $15 million (not a typo) to take a blood test because his blood is SO rare).  Joe is no longer a California resident, he lives in Texas.  But his business is in California.

Here is the scoop from his business web site:  https://urbtnews.com/major-media-acquisition-may-solidify-urbt-as-entertainment-giant/

“Major Media Acquisition May Solidify URBT As Entertainment Giant. Urban TV Network Corp. (URBT) is raising 2.5 billion dollars to fund a major media acquisition. The company plans to purchase several popular television networks to expand Urban TV Network’s global reach while creating an unparalleled entertainment experience for viewers.

With this acquisition, URBT will become one of the leading providers of digital media entertainment services. Offering content ranging from news coverage to blockbuster movie premieres. “This is an incredibly exciting time for us here at Urban TV Network,” said CEO Joseph Collins, Jr. “If this acquisition is successful, we will be able to bring viewers access to a much wider variety of content than ever before.”

But you should know that:

The OTC market valuation of his firm is $157,000

There are 1,000,000 shares in the company.

At the close of the market on June 9, 2023—last Friday, the stock value was $.0001 a share.

For about $1,000 you can buy all the stock—but no one was buying it

The Press Release ended with this statement:


This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These forward-looking statements are based on current plans and expectations of management and are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks that could significantly affect the company’s current plans and expectations, as well as future results of operations and financial condition.

 From Capitol Weekly:

  1.  Joe Biden considers himself a moderate on economic issues.  So does the Chief of Staff for the very conservative GOP Assemblyman Joe Patterson.  But Chloe Bowman admits that in 49 of the 50 States, she would be a Democrats.  That only proves that Liberal Democrats in California are repulsed by the Progressive/Totalitarians running the California Democrat Party.  But, by her own words, she is a Democrat.  Yet she has been on the staff of two very Establishment GOP’ers before this.

Bowman considers herself a moderate Republican and believes she would be considered a Democrat if she lived anywhere but California. What draws her to the Republican party, as it did her parents, is economic values. She believes in working hard to overcome obstacles – a lesson she learned from her father, a mortgage broker who died when she was a sophomore in high school.

Rising Stars: Chloe Bowman, office of Assemblymember Joe Patterson – Capitol Weekly

2. At the Saturday CRP Board Meeting, Jessica, with the approval of the Board, with one NO vote, that I am aware of, selected members of the Rules Committee and the Executive.Committee.  As expected the Rules Committee has No conservatives on the Committee—the members are either Establishment folks—or consultants who need approval from Jessica to get clients.

The Executive Committee was, of course filled with Jessica sycophants.  While normally, this is not a  big deal since them seldom do anything—twenty years ago they changed the CRP b –laws AFTER a convention did not get to them (that is allowed in the CRP by-laws)

But, remember two years ago when we had the Recall of Newsom, Jessica—the highly paid Chair—got the Executive Committee, in violation of the by-laws—to change the by-laws so she could endorse her friend Kevin Faulconer for Governor.  It got so ugly, after spending tens of thousands on technology, etc., a convention was held—but she was forced to close it down since Faulconer had NO support and his not getting the endorsement would really embarrass him—and her.

Now I am told that Pattersons close political advisor, Andy Gimmeecandy has asked her for an endorsement for his NON candidate for the U.S. Senate, Steve Garvey, at the September CRP convention.  That convention opens on the same day that filing opens for the Senate.  Garvey who has yet to speak to the press, explain why he is running for Senate, his financial and personal history, has not spoken in public to the press, organizations or answered questions about how, due to his personal life any woman would vote for him?  Or the lawsuits against him by his former business partners.

Will Jessica embarrass herself again in September?

3. Chair Patterson announced the Chair of the Platform Committee is the self proclaimed conservative LAGOP Chair, Tim O’Reilly.  Self proclaimed?  He was put into office by Andy Gimmeecandy and did not stop Andy from excluding Republicans from County Central Committee meetings.  Actions speak louder than words.  He has not opposed the abuse of proxies at the CRP convention—a consistent vote against reform.  Tim speaks as a conservative an acts as the Establishment—he gets to sit at the Cool Kids Table.  Conservatives say they have hope for him—as Chair of the Platform Committee.  As such will he take the lead in promoting conservative Republican values—or Establishment non values?  As a reminder, in numerous public occasions, O’Reilly has called the GOP the “Party of Dwight Eisenhower”:–NOT Reagan.

4. Are these speed camera’s or an expansion of government spying on us?

Speed camera bill gets Assembly approval, now it’s up to state Senate, governor — Cameras that can automatically send tickets to motorists who are speeding moved a big step closer to reaching city streets after the bill that would legalize such ticketing got state Assembly approval in late May by a wide margin. Steve Scauzillo in the Los Angeles Daily News$ — 6/11/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)