Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/28/23   www.capoliticalreview.com


Liberals:  Socialism is better than capitalism.

Conservatives:  When the Berlin Wall fell, who ran to which side?

(H/T to Robin Itzler)


The 2024 Presidential campaign season is upon us.  Expect candidates to unleash a cacophony of smears and charges against their fellows and issue policies and promises they don’t intend to keep. The prize is all that matters.

Expect lots of consultants to make big money for themselves, whether their candidates win or lose by spending the candidate’s campaign money. Remember that $100 million Mike Murphy spent getting Jeb Bush the nomination?

But that’s not the entire scam. The dirty little secret is that up to 80% of the money raised through the Internet and social media goes to overhead and salaries the fundraisers. 

Watch out for groups who do nothing or you have never heard of, begging you to vote in their Presidential straw poll.  They have “Conservative” and/or “Republican” in their group name. Their purpose is to build an email list of self-identified conservatives or Republicans. The siren call is “Vote for Trump”, “Vote for DeSantis”, “Vote for Elder”. Not unexpectedly the candidate’s supporters will jump at the chance.

The “pollers” are not interested in the horse race. It’s just one of the many forms of “surveillance capitalism” in the age of the Internet. They want to create a database of self-identified supporters, candidate by candidate—if you take the bait.  They can then sell the list to other candidates who can use it to raise money or do their own polling to the capture list?

Recently, someone mentioned George Yang is promoting a Presidential “straw poll”.  Yang is a Bay area Trump supporter.  Why is he creating a straw poll?  To get a statewide email list? Does he plan to create his own Trump organization?  Is he doing it for a group? If so, which group?  Or does he plan to run for statewide office 2026?

Here’s some friendly advice George: Open up and be honest about the purpose of your straw poll.  You have every right to do it. And we have a right to ask you the real purpose.

Be a leader George. Stop the Bait and Switch. Disclose your intentions and treat Republican voters with respect. 

  1.  Conservatives thinking of running for office, from city council to congress, put August 19 in Fresno on your schedule.

Those concerned about the demise of the Republican party in California, put August 19 in Fresno on your schedule.

Those who understand the need for activist, REPUBLICAN County committee, put August 19 on your schedule.

On August 19, from 9-5 there will be a conservative conference—NOT taught by those that have thrown the GOP under the bus, not by “trainers” who are the consultants running a jihad against conservatives in California.

In a few days more information.

  •  California has a law enforcement shortage—demeaning of police, defunding of police, calling cops racist if they arrest someone of color and more.  Now, this will make the financial future of police even more precarious—meaning that every time they go on the street, they could go to jail and be bankrupt.  This is how you kill off the police—the crooks are laughing at Sacramento.

California Supreme Court repeals decades of rulings shielding police from lawsuits — State law does not provide “a sweeping immunity for any and all acts police officers may perform within the scope of their employment,” Justice Leondra Kruger said in the 7-0 ruling. Bob Egelko in the San Francisco Chronicle$ — 6/22/23

  • If this joke was not so expensive, this would be a SNL skit—imagine, passing a bond to “control” heat waves”—is there some new technology we have not been told about to control the temperature?

Billions in new funding to defend California from fires, floods, heat waves heading toward ballot — ‘Climate bond’ moving through Legislature, could be one of the largest environmental measures ever put before voters. Paul Rogers in the San Jose Mercury$ — 6/25/23

  •  The Hollywood billionaires, major donors to the Socialist Democrats are getting paid back by the wholly owned Sacramento politicians.  Your tax dollars are going into the pockets of the Hollywood Socialists, the haters of freedom, promoters of sexual grooming—and the supporters of the sex trafficker, Hunter Biden.  So, while Disney lost $800 million on their movies—since people did not want to see them, Disney will get tax dollars to make up for their decisions to create ideological cartoons.

Lawmakers cut a grand deal for Hollywood: Refundable film tax credit and new set safety rules — Hollywood studios will get a lucrative tax benefit they have long sought and workers on film productions will get new safety protocols they’ve wanted since the deadly “Rust” shooting under new legislation that Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to sign into law by the end of this week. Laurel Rosenhall, Matt Hamilton in the Los Angeles Times$ — 6/25/23

 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)