Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/9/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Misogynist CFRW Now Wants its Officers to be OBEDIENT, Like Fido
What do I look for in a dog? I want a dog that is loyal, cares and most importantly, obedient. Now we find that the organization that believes women can not think for themselves and are not allowed to belong to any other political organization wants obedience of those who run for Statewide office.
This is the self proclaimed misogynist organization, the California Federation of Republican Women. Run by the Rogue Nine.
Obedience to who? Obedience to what? Not explained, but if you violate this ambiguous demand they can throw you out once it is put into the bylaws. They have already thrown out the State President. They have thrown out numerous clubs.
In a note to potential candidates for CFRW office, this is one of the by-law amendments for the upcoming convention (2023.08.10): “Fulfill three primary fiduciary duties: loyalty, care and obedience.” This is the most demeaning bylaw change I have ever seen. It stops strong, independent women from being leaders. It mandates they are followers, without any questions asked.
Sounds more like a Progressives statement from AOC than from a Republican organization.
As we know the membership since the first of the year has gone from over 12,000 to 5124. They had 120 clubs on January 1. Now, for the purpose of their convention, they only recognize 66 clubs. But, here is where the fun is. They have announced that numerous clubs they refuse to recognize for the convention will be recognized on January 1, 2024.
Guess they do not believe these clubs and members are loyal, care or obedient. So, the Rogue Nine will have a State convention, without them, in a couple of weeks. Oh, based on the CFRW bylaws, with 66 “clubs” a quorum is only 17 clubs. Read that right. Out of an original 120 clubs, 17 clubs will be able to make policy, change by-laws.
I do not believe women who are leaders should be told they are not allowed to join other GOP groups. Worse, in a presentation at the CRP convention, they announced that if you are a member of a CFRW club, you are not allowed to form a club with another organization.
At least they are honest—they are telling their members their place in the world: “Fulfill three primary fiduciary duties: loyalty, care and obedience.” Just like Fido. Once again the Rogue Nine have embarrassed themselves and the remaining members.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
I express my unwavering commitment to my husband, my dedication to caring for my children, and my obedience to my faith in God. It is deeply concerning that anyone would attempt to codify such personal beliefs and values into the bylaws of an organization. The CFRW, or any similar group, should not have the authority to dictate which clubs women can or cannot be a part of.
As we find ourselves in 2023, it’s disheartening to witness the continued presence of such restrictive practices within the organization. It raises questions about which era or regime the CFRW and its leadership belong to, as their approach seems out of step with the principles of inclusivity and individual freedom that we value in our society.
Furthermore, the lack of transparency and apparent perpetuation of the same individuals in leadership positions within the CFRW is a cause for concern. Without fresh perspectives and diverse voices, it becomes challenging to envision positive change occurring for the women of California within this organization.
There are essentially two options for members dealing with Mary Ervin and those in charge of CFRW: either waiting for a generational change or relocating outside of California. Either way, it’s a losing situation for Republicans and Republican Women in California.
OMG! At first, I thought this was a joke. I contacted someone who is still in a CFRW club (that plans to leave before the end of the year) and is going to the CFRW conference to get the goods on what is happening. They shared the handout with me, and I read through it and was very surprised. For instance, CFRW says a member cannot say anything negative about an elected Republican. That means if a CFRW member writes a letter to the editor complaining about an elected Republican, they could be tossed out of CFRW.
This is insane!
Steve, you need to investigate why the rogue nine are destroying CFRW. There must be a reason why nine people got together to destroy what was once a strong and respected organization.
If it were up to me, I’d recommend a clause in the newly formed Golden State Republican Women Bylaws that no member involved with, or supporter of, the original rogue 9 be allowed to join or participate in GSRW activities. The R-9 tactics have shown us who they are and what they’re willing to do to satisfy their self-serving goals. Fortunately, thanks to the integrity and hard work of Team Janet, the success of the GSRW already speaks for itself!
Ronni, that’s a good idea!
To the above comment. There are many clubs/women still involved in CFRW who haven’t declared Team Janet or Team Rogue 9. We are Team Common Sense. I agree that there hasn’t been a lot of that shown in CFRW lately. We recognize an organization of dedicated women that are far more effective in their communities than the bylaws that is worth working to restore. I agree that there are several proposed amendments that are absolutely ludicrous. The clubs that are choosing to stay and take back our organization to common sense would appreciate your support and encouragement. And I’d hope that the ridiculous bylaw you propose wouldn’t be a part of GSRW’s bylaws either. Honestly, the amount of time spent fighting within CFRW and organizing GSRW has been ridiculous. Ladies…we are all losers at this point. No one is a “hero” or better off. You know why? We’ve forgotten and abandoned the main reason both of these clubs exist….TO GET REPUBLICANS ELECTED TO OFFICE! (How’s that going for us….?)
The clubs that left the Federation are not losers. They are all thriving! CFRW spends too much time with their Bylaws and NOT enough time helping Republicans get elected. Isn’t there enough terrible laws in California for all of us to endure so why stick with CFRW and have more laws shoved down our throats?. The clubs that left are the smart ones.
You know…I totally agree with you that too much time is spent on bylaws and not enough time on helping republicans get elected. In a round about way, I said the exact same thing. And yea, there are tons of terrible laws. The only point that I disagree with you on is CFRW laws being shoved down our throats. I’ve witnessed the majority of those laws serve a very real, meaningful and effective purpose. Note the word MAJORITY. We are going to work with the state delegates at the convention in hopes that they won’t adopt some of these bylaw amendments. Bylaws have proven, over the test of time, to be an excellent roadmap for operating organizations. They evolve as organizations evolve and encounter problems. Being part of a large organization is more than just a self serving title or responsibility. It’s NOT all about one person but an organization as a whole. The actions of one person can be a reflection on everyone…which is why rules and bylaws exist for these entities. If you were ever in a sorority…codes of conduct (ie bylaws) existed because of the representation one sister holds for the entire chapter. For example, Sister 1 is a straight shooter, upstanding, kind, morally in check sister. Sister 2 holds some of these qualities but once she has 2 beers, she’s upside down on a keg doing a handstand with her tube top, sliding down her neck, and eventually becoming a blindfold. People see Sister 2 in action. People associate sister 2 with sister 1. Sister 1 is at home caring for her aging grandmother. The next day at coffee with friends, she overhears someone say, “I saw Sister 2 last night at a frat party….those AlphaBeta sisters must be/are alcoholics and sluts since they do keg stands!” Fast forward to the next chapter meeting…no more keg stands or you will be kicked out of the sorority. Moral of the story (if you’ve even gotten this far) bylaws help organizations operate effectively and CFRW has had a track record of operating well. We’ve had some poor decisions lately, and the bylaws probably need to be altered to get rid of those with a stronghold on the main operations, but it’s no different than what is happening in the US. So now we work to restore the sanity in the organization and I really hope that someday all Republican women can come back together and work for the good of the party…and not the benefit of a few. And for the record, Visalia Republican Women Federated is thriving despite the drama in the state and national Organization. I would consider my club a smart club that sees an 80+ year old organization worth saving…hopefully without too much more drama.
Stee, you mention the Rogue Nine regularly. Who are they? Name, rank & serial number. Thanks, As one who belongs to a few Republican clubs and a few non-Republican business organizations. It’s unbelievable that they say you can only belong to their clubs. What if you’re a delegate on the County Central Committee? But again, please identify Rogue Nine.
Fresh, positive approach to extremely important state and national issues have been overshadowed by this battle, diluting Republican effectiveness. Women can be so powerful in our Republic’s fight for survival, and it is sad to see anything otherwise.
I would not stay with such an authoritarian organization as CFRW has become. Our world has enough dictatorial power seekers; we don’t need the chaos engendered by these “” rogue few, as they are aptly named. My choice has been made because I must.