Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/28/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Steve Garvey Continues to be a No-Show
A few weeks ago the California Political News and Views predicted that Steve Garvey would not attend the Sonoma County Central Committee event on August 26. He was informed the volunteers would be asking him about his lack of child support payments, his financial problems that caused the FBI to investigate him and his lack of being involved in the political policy debates of the last 50 years.
As expected, his “advisor” Andy Gimmeekandy made the right decision. Even though the last time anyone heard of Garvey was a canned speech in mid June in Orange County (no questions were allowed to be asked), Garvey did not show up in Sonoma—even though two days before the Committee sent out a last minute reminder, with Garvey attending.
This is a cautionary tale for any group that invites Garvey—if you allow questions or if he is forced to actually meet activists and voters, he might not show up. After four months of preparation, Steve Garvey was not ready for Spring training.
GOP Assemblyman Devon Mathis Shows Need for Anger Management
On Saturday, the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party, held a meeting to, among other things, endorse candidates for office. Yes, I know that filing has not even open—thus making it unfair for those who decided to run in the next three months.
Mathis was asked a simple question, “What are your views on the proposed CRP Platform”. Instead of telling what he like or dislikes, what he would add or subtract, he went into a rant.
As part of the rant he accused the CRP Board of being part of the “Alt-Right”. That is a term used by Democrats, CNN and the Washington Post to describe ANY Republican. Here we have a self-proclaimed Republican using Democrat language. Of course in June he did vote for the Democrat bill, ACA 5, which ends marriage between a man and a woman in the State Constitution.
Then in July, 2017, Mathis was one of seven GOP’ers to vote for a multi-billion-dollar tax increase, money was to be used for the climate change scam. It took all seven to support it to get the 2/3 super majority to harm the California economy. In the next election GOP’er Rocky Chavez (who voted for the bill) lost his election—and the leader of the raise taxes wing of the GOP, Chad Mayes, was forced to resign as Assembly GOP leader. He later decided to become honest and left the Republican Party—now he denounces it as well as Adam Schiff.
Based on his response, Mathis no longer supports a strong pro-life pledge, a strong support of Prop. 13, does not support agriculture (that was taken out of the Platform, does not support election integrity)
He DOES support Prop. 47 and 57, to allow people to steal up to $950 without punishment—the proposed document takes out our opposition to those measures. And he must be supporting sanctuary states and amnesty—since both those we have opposed have been taken out of the GOP proposed Platform.
I understand why he refused to answer the question—he could not explain his lack of GOP values and principles. His silence is consent and support.
Oh, he was endorsed. He is your candidate for Assembly.
You Promote a Platform With No Values and Principles—You Get Rewarded
In a surprise move, the Los Angeles CRP Regional Chair, Howard Hakes, a supporter of Sen. Tim Scott for President, resigned his position on Saturday. The CRP Board was not given any advance notice. CRP members who might want to be appointed to the position were given no notice.
Instead LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly received the nomination and appointment. He proved he is a warrior for the Swamp by leading the Drafting Committee for the Platform into a document that stood for nothing. But, O’Reilly and the document made clear it does not support election integrity, supports sanctuary cities, supports amnesty for illegal aliens, does not even mention California’s number one industry, agriculture. Though he lives in L.A. County, he has taken away our opposition to Pro. 57 and 47—thus allowing folks to steal up to $950 without punishment. How many GOP’ers will lose because of a Democrat sounding Platform?
O’Reilly is a self proclaimed “Eisenhower” Republican—and it shows. But he is loyal and on Saturday got his reward for promoting a Party that stands for nothing.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)