Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/22/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
- A NEW GENDER!!! Hundreds of humans who identify as dogs gather at a Berlin train station to advocate for the rights of people who identify as dogs. The event was organized by a group called “Canine Beings.”
(The big question: Are they potty trained?)
- On Monday, the L.A. County GOP held its monthly meeting. Recently they held two funds raisers and have had a lot of expenditures. So everyone was anxious to hear the financial report. The LAGOP Treasurer, Keith Cascio, was very consistent—he did not give the ban k balance, the net on the fund raisers or the money owed by the LAGOP. What is Tim O’Reilly and Keith Cascio hiding from the members of this Committee?
- The other day I ran the story about Suzette Valladares proclaiming herself a pro-choice legislator, ala Planned Parenthood. Here is the actual text:

Assemblyman Devon Mathis: I harmed agriculture in 2017 and I am willing to do it again.
As a reminder, agriculture in the number one industry in California—and his district is filled with lots of large and small farms. How does Mathis represent it?
On September 11, 2023 “GOP” Assemblyman Devon Mathis urged CRP delegates to support a Democrat-Lite Platform.
In one part he wrote, “As a resident hailing from the heart of California’s San Joaquin Valley, I support a platform that states: “We are committed to supporting an agriculture sector that ensures quality for consumers and safety for farm workers.”
So why does he SUPPORT a proposed Platform that totally takes Agriculture out of the Platform as if it did not exist? Could it be because he voted for a Cap and Trade bill in 2017 that so far has taken over $13 billion from small farms in California ($2.2 billion the first year). He “supports” the farmers by raising taxes on them, forcing higher food prices for all of us. Can we afford his support? He wants you to forget about agriculture and high taxes with the Platform he supports.
In the Legislature, he was one of a handful of Republicans who voted in 2017 to extend the state’s landmark cap-and-trade program to combat climate change, a move that sparked a backlash from grass-roots Republican activists.
Legislative Analyst’s Office (.gov)
https://lao.ca.gov › 2017 › cap-and-trade-021317
As shown in Figure 5, the budget proposes to spend $2.2 billion in cap-and-trade revenue in 2017-18.
Mathis also wrote, “As a veteran, I like a platform that honors veterans by saying “We are free because of those who have served and honor those who paid the ultimate price.”
Yet the proposed Platform he supports took OUT the section from the current Platform about veterans. It also took out the section about seniors.
He wants to denounce the Democrats for their pro-crime views. Yet, the Platform he supports does not oppose Prop. 47 or 57. Republicans demand election integrity—that has been taken out—so does HE support election integrity?
We watch as illegal aliens go through our open borders. Mathis wants a Platform that does not even oppose sanctuary cities?
Finally, he writes, “The new platform is clear, concise, and helps voters know what California Republicans believe.
It clearly says nothing. It does have some slogans and platitudes, but few policy positions for our candidates to promote. In fact, if a candidate talks about election integrity, their Democrat opponent could easily say, “Your Party does not even mention it in the Platform, you seem like an extremist to bring it up. Our candidates will have to explain why the GOP Platform no longer promotes Republican principles and values—making our candidates outside the “norm” of the Republican part in California.
It is time for Mathis and any other GOP legislator to reconsider their attempt to have a No Platform, Platform.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
Vote for what they DO.
Not what they SAY!
It will save California, if it can be saved.