Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/29/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
California Republican Party to Stop Supporting Private Property
The basis of the GOP is the principle that we support the right to private property. Yet, the proposed Platform does not mention it—now we know why.
Ted Stoll is a member of the Platform Committee, a “Republican”. This is what he says, “ I would leave out property rights, because California has 17 million renters and they could see that plank as caring about their landlords rather than them, which won’t help us get votes we need to be elected in more moderate districts.”
That also explains why the bare mention of Prop. 13. Will our GOP legislators approve of this?
Who doesn’t believe in private property? Democrats, socialists and totalitarians. Why would anyone support the Republican Party, when the CRP refuses to support the Constitution? It looks like the proposed Platoferm is a declaration of suicide.

The San Juan School District Superintendent: I want money to teach racism
As if there is not enough racism in government schools, the Superintendent of the San Juan School District (near Sacramento) secretly applied for a grant to teach DIE (racism) in the schools. Then approval of this was put on the consent calendar—by the Superintendent, hoping no one would notice—but they did. Happily, the Board refused to approve a grant to promote racism. But this could happen in your schools—we need to be vigilant.
From a friend, “Consent Agenda, G-10. *Approval to implement the following grant, if funded: Antibias Education Grant, 2023-2026.
RATIONALE/BACKGROUND: The Antibias Education Grant will provide funds to the Equity and Student Achievement department to address hate incidents on campus, the decline in positive school climate, and barriers to inclusivity and opportunities for marginalized students to find community. The goal of the grant program is to provide professional support to educators to develop competencies that mitigate bias and to activate changes to structures, processes, and practices that when implemented will make a real difference in the educational experiences of students.
The way I understand this is that the staff applied for this grant, and was awarded $200K. The first involvement from the board was supposed to be that they rubber stamp it so spending of the moneys could be implemented. Guess the Superintendent put it on the consent calendar assumptively?
Tanya Kravchuk requested the item be pulled from the Consent Calendar. To my understanding, there was some discussion, and it was put to a vote. Ben Avey, and Saul Hernandez abstained, and Tanya voted against it. This effectively killed the item.
There is some chatter that the item will make it’s way back on the agenda, and I will let you know if it comes to my attention.
I also understand that Zima Creason expressed that she felt this action as a personal assault, given she’s a black woman.
For “fun” here’s a link to the districts equity priorities (short read): https://www.sanjuan.edu/our-district/priorities/equity
Here is the link to the full discussion:
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)