Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/26/23   www.capoliticalreview.com

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Senator Barry Goldwater:

“We have encouraged the teaching profession to be more concerned with how a subject is taught than with what is taught. Most important of all: in our anxiety to ‘improve’ the world and insure ‘progress’ we have permitted our schools to become laboratories for social and economic change according to the predilections of the professional educators.”

Establishment Picks Sides

This is a copy of an email Lloyd Leighton, Jr. sent out to County Central Committee’s and CRP Board members.  Guess he did not know that at least one Board member was already trying to get support for Gov. DeSantis (I received one of those calls).  Who is George Andrews?  A former Chief of Staff for Assemblyman Tom Lackey.  And one of the operatives that works with David Reade, Duane Dichara (works for Axiom—which is owned by Jeff Roe—who is the main consultant for the NEVER BACK DOWN PAC—WHICH IS THE DeSantis Super PAC, Jessica Patterson and helped Charles Munger candidates against conservative Republicans.  Leighton when Chair of his Central Committee was never happy with conservatives, unless they did as he told them.

“From: George Andrews
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 9:15 AM
To: l.leightonjr
Subject: Sutter County: Never Back Down – DeSantis SuperPAC


My name is George Andrews, and I am the new state director for the Never Back Down – Ron DeSantis SuperPAC.   

I’m contacting you to see which DeSantis supporters in your central committee I should connect with. Also, I want to be available as your point person from now until Super Tuesday to answer any questions you may have – from collateral to strategy. I would love to integrate members of your committee into our political operation…………………………………   “

From my friends in Florida, found out that pay for play blogger Aaron Park is also working for the PAC.  So when you see him send out negative stories about DeSantis opponents, he should disclose he is being paid to do so. Conservatives in Nevada are being alerted.

All of that being said, Gov. DeSantis has done great things for Florida and the conservative cause,  His policies are super and successful—just as Trumps’ were when he was President.  Sorry to see him being misled in California.  (Disclosure, I am NOT being paid by any Presidential candidate or their Super PAC—and I have not endorsed a candidate for President)

  1.  Conservatives thinking fo running for office, from city council to congress, put August 19 on your schedule.

Those concerned about the demise of the Republican party in California, put August 19 on your schedule.

Those who understand the need for activist, REPUBLICAN County committee, put August 19 on your schedule.

On August 19, from 9-5 there will be a conservative conference—NOT taught by those that have thrown the GOP under the bus, not by “trainers” who are the consultants running a jihad against conservatives in California.

In a few days more information.

  • For this parents are spending north of $60,000 a year for a worthless diploma from a fake education school.  Stanford is now known for its racism, opposition to free speech, phony medical studies.  But, Taylor Swift is the Queen of the school.

— “Stanford gives Taylor Swift fans another course on singer’s songwriting skills,” by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Aidin Vaziri

  • More proof Stanford, UCLA, USC are great places o learn about sex, drinking, how to hate and to oppose democracy.  Want a future, here is a real answer.

“The most lucrative majors? Some community college grads can outearn elite university peers,” by the Los Angeles Times’ Teresa Watanabe: “Elijah Calderon, after a yearlong training program at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, is poised to earn about $105,000 annually as a power lineman. Once he becomes a journeyman in three to four years, he stands to make about $165,000 — and potentially much more with overtime.”

  •  We knew it was the law, that it is illegal to encourage illegal aliens.  But, California and the Federal government, along with cities like L.A. and San Fran give free housing, food, phones, health care, education, drivers licenses, jobs—and now an effort by the Sacramento Democrats to give them unemployment checks!!  These folks need to be jailed.

Supreme Court upholds federal law used to prosecute people who encourage illegal immigration — The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a section of federal law used to prosecute people who encourage illegal immigration, ruling against a California man who offered adult adoptions he falsely claimed would lead to U.S. citizenship. Jessica Gresko Associated Press — 6/23/23

  •  AG Bonta hates parents—report him.  Newsom hates white people, report him.  The Marxist Mayor of L.A. hates lots of people—report her.  Under this new law, you are allowed to create grief for anybody that opposes CRT, the grooming of students or believe that there are only two genders—as taught in biology.  Now is the time to report those who claim there are more than two genders for hate of science.

New California hotline let’s you report hate crimes and acts anonymously. Here’s how — Victims or witnesses in California can report it online on the California Civil Rights Department’s website. Reports are currently available to submit online in 15 languages, according to the website. You can also call 833-8-NO-HATE, or (833) 866-4283, Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. Angela Rodriguez in the Sacramento Bee$ — 6/23/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)