Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/27/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Keith Cascio—Claims to be conservative—but, like Suzette Valladares, is a raving Pro-Choice, kill the baby politico.
We all know Keith Cascio as the LAGOP Treasurer—the one that does NOT provide treasurers report, how much is in the bank, how much is spent, how big is the deficit (LAGOP Chair Tim O’Reilly, also wants to keep the LAGOP membership in the dark about finances, otherwise he would insist on a real treasurers report.
This is from the Cascio blog, https://keithfor55.org/blog/
First, we’ll remind the reader that our pro-choice campaign unequivocally defends women’s access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion within the first trimester (the typical policy in European countries), and also that our campaign acknowledges that abortion is feticide, the violent killing of a human fetus in the womb. The principle that nevertheless determines our pro-choice position is that we cannot credibly and unhypocritically eliminate the practice of first trimester feticide in the USA while our whole society enthusiastically profits off of $500+ billion per year of tainted goods from a vicious, murderous regime in PRC (as we’ve benefited from since 1972 — not coincidentally a prelude to Roe in 1973), while our whole society unabashedly profits off of a violent foreign policy of interventionist regime change (such as in Libya in 2011), and while our whole society profits from eagerly pushing onto our vulnerable youth a wide range of passive and interactive entertainment based on ultra-realistic depictions of murder.”
These are his words, yet he pretends to be a conservative. His words sound more like the words of Gavin Newsom then those of Brian Dahle, Tom McClintock or Brian Jones. Now you know why Susan Shelley in an article in the LA Daily Breeze has called for a REPUBLICAN take over of the LAGOP.

This is why we need to vet our candidates very closely. Just claiming to be a conservative does not make you one.
At the last minute announced U.S. Senate candidate Denise Padrol has also announced for associate rep for the CRP. An Associate Representative is automatically a member of the Executive Committee and has a vote like any other regular or appointed delegate.
But the CRP by-laws, 2.03.01 (B) is clear, “any person who has announced their candidacy or filed papers for such public office, whichever comes first, should not seek or hold elective office of the Committee.”
That is very clear. If elected she would be a member of the Executive Committee. So the question is, is she a serious candidate for either office? Pandrol has announced for the U.S. Senate, but has raised almost NO money, appears not to have a consultant and to be a one-person campaign. Is running for Associate Rep her back up plan—if elected she will drop out of the Senate race? If defeated, continue her Senate race?
If elected how is she able to do the work of the Associate Rep, organize meetings, promote the organization, while running for the Senate? —and then if the CRP endorses a different candidate, will she refuse to support the endorsed campaign?
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)