Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/16/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Suzette Valladares: Tells Voters One Thing—Then Votes the Other Way When No One is Watching
(Part 2)
On Monday I reported on how Suzette Valladares sent out two email blasts within one week crowing about her support of “parental empowerment”. Yet, when she had the chance to support that view, she voted in favor of AB 1184, a bill to HIDE from parents by school teachers and Administrators their children’s mental health issues and secret abortions—abetted by school officials.
Yesterday I received calls from several of her former constituents. They had confronted her about that vote. Her explanation was that she was “afraid parents would be abusive if they found out their child was transgendered, gay, had an abortion or no longer used their name, but used pro-nouns instead.”
She claimed she was protecting the children. Yet she is a parent. Does she want her daughter’s teacher to hide concerns and issues from her? Is she an abusive parent? Like most Newsom Republicans, she blames the parents for the problems the children have—never accepting that the government schools via curriculum, attitude and secrecy have cause these problems.
Neither she nor any Legislator has the right to hide the problems of the children from the parents. I can not wait for Valladares to tell the public they are all abusive parents and can not be trusted with their children.
Now we get to her next distrust of parents—and willing to be part of a ballot measure to promote abortions.
Let’s be clear about Suzette Valladares and abortion. For her to say she is “pro-choice” would be an extreme understatement. She is actually radically pro-abortion. It is significant that she was the only Republican in the legislature to vote to place AB1 on the ballot in 2022. This is the ballot measure that placed the unqualified right to an abortion in the California constitution. While I am not sure the voters understood what they were voting on, Valladares certainly knew what she was placing before the voters. In California abortion is now legal until the moment of birth!
How extreme is Valladares’ position?
In May of this year Gallop did an extensive survey [https://news.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx] of the opinions of Americans on the abortion issue. When you ask whether you support the right to an abortion in the final trimester, 22% say yes, 70% say no, and another 7% are unsure. You can imagine what the results would be if you asked if you support the right of an expectant mother to have an abortion on her due date? Gallop doesn’t even bother to ask that question. This is the extreme position of every Democrats in the legislature, and of one Republican who was in the Assembly at the time this was placed on the ballot – Valladares. The same Valladares who says she is for parental rights made sure that in California it is unconstitutional to have any parental notification laws for children (of any age) to have their parents notified (let alone require consent) before having an abortion.
In the Santa Clarita Signal on August 5 she wrote this:
“As the back-to-school season swiftly approaches, the sense of responsibility as a parent is profound. Back to school means earlier bedtimes, purchasing school supplies, and carefully choosing new outfits. (How about protecting their health, physical and mental along with buying clothes)
I am deeply reminded of the pivotal role parents play in shaping their child’s educational journey, ultimately impacting their future outcomes. Education begins at home, and parents are our first teachers.”
How can she say that a parent’s role in a child’s life and education is pivotal, when she SUPPORTS hiding health facts about the child—by the government schools? Again more evidence she tells the public one thing, then votes against.
In her August 4 campaign newsletter she wrote, “The education of our children and support for parental rights are paramount and should be bipartisan.” But she VOTED not to allow parents to be involved in their children’s mental and physical health by voting for AB 1184. Again, she tells the public one things—then votes against them.
In a July 31, campaign email blast she wrote, “These are the life lessons that drive me to make the future better for my daughter—for all of our kids. One way to help our kids is to protect parental rights and defend local control of our schools. Across California, they are under attack from the far “woke” left.
So she is either lying or does not want school officials to tell HER about the physical or emotional health of her daughter.
Now you know why in Sacramento she is considered a Newsom Republican.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)