Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/7/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Biden and the Democrats believe that if you tell a story, though untrue, loud enough, long enough and in BOLD Letters, people will actually believe the misinformation. That is how the Russians do it, and like Biden, blame everybody else but themselves for the problems. It looks like the President of the CFRW is a student of history, politics and messaging.
In a recent email blast sent several times in a couple of days, she uses this headline: “STEVE FRANK IS WRONG ABOUT CFRW HE DOES NOT SEEK THE TRUTH.” So where do I seek the truth? From emails sent by Mary Ervin, Sue Blair and the CFRW website. If you can’t believe them, who can you believe?
As many of you know, I love a good game of bridge. So to use a term from bridge, “Let’s Review the Bidding.”
- Per the CFRW website, the organization had over 12,000 members on January 1,2023. Per an email sent recently in the call to convention, Mary Ervin said the membership is 5124.
- Per the CFRW website, the organization had 120 clubs they recognized. Per the Ervin email, she lists 66 clubs.
- In a recent email, CFRW Parliamentarian noted that to be a Regional director you had to live in the Region you wanted to represent. But, she listed the CURRENT regional directors, all of whom had two to more regions. That is a clear violation of the by-laws—and as Parliamentarian and as President Blair and Ervin, respectively had to know ,this.
Real leader’s take responsibility. When you, as leader, lose over half your membership and half the clubs in just eight months, claiming someone pointing these facts out is a liar, does not make you look good.
There is more, but you get the idea.
But it gets worse. They have taken dues money, deposited it, then claimed the club is not in good standing—like the Simi Valley club. They are not allowed a delegate to the State convention, though they paid the dues.
Now, a couple of days ago Mary Ervin sent out a note to club, it included this statement, “xxx RWF chose to continue to represent themselves as a California Federated Club throughout 2023 by advertising and holding meetings on a regular basis, inviting speakers, charging dues for your members, but did not pay any dues to the Federation (California or National). For this, you were reasonably informed that your club was not in good standing”. But they paid and the checks were deposited.” . Qualifications for CFRW and NFRW membership has been questioned. Can a man join as a full voting member? A by-law proposal was submitted to define membership to only DNA biological women. The National President, without a vote of the membership or even a discussion, refused to allow it to be heard. Charlies Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA made the point plan in a Facebook post, “If even Republican women can’t answer the question “Who is a woman”, then we are truly lost.” Did CFRW President Ervin protest this refusal to discuss a by-law change? Did her handpicked Board protest this? Can Mary Ervin define what is a woman, though she is in “charge” of a woman’s’ organization. |

California needs a strong Republican women’s organization. Sadly, the CFRW barely exists at this time. It will get worse in January when more clubs refuse to pay dues. Blaming others for the RESULTS of your leadership sounds so much like the Democrats. It is time to own up to your policies and actions that have failed—that is what real leaders do.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
No matter what NFRW does, they will be sued so they might as well do the right thing and stand up for WOMEN since they are a WOMEN’S organization. Will NFRW cave to woke demands? Or will they declare that anyone can be a member to avoid taking a position?
Thanks to Democrats we are living in insane times because there are so many spineless Republicans.
Steve, you are misinformed and only telling or know half the story that has caused the situation in CRWF. I have to assume you are an ally of Janet Price and support the charade that this women and her. “followers” have apparently convinced you that they are the correct CRWF organization even though Janet Price, strictly by bylaw procedures and confirmed by NFRW had been removed as the President but continues to claim she is the rightful President of the CFRW. She has taken the official CFRW to court twice and the judge won’t even hear Janet’s case and throws it out of court.
I used to be a supporter of yours, have worked on the CCR and attended conventions with you, worked for the good of our state, but until you hear the entire story and stop printing outright lies about a REPUBLICAN Women’s organization, I have lost a lot respect for you. You should not place yourself in a position to pit one Republican organization against another. That is the exact thing that the Democrats want us to do, tear the Republicans apart and divide us.
Really? He (Steve Frank) should not put himself in a position to pit one Republican organization against another? These are choice words in light of the actions of a zealous few who have done exactly that and the same few who you are trying to defend here. The Democrats didn’t have to tear us apart. We did just fine on our own.
I respect your views. But I note that you do not say that anything I wrote in the latest HOTT was wrong–the loss of half the membership, loss of half the clubs. and the violations of the by-laws. I am not arguing a court case or the intentions. I am noting the RESULTS of the Rogue Nine have ended what was once an important organization in the GOP. Now the members and clubs are fleeing–why is that?
Do you believe NFRW owed CFRW the courtesy of a hearing for Janet Price? Or how about a text, a phone call, an email or a letter informing her she was being removed from office? Janet Price did NOTHING wrong. The Rogues, lead by a former president, wanted Mrs.Price to be their puppet and dance on their string. When she would not do so, they planned this out and attacked her.
The NFRW said they were staying out of it, and that the two groups had to settle it between themselves. Then they went behind the backs of the duly elected president of CFRW to work with, communicate with, and later on endorse the Rogue group. NFRW refused to speak on the telephone with anyone who remained on the side of the duly elected president, saying “No Comment” to each and every caller expressing their distress at this hostile takeover.
The Rogue group have lied, smeared, backstabbed and at every turn treated Janet Price like dirt. They have defamed her repeatedly. By the way, the judge said no such thing as you quote in your comment. There was one line in the request for motion that was written with an error, so the judge said he was forced to deny the request. However, the judge stated that an appeal was possible and admonished those reading the decision to keep in mind that Plaintiff has a large case with a lot of material, and not to misrepresent the statement by the Court.
So, of course, the Rogues began their drumbeat of misleading their followers by stating that they won the case and Mrs. Price lost. Um… the only thing that happened was that a request for motion was denied – a request that was resubmitted to the Court 2 months ago. We are awaiting the decision of the judge in this case. Why lie and fake out the people who have been gullible enough to follow the Rogue group? Why not tell the truth?
Geez! I wonder if the truly legal CFRW would consider an “Honorary Member status”? If so, I’d like to nominate Steve Frank. If not, perhaps our Golden State Republican Women would be so inclined. In any event, women everywhere, and Republican women in particular, owe Steve a debt of gratitude for helping us wade through the crap that’s been handed us by a zealous few.
I am so disappointed in you. There has never been a more crucial time to work together and support conservatives (Republicans), and maybe you need to be more Reaganist. You do not know what Rep Women clubs are doing in the various counties under the current leadership.
Here I am representing both the Rep Women Federated, and Rep Party, recruiting volunteers, we will be setting up tables at store fronts, registering voters, gathering signatures to Repeal the Death Tax, Support Voter ID, etc. Talking and educating voters, from 4 different RWF clubs in my county.
We have formed an education committee, working to assist school boards and keeping people advised on the toxic legislation coming from the Progressive Democrats. Assisting with the effort reaching out to all school districts in our county, to adopt the policy for parents rights. We had 300 at a meeting at county fairgrounds, and standing room only at a school board meeting last night. So what are you actively doing?
You are playing in the Democrats hands, dividing us. And, yes, I have my problems with some of the leadership in the State Party, but we are perfectly capable as a ground force to get the job done. And I sure hope that anyone that reads this, gets their rear end in gear and start creating a volunteer force in their county. That is what we must do in this state, county by county, and for heaven’s sake instead of going after Republican Women, make your target Newsom, he could well be the Left’s Presidential candidate. I am sure, as I do have, enough “stuff” on him and his wife.
Let’s keep the main thing the main thing, Steve! The main thing is that you appear to be the lap dog of Janet Price and her minions and wrote this piece of yellow journalism as a tactic to deviate from the real truth regarding Janet Price. Never once have you chosen to seek out WHY the MAJORITY OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE removed her. CFRW contacted NFRW from the very beginning of this decision. They, in turn, supervised all we did; and with the notebook of evidence that was presented to them, THEY REMOVED Janet Price. This latest distortion of the truth is pathetic and destructive on so many levels. For me, you have no journalistic ethics nor character. Selling your soul to the devil will get you nowhere but to hell.
The rogues may have contacted the CFRW but did they contact Janet Price??? She says no. That’s an important element here, don’t you think? We’ll find out in December.
At the September National Federation of Republican Women convention later this month some members will seek to have the bylaws changed to specifically state membership is only for BIOLOGICAL women. This issue has been circling the organization for several years.
NFRW and CRFW says voting members can only be women. Men are associate members. The problem is that some MEN identify as women.
I’ve been told that Riley Gaines and Charlie Kirk have called out (via tweets) NFRW for not supporting women. Let’s see what happens in Oklahoma City. Will a WOMEN’S organization side with WOMEN or will they side with the woke community?
Thank you Eleanor. You’d think it would be a given wouldn’t you?. It’s going to be interesting!