Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/15/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  From a sign that has been on my desk since the 1970’s:

“MOTIVATION:  Motive/Action, a daily progression toward worthwhile predetermined goals”


Too often we have to report about corruption, misrepresentations, grifters and bad people.  Today the California Political News and Views is reporting on a successful leader and organization.  Want real Hispanic outreach?  The California Republican Assembly Sana Ana chapter and Ron Flores are the shining light

The State Republican Party has spent millions trying to do Hispanic Outreach.  Most of the money went to professional consultants, with few reports and even less results.  This money was mainly used to finance Establishment consultants, so they can keep control of the Party—not win elections.

At the April California Republican Assembly convention, a special award was given to the Santa Ana Republican Assembly for it efforts in the Hispanic community.  The Santa Ana RA, with its leader Ron Flores, created a real Hispanic Outreach—and it worked.  Neither Flores nor his Team took payments or reimbursements for their work (on Friday we will talk about grifters claiming to be conservative and volunteers taking big bucks—mostly in secret).  Flores and the Santa Ana Republican Assembly shows what real volunteers, can accomplish.

BASTA!! Is a non profit they created to help the cause of winning Republican races.  They received a $40,000 grant.  This is what they did:

  • Supported 25 candidates.
  • Saturated 50,000 homes three to four times each with flyers and door hangers.
  • Walked over 300 miles.
  • Designed and printed a Spanish voter slate in Sana Ana.
  • 200,000 pieces of literature were dispersed.
  • Cities canvassed: Santa Ana, Anaheim, Westminster, and Pico Rivera.
  • Ran training sessions and seminars In Whitter, La Habra, and Huntington Beach.
  • Created bilingual literature and printed it. Did Spanish translation for several candidates.
  • Hosted a bilingual TV Radio Show and interviewed candidates. Hosted a bilingual candidate forum in Santa Ana.
  • The EPOCH Times did a piece on their Candidate Forum.
  • Cured ballots from November 14th to November 28th in Santa Ana.
  • Sponsored two town halls and a Thanksgiving party.
  • Supported the following Candidates:

Mark Meuser CA Senate, Chris Gonzales CD6, Mike Tardif – AD68, Jessica Martinez – AD56, Mitch Clemmons – SD30, Jack Guerrero – CA Treasurer, Peggy Huang – Superior Court Judge 30, Soo Yoo – AD67, Mike Garcia -CD25, Eric Chin – CD38, Rhonda Shrader- SD34, Tai Do – Westminster Mayor, Dr. Stefan Bean – Orange County Superintendent of Education, Mike Nguyen – Orange School District, Santa Ana City Council: Nelida Mendoza, David Penaloza, Phil Bacerra, Valeria Amezcua – Santa Ana Mayor, Sylvia Iglesias – Santa Ana School Board, Huntington Beach City Council: Gracey Van Der Mark, Casey McKeon, Tony Strickland, Pat Burns, Judge candidates: Israel Claustro and Eric Scarbrough.  

This explains why the California Republican Assembly is so proud of Ron Flores and the Santa Ana Republican Assembly.  They are the shining example of what a volunteer organization should look and act like.  All other RA clubs and volunteer organizations and especially leaders should study what they did.  If you like success, you will like Flores and the Santa Ana Republican Assembly.

  1.  Conservatives Beware:  On June 3, the Leadership Institute had a session in Sacramento.  The first part led by Stephen Sutton was excellent—he is from the LI HQ in Virginia.  Then the second part had people who have HARMED the conservative movement in California—who then used the occasion to get business for the Establishment.

Before signing up for the San Fran session—find out if the trainers are professionals—or are Establishment folks working for Jessica and the anti-Republican elements of the Party.  If David Reade is a trainer—no need to hear how bad conservatives are.

Saturday, June 24, 2023 – California Conservative Candidate Development School – San Francisco At this school, you’ll focus on personal and political preparation for future service as an elected official and community leader. Ideal attendees for Leadership Institute’s California Conservative Candidate Development School are individuals looking to become more politically active. Candidates, campaign staff, and volunteers involved at any level should attend. When: Saturday, June 24 from 9 – 5PM Where: San Francisco Cost: $50 before 6/20, $100 after
  • Jessica Patterson appointed Matt Jacobs as the new Chair of the CRP Rules Committee.  In fact, outside of Ventura County, few know him.  As best be told, he has NEVER attended a Rules Committee meeting.  He ran for Congress, claiming to be a conservative.  Yet When the Reagan Library had Democrat (lost in the GOP primary by a two to one margin) Congresswoman (she openly hates the GOP) Liz Cheney speak, Matt was seated in the front row, giving her a standing ovation—next to former Gov., Pete Wilson.  When CRA leaders met with him after this tribute to the Cheney hate message, he refused to publicly say he disagreed with her.

Matt Jacobs, though an attorney, in his FIRST year as a CRP member, never attended a Rules Committee, may not have read the CRP By-laws and certainly has no understanding of the background and history of the by-laws.  Obviously, just another tool for Jessica in her efforts to close down the Party.  How embarrassing to those who have worked hard for the Party.  Yes, a couple of somewhat conservatives are on the Rules Committee, barely enough to make a motion and have it seconded.  The scam will look good.

Then you have consultants appointed to the Rules Committee—like Matt Heath.  How does he make money by getting clients—and the CRP via California Trailfailures and directly, helps get you clients.  Think he can speak out, be independent?  Should consultants serve on these committees?

  •  State Senator Scott Wilk was elected 11 years ago as a conservative.  By 2022, he was using GOP donations to elect a Democrat to the State Senate.  Now he announces that due to the government hate of parents, they should “flee” the State”.  And while he is still telling you who to vote for in 2024, he also announced that when his term is over, “he will leave California for America.”  I understand he is moving to Massachusetts—which is an East Coast version of California.  See his statement here, https://youtu.be/LYRg3gJJCT4
  • You still have till Monday, June 19 to send in amendments to the California Republican Party Platform.  To do so, you have to be a delegate.  Do not count on others to do this for you/

Want a strong pro-life, anti-illegal alien/sanctuary city plank—send in an amendment.  If you need help feel free to contact me.  Tired of women being eliminated by Progressives?  Send in a plank.

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)