Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/24/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Rogue Nine CFRW Kill Organization/Oppose Women Being Involved in Republican Party
It appears that one of the goals of the Rogue Nine, Mary Erwin and the band that took over the California Federation of Republican Women, are meeting their goals of getting women out of the Republican Party. In just the last eight months, Erwin and the Rogue Nine have gone from 120 clubs, down to 66 clubs. In January, Janet Price, the President of the CFRW, had over 12,000 members. In a memo last week, Mary Erwin claimed 5124 members—in Russia they call that a purge. By the end of next January, it is expected to be cut again in half.
Like a Democrat, Erwin is blaming others for her policies. In an August 19 email to CRP Chair Patterson, Erwin wrote, “The main goal of Janet Price and her supporters is to destroy the California Federation of Republican Women.”
Yet Price was not the holder of the gavel, controller of the treasury, allowed to grow CFRW clubs—that was all Erwin and her crowd. The destruction has come on the Erwin watch. But it gets worse. Now, Erwin in the name of the CFRW is asking the State and County GOP’s NOT to recognize the Golden State Republican Women as a GOP organization. She does not want women involved in Republican politics and electing GOP’ers to office. What happened to the “Big Tent”?
In the same email, Erwin wrote, “I respectfully request that you do not charter the Golden State Republican Women, and that Janet Price be removed from the Republican Party and never allowed delegate status in the California Republican Party.”
The bottom line: Erwin only wants people who agree with her to work in the Republican Party. Like Russia, if you do not, you get banished to Siberia.
But Erwin may have more troubles. It seems her group took membership checks from clubs, deposited them in the CFRW accounts. Now a list of eligible clubs for the next CFRW convention has been published—and many clubs vanished, not allowed delegates!
I have heard some of these clubs are going to small claims court, demanding their money back. Also, if you are one of these clubs that are per Erwin NOT a CFRW recognized club, your members can not claim they are CFRW members.
There is one person who travels the State, proud to say she is a CFRW member. Will Erwin sue Jessica Patterson for claiming membership in a non-CFRW club. Jessica is a member of the now former Simi Valley Federation of Republican Women. This is a club that paid dues, had the check deposited, but not on the list of qualified clubs, per Erwin.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)