Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/30/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
California Federation of Republican Women Need a QUALIFIED Parliamentarian
The role of a Parliamentarian is to make sure the President, the Board and the members follow the by-laws. An organization can not allow the Rules to be abused or ignored. Sadly, Mary Erwin, the President of the CFRW has appointed a previous State President of the CFRW as Parliamentarian, Sue Blair. It is obvious that Blair has allowed the organization to seriously violate their own By-laws.
In a recent note sent by Sue Blair, she sent a portion of the by-laws to the clubs:
ARTICLE XI—NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS B. NOMINATIONS REGIONAL DIRECTORS Regional Director Eligibility a. To be eligible for the office of Regional Director, a member shall be residing in her designated region. She shall have served as President of a local club for at least one term. b. Local Clubs may submit names of members that meet required qualifications to their Regional Director by the designated deadline. Any member who wishes to be nominated for RD may submit her own name. |
Then she lists the current Regional Directors:
Please send your letter of intent and statement of qualifications to your Regional Director or Regional Director Pro Tem. Regional Directors by Region Region 1 Annette De Modena Region 2 Michelle Rotsheck, Pro Tem Region 3 Bunny Hacker) Region 4 Annette De Modena, Pro Tem) Region 5 Annette De Modena, Pro Tem Region 6 Bunny Hacker, Pro Tem) Region 7 Bibi Mesmer Pro Tem ) Region 8 Bibi Mesmer Region 9 Michelle Rotsheck Does Annette De Modena live in three regions? Does Bunny Hacker live in two regions? Does |
Bibi Mesmer live in two regions? Or does Michelle Rotsheck live in two regions?
If Blair had read the by-laws she sent, she would know the by-laws were violated.
This shows two things: First that Sue Blair, as Parliamentarian has allowed a violation of the by-laws—she should know better. Importantly, it shows a lack of leadership. The Rogue Nine can not trust anyone, so they hold control closely. In the past eight months they have lost over 7,000 members and half their clubs. In October they will hold a statewide convention in a hotel that has only 100 rooms—not all reserved for the CFRW, and a ballroom that may hold 150 people—unlike the close to 1,000 that have attended previous conventions.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)