Andy Gimmeekandy: Represents Speaker McCarthy AND President Trump?
Last Thursday the CRP Rules Committee held a secret, not noticed, meeting. The purpose was to get its script together for the “real” Rules Committee on Saturday. At the beginning of the meeting CRP CEO introduced a non Rules Committee member who was present. Bryan announced that Andy Gimmeekandy was present “as a Senior Consultant”. No one question, who was he a consultant for? We know he is not getting paid by the California Republican Party. Since he was present, who did he represent.
I reported a couple of weeks previous he approached a leading conservative and told them to get on board “Team Jessica” if they wanted to be a delegate to the next National convention.
Before the Saturday Rules Committee, Andy Gimmeekandy called almost all the members—he implied that the proposed new Rule—winner take all by statewide vote was actually what Speaker McCarthy wanted. And, that President Trump wanted it. I have been informed that national Trump people also made some phone calls in support of this new proposal. Andy, also asked if they had made plans to go to the RNC convention as delegates—implying that HE was determining the delegates, as he did in 2020 (which is why so many anti-Trump people were delegates, to give them cover in future years).
Some take aways from the meeting. We know that National Committeewoman Dhillion took her name off the proposal to steal delegates from Trump, so did National Committeeman Shawn Steel—just a couple of days before the Saturday meeting. Why? He was informed that his attempt to take delegates from Trump was harming his wife, Congresswoman Michelle Steel among conservatives.
Rules Committee member Matt Heath promised to second the Dhillion proposal of statewide winner take all if they receive 50% of the vote. He did as promised, seconded the motion—then voted AGAINST it. He also seconded the motion that passed—the one that Gimmeekandy implied was really a proposal by Speaker McCarthy. In this way Heath was everybody’s friend, on all sides.
The one good addition to a bad proposal was a sunset of the rule. It passed with a sunset at the end of 2024—forcing this to come before the full convention in 2025, without a gun to our head.
They did allow numerous speakers. Almost every speaker had the same message—do not let 12 people, who had a secret meeting, then 100 people at the Executive Committee make such a momentous decision—take it to the convention.
It was at this point that CRP CEO Bryan Watkins reminded everyone, the convention would have to complete its works and the decision sent to D.C. by 8:59 pm California time, on October 1. He then said we could have unforeseen circumstances, like fires or natural disasters. Sounds like he was claiming the Anaheim Marriott had such poor Internet, he could not guarantee that a convention that ends about noon could not get a message, via email to D.C. by 8:59pm that evening.
I expect a very large number of people at the Rules meeting next Saturday. I am sure the rumor is absolutely incorrect that CRP Chair Jessica Patterson is going to call the Attorney General and demand the FBI show up to stop the “Insurrection” against her regime by the protestors.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)