Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/13/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  As Republicans/conservatives, we need an Old Testament attitude, not New Testament attitude  (what do you think that means?

(Correction from yesterday:  Greg Gandrud was also appointed ot the CRP Rules Committee—he has been a big supporter of reforming the proxies.  That is the conservative position.)

Will Greg Wallis become an NPP, like his previous boss, Chad Mayes?

“GOP” Assemblyman Greg Wallis votes with Democrats against the family.  Wallis is ONLY GOP’er to co-author AB 5-measure would end natural marriage between man and woman.  Worse, he is using the Democrat ACA 5 language and trying to put it in our Republican Party Platform!  Blatant attempt to make GOP sound like Democrat Party.  He won his seat by 85 votes.

He was the Chief of Staff to Chad Mayes who left the Republican Party, denouncing it.  Is Wallis about to become a Democrat or NPP?  Sure looks like it.  With his voting record, Republicans will leave that position blank on the ballot.

This is from SaveCalifornia.com:

Voted anti-family several times: Greg Wallis: AB 5, AB 223, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 576, AB 598, AB 659, AB 957, AB 1078, AB 1194, AB 1432, also ACA 5 co-author Juan Alanis: AB 5, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 598, AB 1194, AB 1432  

Voted anti-family at least once: Diane Dixon: AB 223 (she also abstains on most anti-family bills) Marie Waldron: AB 5 Josh Hoover: AB 5 Bill Essayli: AB 223 Devon Mathis: AB 1194  


AB 5 would require all teachers and employees of California government schools in grades 7 through 12 to be brainwashed with “LGBTQ cultural competency training.” Assembly floor passage on May 22: Voting yes on AB 5 were nearly all the Democrats + 4 Republicans: Juan Alanis, Josh Hoover, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis. Only 4 Republicans voted no (Megan Dahle, James Gallagher, Jim Patterson, and Joe Patterson); the rest of the Republicans abstained.  

AB 223 would require secrecy (sealed records) for children (minors) seeking a legal change of “gender identity.” Assembly floor passage on March 23: Voting yes on AB 223 were nearly all the Democrats + 3 Republicans: Diane Dixon, Bill Essayli, and Greg Wallis (the rest of the Republicans abstained).  

AB 352 would hide from dads and moms their pre-teens’ and teens’ records on those children receiving mind-altering drugs, drug addiction treatment, fornicating advice, sexually transmitted disease treatments, “intimate partner violence,” abortions, and sex-change procedures/operations. Assembly floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were all the Democrats + 2 Republicans: Juan Alanis and Greg Wallis. Most Republicans voted no, yet abstaining were these 4: Phillip Chen, Laurie Davies, Heath Flora, and Josh Hoover.  

AB 443 would require the state’s Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training to unconstitutionally define “biased conduct” in order to punish current and prospective police officers based their personal social media. Assembly floor passage on May 31: Voting yes on AB 443 were nearly all the Democrats + 2 Republicans: Juan Alanis and Greg Wallis; the rest of the Republicans abstained.  

AB 492 would spend state and federal funds to create a pilot project adding the treatment of “mild-to-moderate behavioral health conditions” to Planned Parenthood and other abortionists, which are defined in the bill “as a Medi-Cal provider that is enrolled in the Family PACT Program and that provides abortion- and contraception-related services.” Assembly floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were all 62 Democrats + 2 Republicans: Juan Alanis and Greg Wallis; the remaining 16 Republicans voted no.  

AB 576 would deceptively but definitely fund chemical abortions under the state’s Medi-Cal (welfare) program. Assembly floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were nearly all the Democrats + Republican Greg Wallis; voting no were the rest of the Republicans, except Diane Dixon, who abstained.  
AB 598 would make children at junior high and high schools all receive “physical or digital” referrals to abortions, and mandate the anti-family “California Healthy Kids Survey” upon all school districts to impose in grades 5, 7, 9, and 11, with the inclusion of “questions about sexual and reproductive health care as a core survey module for pupils in grades 7, 9, and 11.” Assembly floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were all 62 Democrats + 2 Republicans: Juan Alanis and Greg Wallis; the remaining 16 Republicans vote no.   

AB 659 would pretend to require unneeded, ineffective, injurious Gardasil shots for all children in government-run or private (including church) schools before they enter 8th grade, and for college students 26 and younger at government-run UC, CSU, and community colleges.Assembly floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were nearly all the Democrats + Republican Greg Wallis; most Republicans voted no, yet abstaining were Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, and Tom Lackey.  

AB 665 would permit minors 12 and above to consent to “mental health counseling” and “mental health treatment” at a government-funded “residential shelter,” where they could easily be pressured into the “LGBTQIA+ agenda,” abortion, fornication, and more. Parents would be cut out — no parental notification or consent. Assembly floor passage on April 10: 55 Democrats voted yes (the rest abstained); 10 Republicans voted no (others abstained).  

AB 957 would “require the court to strongly consider that affirming the minor’s gender identity is in the best interest of the child if a nonconsenting parent objects to a name change to conform to the minor’s gender identity.” This unscientific, child-mutilation bill would make the courts go against what is truly best for children and families all the more. Assembly floor passage on March 30: Voting yes were 50 Democrats and 1 Republican, Greg Wallis; voting no were 13 Republicans, while 4 Republicans abstained (Juan Alanis, Philip Chen, Heath Flora, Devon Mathis).  

AB 1078 would deceptively require even more “LGBTQIA+” “instructional materials” for every government school, resulting in the big schoolbook publishers selling “LGBTQIA+” schoolbooks in many other states. Assembly floor passage on May 30: Voting yes were Republican Greg Wallis and all the Democrats (except Timothy Grayson, who abstained). The rest of the Republicans voted no, except Juan Alanis, who abstained.  

AB 1194 would hide that a minor girl is “accessing, procuring, or searching for abortion services.” For all practical purposes, this means prohibiting saving these young mothers’ lives if “something goes wrong.” Assembly floor passage on May 22: Voting yes were nearly all the Democrats + 3 Republicans: Juan Alanis, Devon Mathis, and Greg Wallis; voting no were 8 Republicans: Megan Dahle, Bill Essayli, Heath Flora, Vince Fong, James Gallagher, Joe Patterson, Kate Sanchez, and Tri Ta); abstaining were 7 Republicans: Phillip Chen, Diane Dixon, Josh Hoover, Tom Lackey, Jim Patterson, and Marie Waldron.  

AB 1432 would require group health insurance carriers that sell policies in California to “cover” the killing of preborn babies via abortion and “sex changes” (the bill calls this “gender-affirming care”). Beyond the lie and harm of these “operations,” AB 1432 would raise the cost of insurance for the rest of us. Assembly floor passage on May 18: Voting yes were 59 Democrats + 2 Republicans: Juan Alanis and Greg Wallis; voting no were 13 Republicans (Phillip Chen, Megan Dahle, Laurie Davies, Bill Essayli, Health Flora, James Gallagher, Josh Hoover, Tom Lackey, Devon Mathis, Jim Patterson, Joe Patterson, Kate Sanchez, and Tri Ta), yet abstaining were Diane Dixon, Vince Fong, and Marie Waldron.  

SB 58 would legalize the mind-altering, “hallucinogenic substances” of psilocybin, psilocyn, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), ibogaine, and mescaline. This bill, by legalizing these harmful, “recreational drugs” for 21-year-olds, would, for all practical purposes, open the door to teens and pre-teens getting it. A stoned society is not a safe society. State Senate floor passage on May 24: Voting yes were 21 of 32 Democrats (the bare minimum to pass bills); voting no were all 8 Republicans.  

SB 274 would eliminate government-school suspensions or expulsions of more than two days based on “disrupting school activities” or “willful defiance” of teachers, staff, or school administrators. State Senate floor passage on May 11: Voting yes were all the Democrats + Republicans Brian Dahle, Janet Nguyen, Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, and Scott Wilk; voting no were Republicans Brian Jones, Roger Niello, and Kelly Seyarto; abstaining was Republican Shannon Grove.  

SB 345 would stop any preborn baby from being referred to as “child” and “person” in California’s statutes. SB 345 also aims to remove all legal hurdles to children from other states being brought to California for abortions and “sex change” procedures and operations. What’s more, the bill would eliminate certain peaceful, free speech activities of California pro-lifers, banning any business from sharing data “that contains the personally identifying information of a person physically located in or in close proximity to a family planning center.” And SB 345 would exempt from murder “a mother who committed the act that resulted in the death of the fetus.” State Senate floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were all 32 Democrats; voting no were all 8 Republicans.  

SB 385 would expand on last year’s bill allowing nurses — and now letting physician assistants — to engage in “performing an abortion by aspiration techniques” (a suction abortion that vacuums a preborn baby — dismembering, torturing, and killing a little boy or girl). SB 385 would also lower training standards for physician assistants performing abortions (this means greater risk to mothers). What’s more, SB 385 would remove virtually all legal and regulatory accountability, declaring, “A person authorized to perform abortion by aspiration techniques…shall not be punished, held liable for damages in a civil action, or denied any right or privilege for any action relating to the evaluation of clinical competency of a physician assistant.” This bill is an abortionist’s dream (and the worst nightmare for preborn babies). State Senate floor passage on May 8: Voting yes were 28 Democrats; voting no were all 8 Republicans.  

SB 407 would require California foster parents “to demonstrate the capacity to meet the needs of a child, regardless of the child’s sexual orientation or gender identity, as specified,” and “require the applicant to demonstrate that understanding through signing a document acknowledging foster youth rights.” State Senate floor passage on May 24: Voting yes were 31 Democrats; voting no were 5 Republicans: Brian Jones, Janet Nguyen, Roger Niello, Kelly Seyarto, and Scott Wilk; abstaining were 3 Republicans: Brian Dahle, Shannon Grove, and Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh.   

SB 541 would require “internal and external condoms” to be made available to all pupils free of charge” in grades 9 through 12 at government-controlled junior high and high schools (includes charter schools). SB 541 would also permit school districts to give condoms to children as young as 7th grade. This bill would also “prohibit a retail establishment, as defined, from refusing to furnish nonprescription contraception to a person solely on the basis of age by means of any conduct, including, but not limited to, requiring the customer to present identification for purposes of demonstrating their age.” What’s more, the bill would subsidize with taxpayer money Gardasil injections (the so-called “HPV vaccine) by the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and others that provide “comprehensive clinical family planning services.” State Senate floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were 31 Democrats; voting no were all 8 Republicans.  

SB 760 would require all K-12 government schools, including charter schools, to have “at least one all-gender restroom…stocked with menstrual products.” State Senate floor passage on May 31: Voting yes were all 32 Democrats + Republican Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh: voting no were 6 Republicans: Brian Dahle, Shannon Grove, Brian Jones, Janet Nguyen, Roger Niello, and Kelly Seyarto; abstaining was Republican Scott Wilk.   See bad bill details at our SaveCalifornia.com Legislation Center
  1.  The term is “tax and spend” Democrats—here is the proof:

California’s budget whiplash: From a record-setting surplus to a massive shortfall in one year — To understand how the state could, in one year, have a revenue swing of about $128.5 billion requires a look at how the state raises money for the general fund — the big pot of money that funds most state programs — and a few other complicated aspects of how California juggles completing budget requirements. John Osborn D’agostino, Jeremia Kimelman CalMatters — 6/12/23

2. Who cares—the unions run Hollywood—they are killing themselves.

How Striking Writers Are Disrupting Hollywood Shoots — Writers Guild walkout enters its guerrilla-tactics phase, as picketing rattles filming for Ghostbusters, ‘Billions’ and other productions. Robbie Whelan, James T. Areddy in the Wall Street Journal$ — 6/12/23

3.  Homeless, drug dealers, addicts, mentally ill, human and dog feces everywhere.  San Fran has become a garbage dump—literally.

‘People are trashing our city’: Map shows how bad S.F.’s illegal dumping woes have become — Robert Milton began his day as he often has over the past three decades — filling a crusher truck with trash. Discarded couches. Mattresses. Whole blocks scattered with abandoned waste. He has seen it all. St. John Barned-Smith, Adriana Rezal in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 6/12/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)