Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/20/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  “God created two genders. Democrats invented all the rest.”

Republican “Leaders”  Endorsing Democrats Over Republicans for PARTISAN Office

Curt Hagman
 is one of the elected Republicans on the San Bernardino Board of Supervisors.  He is the former Chair of the San Bernardino Republican Party and was elected as a Republican to the State Assembly.  So which Republican is Curt endorsing for the open 53rd State Assembly District which is part of his 4thSupervisorial District?  


How do we know? Well there is this is from Politico:

“FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: POMONA FAMILY FEUD — Whoever succeeds terming-out Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez in AD-53, there’s a good chance they’re sustaining a legacy. Today, Democratic Pomona City Councilmember Robert Torres is jumping in, bringing a list of endorsements from locals like San Bernardino Supervisors Joe Baca and Curt Hagman and the same last name as his mother, Rep. Norma Torres. Meanwhile, Rodriguez’s wife Michelle Rodriguez is running after  piling up cash from her husband and fellow Assembly Democrats.” 

Here are the California Republican Party “ speech police”, Brian Watkins? It’s been a week and all I hear is crickets. 

But let Mike Cargile (the Republican nominee against Norma Torres) post social mediathings they don’t like and he gets unendorsed for having an opinion. 

James Gallagher, minority leader of the State Assembly, you need three more seats to become relevant (or at least a blocking force at budget time). What say you? All I hear is crickets.

Where is Phil Cothran and his San Bernardino Republican Party? This is in your own backyard. All I hear is crickets. 

AD-53 covers the City of Pomona in Los Angeles County. Will the self-proclaimed “conservative” Chair of the LAGOP, “Generalissimo” Tim O’Reilly say something?  All I hear is crickets. But then Toni Holle (the current AD-53 Republican nominee) doesn’t live in Los Angeles County. LAGOP bylaws that Tim wrote exclude her from a vote. Why should he care?

You wonder why the Republican Party is dead in California?  Its’ leaders support Democrats over Republicans, if not by commission, then by omission! Our leaders always tell us how we need to unite behind them for Republicans to win. When will they unite behind us?

Why be a GOP candidate if the leadership is OK with leading Republicans endorsing Democrats over the valiant and brave trying to save this State and our Country?

  1. This is what happens when you refuse to register voters.  As our GOP registration went down, Democrat registration went up and the number of Republicans elected to Congress, State Senate and Assembly collapsed.  We are no longer relevant in Sacramento.
California Secretary of State – Election Division
Voter Reg: 23,551,699
Rep: 5,361,875
Dem: 7,620,240
Other: 4,303,768
Turnout: 10,300,392 (43.7%)  2022
Voter Reg: 26,876,800
Rep: 5,232,094
Dem: 10,283,258
Other: 6,424,922
Turnout: 11,146,620 (41.5%)
  •  This is why folks do not ride government buses or trains—who needs to see a dead body on their way to work?     “ One Metro worker revived 21 riders overdosing on opioids. He’s not alone ,” by the Los Angles Times’ Rachel Uranga: “Metro policy prohibits workers from freely speaking with media or photographing conditions inside the trains. But half a dozen current and former workers, who include cleaning staff and security guards, spoke to The Times about the deaths and near deaths caused by drug use on the trains.”
  •  The grifters running the State GOP Establishment do not care about winning elections.  They are going to use the CRP Platform fight to move the GOP into Democrat policies—like opposition to traditional families.  When that happens, the grassroots will pull back from those who went WOKE in the GOP.

SOCAL IN THE HOUSE — “ Democrats’ plan to take control of Congress could depend on Southern California ,” by the Los Angeles Times’ Seema Mehta: “Of the 435 seats in the House, Democrats need to capture five held by Republicans next year to take back control of Congress. And they view many of their best opportunities in California.”

  •  Media does not want to admit it, but San Jose has begun to economically collapse—looking like San Fran.

Downtown San Jose adds jobs but loses residents in post-COVID recovery — Ominously, the office vacancy rate for downtown San Jose is approaching its highest level on record and could jump further as new space comes on the market and leases expire, according to a report prepared for an upcoming meeting of a committee of the San Jose City Council. George Avalos in the San Jose Mercury$ — 6/19/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)