Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/11/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
The Republican Women’s Federated. Tip of the Spear to Kill Republican Volunteers?
We already know the California Republican Party has been reduced to a paper organization, financing grifters, consultants and helping a few to get into office—only if those candidates agree to support the paper organization. No voter registration, few candidates, refused to sue to get dead people off the voting rolls—even took out the Election Integrity plank from the proposed Platform, smearing and unendorsing conservative nominees who stand for GOP principles, ending delegates from changing the by-laws (allowing a few chosen people to do that). A U.S. Senate race will be on the March ballot and they are refusing to set up the process to endorse a GOP candidate. This could assure Schiff and Porter—a liar and a socialist–to be on the November ballot.
In California, in just eight months, the Rogue Nine have taken the CFRW from over 12,000 members, to 5124. On January 1, 2023 they had 120 clubs—today they claim 66 clubs—and REFUSED to accept the dues from clubs they do not like. I have copies of emails sent to the clubs, where the Rogue Nine ADMIT the clubs paid dues—but that is not good enough for them. This letter was sent on September 9:
“CFRW’s records show that Corona-Norco RWF only paid dues for 15 memberships in 2023. Corona-Norco RWF chose to continue to represent themselves as a California Federated Club throughout 2023 by advertising and holding meetings on a regular basis, inviting speakers, charging dues for your members, but only paid the dues of 15 of its members to the Federation (California or National). For this, you were reasonably informed that your club was not in good standing.”
What does “reasonably informed” mean—they paid dues and you would not accept them.
Immediately upon the Rogue Nine declaring itself the “legitimate” CFRW, the NFRW President, Eileen Sobjack, recognized them—no questioning of the CFRW Board, no call to the legitimately elected President, Janet Price. Just used her power as NFRW President to allow a group that REFUSED to tell the charges to Price until the last minute, to receive her blessing”.
At the time I thought it was a one-off, though it killed off the CFRW as a viable organization.
I was wrong.
This was part of a great program to kill off the National Federation of Republican Women. Sobjack, by recognizing without investigation, the Rogue Nine, told State RWF Presidents they could be thrown out if a few rogue members wanted to do that. It also allowed ONE person, the President, to take radical action, without a vote of the National Board, a national investigation or any reasoning behind the decision. At the time I thought something was funny, but did not understand the full ramifications of the Sobject personal rule over EVERY RFW in the nation.
Now we have a national issue that will tear apart and kill off the NFRW.
In October the NFRW is holding a national convention in Oklahoma City. A by-law has been submitted that would define qualification for RFW membership as being a DNA, biological female. What did Sobject say on September 6?
“As we head into our convention there are already hotly contested races, and part of what you’re seeing within the organization is jockeying for the next leadership posts. Unlike our counterparts on the Democrat side, free exchange of ideas and how to do things are welcome here.”
Yet, without a Board vote, committee vote, a convention vote, she refused to allow this by-law amendment to be heard. “But NFRW’s national president, Eileen Sobjack, on advice from the organization’s attorney, reportedly fears a costly lawsuit and told state leaders that “addressing this issue would end us. I will not let this issue be our demise,” WND has learned from a source within the organization requesting anonymity. Sobjack was “unavailable” for comment on this story, according to an aide.”
Remember in October of 2021. CFRW President Sue Blair told the President of the Palm Springs club, who wanted to address the transgender issue, was told to sit down and shut up. (that club had 1200 members, left the Federation and now has 2,000 members).
Does this sound like an organization that is open to free discussion—or sound like a WOKE campus or Democrat organization?
Literally, one person killed off the CFRW. Now the same person, on her own, is killing off the NFRW.
I will be watching the NFRW convention to see how many States and clubs leave the Federation due to the one women killer regime. It will be interesting to see the decline of the Federation membership nationally, as women decide to belong to a women’s political organization.
Finally, I have been writing about the Rogue Nine for many months. Not a single request to correct what I wrote—of course, because they know it is all sadly true.
Going into the 2024 elections in California we need a strong women’s organization. The CFRW has been a great training grounds and activist headquarters for women in politics. Now it is forcing politically active women to find other organizations if they want to make a difference.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
The last sentence says it all! Women who want to be politically active and help “make a difference” are indeed looking for, finding and creating other organizations and good for them! Why wouldn’t they? The newly formed Golden State Republican Women is a perfect example. Contact [email protected] for more information.
In addition the CRA, “California Republican Assembly”, established in 1935, is not only alive and well, it’s growing in leaps and bounds, thanks to the rogue 9. Contact Cragop.org for more information and/or to join.
Let’s help separate the wheat from the chaff. Remember the Steve Frank motto, “WHEN WOMEN WORK, WE WIN”!
I agree wholeheartedly with Ronni. It is very exciting to hear about this new “Golden State Republican Women”. Maybe they can help turn things around in California and make the state golden again.
As I have researched & decided, Janet Price brought this on herself. A judge has ruled against Janet Price. This is a dead horse! You know the old saying, divided we fall! I have read the letter from NFRW attorney and have to agree! Why in this climate would anyone put a target on their back. I was in Janet Price camp until a Judge made his ruling. Janet should have stepped aside for the good of the Federated. Clubs were given notice to pay their full members and knew the consequences. I believe CFRW should invite all clubs who were kicked out to rejoin. I understand their reluctance to not pay and wait for the judges ruling. That makes complete since, to wait on the ruling. The rogue 9 should step aside and not run for any office. That’s the only way to bring peace!
A judge did not rule against Janet. The request for motion had one wrong line in it, due to the first atty, and the judge denied this one small portion of the case, stating that plaintiff had a lot of material and this could be appealed. The request for motion was rewritten and submitted July 5th, and plaintiff is waiting to hear from the judge.
Janet Price brought this on herself? Are you kidding me? The Rogue 9 stabbed her in the back after begging her to take the job as president! She was doing a fine job and they had no right to do what they’ve done. Don’t be surprised that the clubs are not coming back.