Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/29/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
CFRW Turns Misogynists–Opposes Women From Choosing GOP Activism.
A couple of days ago the Rogue Nine, using the name California Federation of Republican Women sent out an email blast objecting to women joining a GOP activist organization! That is exactly what they opposed, women being active in a chartered California Republican Party organization.
They wrote: “The GSRW application for charter is incorrect.
They do not have the Clubs they claim to have. All but 1 – 3, at the most, of these 18 clubs listed on their charter application are still chartered with CFRW and cannot join GSRW until they have officially closed and their charter and treasury funds have been returned to the Federation of Republican Women.”
This is NOT about clubs joining the GSRW, it is about individuals joining the new organization.
By that reasoning, women who are members of a CFRW recognized club are not allowed to join the CRA, a Log Cabin club or other CRP recognized organization—since they also belong to a CFRW club.
Literally they want to hold women hostage to their organization. Could this attitude by the reason they went from 12,000 members to 5124 members in just eight months? Or gone from 120 clubs to 66—many which no longer consider themselves part of the Rogue Nine/CFRW?

They go on to write, “The foundation of GSRW is unstable.
The bylaws submitted with the charter application are the organizing documents for the GSRW. These bylaws organize GSRW into a “unit club”, not a statewide organization with chapters around the state. They are taken directly from an outdated version of CFRW’s template for club bylaws. By delaying this vote for a year, the Committee will see if GSRW can form a statewide organization or remain a club with members in a few counties.
Like Kamala Harris, they think a word salad would confuse people with the truth.
They do not mention that the CRP Volunteer Committee has a criterion to recognize clubs, it is in the by-laws. They have a check list. They went over the check list and the Golden State Republican Women met every criterion set in the CRP by-laws. This new group followed the by-laws. If the Rogue Nine do not like the CRP by-laws they should introduce by-law amendments to change that section. Until, then the Volunteer Committee and the convention have the current by-laws to follow.
The bottom line to this is that the Rogue Nine/CFRW literally are saying they OWN women–that is called Misogynist–they are trying to stop women from being GOP activists. No one HAS to join the Golden State Republican Women, the CFRW, the CRA, the Log Cabin clubs—this is voluntary. Why complain that women made a choice to join an organization other than yours? I think individual women have the ability to decide for themselves what to join or how many clubs to join—no organization should be allowed to take those rights away from women. We are not Democrats.
(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
The California Federation of Republican Women is a non-relevant entity. They are in step with the California Republican Party. Like the California Republican Party all they do today i raise money and promote agendas that most Republican voters are not in sync with let alone Republican voting women. At one time they had prominence. Today, they are pretenders to the club.
You’re a man, obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about. Better to leave the thinking about what women think to true women. Thank God, you aren’t one.
Thank you for printing this. Clubs that were formerly CFRW affiliates are still in the process of leaving said organization, and some are just going to leave without going through the process. We all did get a “kiss and make up” letter recently, asking us to return. No thank you. We now have the freedom to associate with other conservative groups, and even to endorse candidates of OUR choosing.
Speaking of unstable, that’s a great description of CFRW’s rogue leadership, in my humble opinion.
Thank you for printing this article. As a member of CFRW for 40 years, I am saddened by what the organization has become.and I agree Republican volunteers need to be welcomed in our party and not disallowed. The more the better and the more opportunities to spread the Republican conservative agenda.
As usual, you have hit the nail on the head, Steve. I appreciate the exposure you are creating in this ugly mess the Rouge Nine have made. I’ve been a Republican since 1979. I’ve watched our party get watered down and wimpy. It’s time all Republicans, especially in Blue States stand up for traditional values. These Rouge Nine are everything that is wrong with the current California Republican Party. I still believe there are more conservatives in California who could, if they have the grit, turn this state around. Let’s start by running these Nine our of our midst!
Kudos to all who’ve replied to this post. One of the facts that stands out to me in this fiasco is that our “original” CFRW supported Steve Frank in his challenge to Jessica Patterson as Chair of the CAGOP a few years ago. Is it more than probable the rogue 9 were not only encouraged but supported by the same feckless CAGOP to pull the stunt they did? Remember, the Courts have yet to rule on that stunt. If the powers that be refuse to Charter the newly formed Golden State Republican Women, that probability will be confirmed imho.