Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/12/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
National Federation of Republican Women Taken BACK by Strong Republican Women.
Election for CFRW or NFRW office are usually just a formality. The Ruling Class provides a slate of candidates, nominations are opened. Then if someone is nominated from the floor, those candidates are easily deposed of.
A couple of weeks ago the NFRW, the national organization that actually charters the CFRW, held elections for the main nationwide officer position. The ruling class, which has backed the Rogue Nine of the CFRW, without questioning by-laws, procedures or hearings presented its slate. From the floor candidates were nominated for the four positions—just a formality.
For the first time in history a candidate nominated from the floor won election. In fact, ALL four candidates nominated from the floor were elected. For the first time in history, the Ruling Class—those that protected the CFRW Rogue Nine—totally lost control of the organization.
The new majority also passed a Resolution, policy that must be followed by every State and local club of the Republican Women. The resolution mandates that only biological women can be members of the organization. Now the national organization is going to go over State by-laws and try to correct the “errors”. I hope the CFRW is the first on the block.
Of interest, there were just under 700 voting delegates to the NFRW convention. California normally sends 70-80, including club presidents. This time, they only sent 35 delegates. But, some in the California delegation supported the insurgents who wanted to return the NFRW to a well run, independent Republican organization were SHUNNED by the Rogue Nine and isolated from the delegation. At least they were not tarred and feathered—LOL.
It will be important to watch the fixes the NFRW makes to the CFRW—maybe the Rogue Nine will decide to start their own organization–LOL

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
Again, Who are the Rogue Nine? You consistently write about them but don’t tell us who they are and which clubs they represent.
The rogue nine are a gang of power hungry rogues led by a seriously ill psychopath
They are a bunch of mean spirited women. Because of them CFRW is failing. It has less then half of the membership now. Clubs that have left are doing great and they can now have harmony and peace!
Steve, I don’t think a resolution is a State-wide mandate. I think the bylaws dictate not resolutions. Also note that the NFRW and CAGOP conventions overlapped this year. Some attended NFRW while others attended the CAGOP convention.
Love your columns but unbiased facts would be more helpful than emotional responses.
Oops…Nationwide mandate.
Steve, I am so disappointed in you. Put this issue together, you are the very example of why Republicans fail to get things done, instated of supporting and standing together. You need to put your ego in the closet, and let;s focus on going after the Democrats, and exit them from the state capitol. Why are you not talking about what is going to be on the ballot, the bills Newsom signed, Letting people know there are petitions to sign now, and many more soon to protect prop 13, for voter ID,, to oppose the Climate Bond, Support the four ballot measures to support parents rights.
And by the Way where are the 58 Republican Central Committees, are you out there helping to get signatures to Repeal the Death Tax. Are you registering voters, education voters, you know getting in fromt of voters. Our EDWRWF Republican women’s group news magazine, has this kind of information
It is called “Being Right”. Please people get out there and start talking about what the leftists are doing.
Until you are kicked out of your office as President of the largest Republican Women’s Federated organization in the United States with no good reason, it is difficult to understand why this matters.
My guess is that when the dust settles, Golden State Republican Women is going to be “the” women’s organization to join. CFRW will be left in the dust. But I was happy that the grassroots candidates won at NFRW.
Steve – WHO ARE THE ROGUE 9? I keep hearing Sue Blair’s name and assume she is one of the 9. You need to list all 9 members!
Blair’s fingerprints are on so many instances that hurt CFRW. Someone should post how many members and clubs there were the day Blair became CFRW president and how many there were the day she left. It seems that anything Sue Blair touches turns to mush.