Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 7/11/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladdin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with 7 men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac Man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies that always had the munchies.
The fault is not mine! If you had this childhood and loved it, repost. I thought this would bring a smile to your face lol it did mine!!! (H/T to Dean Kunicki)
The Road to Perdition
Last week we reported about the secret meeting of the LAGOP to create rules for “Early” Endorsements. At the next “closed” meeting of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County, here are the criteria that attorney and self-proclaimed “Party man” Chairman Tim O’Reilly is proposing:
1. Has the Candidate shown viability by meeting minimal fundraising goals (not loans):
a. Assembly: $40,000 b. State Senate: $100,000 c. Congress: $150,000
2. Has the Candidate been previously elected to public office?
3. Has the Candidate received an affirmative vote (2/3) recommending Early Endorsement from each LAGOP ADC overlapping the candidate’s office area?
4. Does the Candidate have at least 4 endorsements from current or formerly elected Republican partisan officeholders; or at least 7 endorsements from currently elected Republican city council, school board, or other local non-partisan officeholders.
5. Does the Candidate lack a financially viable Republican opponent (as defined by #1, above) that has declared an intent to run for the same office?
6. Does the Candidate demonstrate Community Support by either having an active volunteer neighborhood team leader/precinct operation; or a weekly voter registration program involving at least 25 identified volunteers?
7. Has the Candidate held leadership positions in any business organization, community group, or Republican political club?
8. Has the Candidate completed at least 10 hours of Candidate/Campaign training offered by either LAGOP, CAGOP, CA Trailblazers, Leadership Institute, or another similar conservative candidate training organization?
9. Is the Candidate currently a member in LAGOP (or was within last 5 years)?
10. Do the Candidate’s past public comments show support for LAGOP?”
A candidate must check at least 7 of the 10 “boxes” to be eligible for an “early” endorsement vote of the full county committee.
These rules not only protect quasi-incumbents but disrupt and even shutdown any competition from other Republicans running in the district. The endorsed candidate claims the mantel of “official Republican” to Republican voters. The practical effect is that NO new or grassroots candidate can get an “early” endorsement, Republican voters are denied a choice and the Party controls the outcome. All we’re missing is the smoke-filled back rooms.
Let’s apply these rules to the current LAGOP Treasurer. He ran in 2022 and is running again for the 55th Assembly seat. He’s already down two with #1, #2 being impossible to meet. He can lose one more but he’d have to meet the others from #4, #6, #7, and #8. The “hurdles” of the remaining items might be so high, most candidates wouldn’t even try to qualify for “early” endorsement.
“Party man” Tim O’Reilly tells you he wants an open, transparent and unified LAGOP. Then he has “secret” and “closed” meetings. He talks like a conservative and then fails to mention that his “early” endorsement rules will qualify only ONE candidate in the whole of Los Angeles County for “early” endorsement.
The limitation is not an accident. It is by design. These rules are the handiwork of Suzette Valadares— that “Newsom Republican” that self-proclaimed “only pro-choice Republican in the State Assembly”. She lost her seat disrespecting the pro-life voters of her district. There’s more. Valladares has supported critical race theory and other leftist positions espoused by Gavin Newsom. Now the “Party man” LAGOP Chairman is dutifully carrying her water. The endorsement will be of questionable value, but stomping out the competition will be priceless.
“Early” endorsement is a bad idea for a host of reasons. Not the least of which, it is ripe for abuse. But maybe that’s the intention—to sell the endorsement. Suzette has the money to pay for it. Let’s see if the “Party man” LAGOP Chairman takes the bait, disrespects the Republican voters of Los Angeles County, and implements the “Newsom Republican” rules.
If he does, he will kill the Party.

- Something is not right here:
Mountain View, CA – Lanhee Chen, prominent policy expert and former candidate for California State Controller, announced today the formation of the Golden State Watchdog PAC. The PAC will support pragmatic policy ideas to advance accountability and good governance in California, and promote solutions-oriented Republicans running for office in the Golden State.
“After months of reflection about how I can best contribute to the political conversation in California and beyond, I have decided that I will not be a candidate for any office in 2024,” said Chen. “While I remain hopeful that future years may hold opportunities for me to seek elective office in our state, I have decided to form the Golden State Watchdog PAC so I can continue to promote ideas and support candidates that will help to fix California.”
If you want to create policies and promote good government policies, you create a Foundation, a non profit, and give tax deductible money. A PAC is not tax deductible. This appears to be a place for the Establishment to park their money—or a set up for a Governors race for 2026.
2. A couple of weeks ago an out of State, pay for play blogger, used his blog to create an incoherent rant against me. I was going to respond and point by point respond to his misrepresentations. But, then I realized Aaron Park had numerous personal problems, was busy working on the DeSantis campaign and fighting family issues. So, I will not respond—I will pray for him instead.
3. Racism by the Department of Justice. The brother of Rev. Al Sharpton goes to jail for 30 months—but Hunter Biden doesn’t even have to show up in court and is allowed to go to State dinners—and live—in the White House. This proves, Sharpton is right—the American Judicial system hates blacks and loves the Biden Criminal Family.
Daily Mail (UK), by Ruth Bashinsky Original Article
Reverend Al Sharpton’s pastor brother has been jailed for 30 months for a slew of crimes including drug trafficking, income tax evasion and lying to obtain Social Security disability benefits. Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow, 58, the half-brother of the civil rights leader, was sentenced to more than two years behind bars on Thursday for his illegal acts. His prison stint begins on August 17. Glasgow pleaded guilty to embezzling $407,000 from two non-profit organizations he founded including, The Ordinary People Society (TOPS) located in Dothana, Alabama a felon voting rights advocacy organization, and the Prodigal Child Project.
4. Literally, San Fran has begged drug cartel business to come to their city. This is an open city for all crimes—drugs, assaults, theft, violence. Go to San Fran at your own risk, do not think the cops will protect you.
National Review, by Caroline Downey Original Article
Honduran drug dealers have made a business hub out of San Francisco due to the progressive city’s sanctuary laws for illegal immigration, fueling the nation’s fentanyl epidemic and the visible decline of a major American city. San Francisco’s accommodative approach to illegal immigration makes it appealing to sell there, Honduran dealers told the San Francisco Chronicle as part of an in-depth investigation into how Honduran nationals have come to play a dominant role in the city’s drug crisis. Under current San Francisco law, last amended in July 2016, city employees are forbidden from using city resources to cooperate with any ICE investigation, detention, or arrest relating to an illegal immigration case.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)