Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/13/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
CRP Chair Patterson Finds Way to DEFEAT Incumbent GOP Legislators
Each County has a precinct Chair and groups to help the get out the vote effort. Our responsibility is to maximize our volunteers, campaign workers, leaders and candidates for the one purpose of getting out the vote for March 5—except our CRP Chair Patterson does NOT want you to do that.
She tried hard to pass a Platform that was a word salad, making the GOP stand for nothing. Happily, the volunteers and legislators joined together to stop that disaster.
One way to make sure our incumbent GOP legislators win re-election is by having a strong showing in the Primary. The more votes earned by our incumbent Assembly members, Congress members and Senators, the less likely the Democrats will seriously take them on in the General Election. Raising a lot of money is also very important.
So, it is vital that the GOP that we have a very robust get out the vote effort. These efforts are led by the campaigns, GOP County Chairs, organizational leaders. Most CRP delegates and Associate are leaders and workers for our GOP candidates.
On the weekend prior to the March 5 Primary CRP Chair Patterson is directing them NOT to help their candidates. She is asking them NOT to help get out the vote. Instead of making sure our candidates on the cusp of getting into the Top Two get enough votes to make it to November, she wants them in San Jose for a scripted, proxy owned convention.
It is now up to the GOP Legislators to go to Patterson and remind her, her job is to elect Republican to office not defeat them. But, her record is just the opposite.
Not once this year has the CRP Board of Directors had a report on voter registration. She talks about it, but then does nothing. In 2020 and 2022 she made sure many races had NO Republicans on the Primary or General Election ballot. And, if she did not like the GOP nominee because they were conservative, she had some unendorsed, then smeared them, without a chance to defend themselves.
In 2022, after losing an Assembly and State Senate seat, her Board gave her a $25,000 BONUS, for losing.
We need to move her convention from March 1-3, till April or May. Your job is to talk with your legislators and let them know YOU support them and want them to win. One major way is ALL HANDS ON DECK FOR VOTER TURNOUT THE WEEKEND OF MARCH 1.
Can we afford to have a party in San Jose on March 1-3? We need to get out the vote—and she is blocking that, as if she were a Democrat operative. She works for us—NOT them.
MOVE THE CONVENTION. Maximize our vote on March 5.

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
Scheduling the CRP Spring Convention the weekend prior to the March 5th 2024 primary election may be the most irresponsible politically damaging tactical error in the history of the California Republican Party.
Every County Party Chair, Regional Vice Chair, State Legislative and Congressional Candidate and Incumbent seeking re-election and or elective office in 2024, E/O and CRP delegate ought to rise up and contact the CRP Executive Board NOW and demand the Spring convention be rescheduled to a more appropriate and thoughtful date or risk being voted off the CRP executive board and California’s extremely important Congressional Delegations role in keeping control of the US House of Representatives in 2024.
Jessica Patterson has been a failed chairperson since her first day! Her decisions, such as this one, proves again that her primary goal is to make sure Republicans lose as many elections as possible.
The CRP wonders why so many Republicans switch to NPP. It makes you feel dirty to be a member of a party that works against your best interests.
Jessica Patterson is a failed leader