Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  11/17/23    www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

McCarthy Hedges, Takes Out Papers to Run for Re-election—But has NOT Filed the Papers

  1. A few days ago in an interview, former Speaker McCarthy announced he had NOT decided if he was going to run again.  McCarthy said he would use the “holidays” to decide.  But, he has till December 8 to file his papers under California law.

I am still of the belief he will wait till the last minutes, announce his retirement and endorsed a candidate.  To do it this way, he takes away numerous people who would want to run for Congress, the ability to do that.

Bakersfield Congressman Kevin McCarthy pulls paperwork for re-election in 2024

“BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — Bakersfield Congressman and former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy on Monday has pulled the necessary paperwork for re-election to the House of Representatives, 17 News has confirmed with the Kern County Elections Division.

Elections Office officials said McCarthy has begun the process to officially file for re-election in 2024.

This does not mean McCarthy has to follow through with returning to office, however. The campaign move comes amid continued doubts on whether McCarthy will resign mid-term. Over the weekend, CNN reported the congressman said he may not seek another term.

  • When he entered the race for Los Angeles district Attorney, to run against the Soros owned DA, George Gascon, he was a proud conservative registered Republican.

Wednesday night he was part of a DA candidate forum before the Santa Monica DEMOCRAT club. 

Recently he said that no Republican can win in Los Angeles County, so he registered as a Democrat.

Whoever advised him to do that has committed malfeasance.  Hatami can not be trusted by the Republicans, since he left the Party.  The Democrats do not believe for a minute he changed his views and values to become a Party member.

Hatami, literally has put himself in no mans’ land.  He, like Nathan Hochman, the Democrat who ran for AG in 2022 as a Republican, then left the Party to run for office as an NPP, is ethically challenged.

Jonathan Hatami has declared himself to be an opportunist, just another hack wanted an elective office.  He did not become a Democrat because he believes in their values—he became a Democrat because he wanted to pretend he is something he is not, in order to get a job.

But, he is right, the Republican Party can not win in L.A. County.  Yesterday the HOTT column gave chapter and verse on the LAGOP—no money, no transparency, almost no precinct operation, no voter registration—and in 2022 did not run candidates in a lot of legislative districts.   This is why people are leaving the GOP in California.  Until the LAGOP becomes an activist Party, instead of a bunch of meeting holding, meetings where the leadership is not open with them, Like the rest of California, the LAGOP is irrelevant.

  •  Does anyone believe we only have 1.9 million illegal aliens in California?  BTW, how did they count them?  This is just another silly propaganda article by the LA Times,

California’s population of unauthorized immigrants has dropped, report says — The California population of immigrants lacking lawful status decreased by 150,000 between 2017 and 2021, but the state continues to have the highest number — 1.9 million — of unauthorized residents among the states. Andrea Castillo in the Los Angeles Times$ — 11/16/23


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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)