Heard on the Tom/Toms


Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/19/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  A.A. Milne, “Winnie-the-Pooh” “Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.”

Puppet Master Does Not Trust His 74-Year-Old First Time Political Candidate for U.S. Senate

A ventriloquist is a puppet master with a twist: he interacts with his puppets right in front of everyone, creating the illusion that the puppet is doing its own talking. The most famous ventriloquist of the 20th century was Edgar Bergen who taught himself ventriloquism. He named his puppet Charlie McCarthy who became Bergen’s lifelong sidekick.

In the 21st Century, our new political puppet master is Andy ”Gimmekandy” and his puppet is sadly, Steve Garvey. Here’s an illustration of just how much Garvey is “Gimmekandy’s” sidekick.

This past Wednesday, Steve Garvey attended the OC GOP Flag Day event and gave a short speech. If you don’t already know, Steve Garvey is contemplating a run to replace Diane Feinstein in the United States Senate. “Gimmekandy” was on the podium with Garvey during the speech. You couldn’t see the strings like those of the puppets in “The Sound of Music”, but they were there. Garvey was performing but likely not thinking for himself. Garvey only recently surfaced as the keynote at a Michelle Steele fundraiser now that his multiple marriages and business deals gone bust have faded from public view. 

During the event, “Gimmekandy” was ALWAYS within a couple of feet of Garvey, listening to every conversation—and even answering at times for his sidekick. The puppet master, shadowed Garvey’s every move that couldn’t be choreographed.

In just the past couple of weeks, Steve Garvey has attended more political events than any time in a career spanning decades. Despite failure to make it into the MLB Hall of Fame or maybe because of it, he is now being choreographed by the very type of Republican consultants who gave us losing candidates for governor and attorney general—all who have now gone over to the “dark side”—Meg Whitman, Neel Kashkari and Nathan Hochmann.  

Like the 10-time All-Star MVP, four-time Gold Glove winner, two-time All-Star Game MVP and two-time MVP of the NLCS that he is, Garvey gave a great performance—yodel lay, yodel lay, yodel lay, hee hoo! But did he understand what he was saying? Did he mean what he was saying? 

If “Gimmekandy” wants to run for Senate, he should announce his candidacy rather than riding the coattails of the a worn out, moth eaten Dodger uniform.

  1. The DMV may be the most incompetent agency in government, rivaling the Post Office.  DMV registers voters, felons, illegal aliens, people from out of State—no problem.

Last week my father received a notice that he has till June 30, 2023, less than a months notice, to reapply for his disability placard.  He will not do that.  My father DIED ELEVEN years ago.  That is how good the DMV records are!

  • 2. Some out of State, pay for play blogger, thinks it is OK for a Democrat to be on the staff of a conservative Republican.  From Capitol Weekly, in HER OWN WORDS:

“(Cloe)Bowman considers herself a moderate Republican and believes she would be considered a Democrat if she lived anywhere but California. What draws her to the Republican party, as it did her parents, is economic values. She believes in working hard to overcome obstacles – a lesson she learned from her father, a mortgage broker who died when she was a sophomore in high school.” https://capitolweekly.net/rising-stars-chloe-bowman-office-of-assemblymember-joe-patterson/

Congrats—she is engaged to be married to a Capitol staffer—a Democrat.

  • 3. As Smokey the Bear says, “Only you can prevent forest fires”.  Guess Smokey did not get the WOKE memo that the climate change scam causes fires.  In Northern California, more proof that Newsom and his friends are scamming us about climate change.

Deadly Mill Fire was caused by Northern California company’s mill operations — Cal Fire investigators announced Friday the cause and origin of last year’s Mill Fire was due to mill operations at the Roseburg Forest Product property in Weed. Joel Umanzor in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 6/17/23

  •  4. You go to Anaheim to visit Disneyland.  You go to New York to see Times Square and the Statue of Liberty.  Want drugs?  You go to San Fran—a town that was once known for great food, the Wharf and Embarcadero, Market Street—is now the place to go to get drugs and NOT be hassled by the cops.

Is S.F. a ‘drug tourism’ destination? SFPD arrests stat stirs debate — Nearly 95% of people arrested for drug use in San Francisco since May 30 are from out of town, Police Chief Bill Scott said at a public hearing this week, corroborating perceptions that many residents already have — that their city has become a magnet for the narcotics trade. Rachel Swan in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 6/17/23

  • 5. How do you kill an economy?  First you outlaw non electric trucks—which is what California is doing.  Then you use unions to kill off the ports.  What is left are trains bringing in and taking out good to be sold around the nation.  So, California is killing off the locomotives.  Think your Prius can handle to shipment of goods around the nation?

Railroad industry sues to block new locomotive pollution rules in California — The railroad industry on Friday sued to block new environmental rules in California, arguing they would force the premature retirement of about 25,000 diesel-powered locomotives across the country long before their zero-emission counterparts are ready to take their place. Adam Beam, Josh Funk Associated Press — 6/16/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)