Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 11/29/23 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
Mathis To Retire From Assembly—Gave Us Billion $$$ PLUS Per Year Cap and Trade Tax
It was reported by the SJ Sun that Devon Mathis was retiring from the Assembly. He is famous for being one of the seven GOP’ers that pushed over the top the Socialist/Democrat proposal of Cap and Trade. Thanks to his vote, Californians are paying, via higher costs and lost jobs more than a billion dollars a year for the Cap and Trade scam. This is where private businesses are forced to pay for carbon production—and other businesses get to BUY credits, so they can increase their carbon production.
With the buying and selling, we still have the exact same carbon production, just the location of the carbon has changed—at the cost of billions, lost jobs and higher prices—inflation.
Recently, Mathis was the out spoken on his support of a CRP Platform that no longer supported saving babies, election integrity, agriculture (though he represents an ag district)—literally this was a Democrat Lite Platform—he was beaten with a 78% vote!
BUT, is this a preclude to Congressman McCarthy announcing on December 7 that he is not running for re-election, and endorsing Mathis—the Mitt Romney of the California GOP, for his seat.
We will watch this closely.
Valladares: Sacramento—NOT Your City—Should Control Housing
Suzette Valladares, who voted to oppose parents knowing if a teacher had changed the gender of their child, is not a supporter of individual rights. Radical State Senator Scott Weiner had a bill, SB 9 that takes the ability of a city council to issue zoning rules, permits and control the quality of life in a community, and give it to a faceless bureaucrat in Sacramento.
“For example, what a person believes about local government control can shape whether they believe a decision regarding housing should be made at the local level or by Sacramento politicians who don’t have to live in the communities affected by their decisions. This would be seen in the case of SB 9, which was authored by two of the most extreme Democrats in the Legislature, Toni Atkins and Scott Weiner.
SB 9 was identified by Livable California as one of the 7 bad bills of 2021 and Sacramento politician Suzette Valladares during her one and only term in the State Assembly (AD 38) voted to disregard the decision making of those impacted locally.”
Republicans support parental rights and local control. What do these votes make Valladares? If the LAGOP and the CRP endorse her, it will go a long way toward the goal of making the GOP a Party begging for support, not a Party showing it has values and principles. This also puts into question any endorsement by these organizations—if they endorse candidates that act like Democrats, what criteria are they using?
Livable California, 8/23/23 www.capoliticalreview.com |
Dear Republican Leader, A good number of homeowners often feel as though they are political punching bags of Sacramento Politicians, but not usually pummeled by Republicans – yet that is what happened when single family lots were split to put 6 units zoned for one in your neighborhood. In the quest to find housing solutions to the problems that have plagued California for over a decade, there are several competing models that arise and that don’t always cut neatly along partisan lines. However, the fundamental guiding principles to which an individual holds can help to shape their decision making when difficult decisions arise. For example, what a person believes about local government control can shape whether they believe a decision regarding housing should be made at the local level or by Sacramento politicians who don’t have to live in the communities affected by their decisions. This would be seen in the case of SB 9, which was authored by two of the most extreme Democrats in the Legislature, Toni Atkins and Scott Weiner. SB 9 was identified by Livable California as one of the 7 bad bills of 2021 and Sacramento politician Suzette Valladares during her one and only term in the State Assembly (AD 38) voted to disregard the decision making of those impacted locally. Of course, this was just another in the line of bad votes that has plagued her and almost certainly contributed to her 2022 defeat – the only incumbent Republican to be defeated in a state or federal race in all of California in 2022. It is true that in some cases politicians have the luxury of representing a district where the overwhelming majority of their district shares a similar view as to the best housing solution for their entire community at large. In such cases, this bill could benefit their constituents. Others, may have competing interests that are represented within a district. In such a case, decision making can be more difficult. In some cases, it may even mean that there is no good decision for the district and it could be better to not pick and choose the winner of who gets to make the decision. It is also certainly true, that at times these decisions may be different for each community, but that is why if a district encompasses many different types of communities the prudent and principled decision for those who assert a belief in local control can be to let each local community decide what is best for them.In looking at the voting record on this bill it is easy to see how each of communities of interest benefited by the way their representatives voted – except in Assembly District 38. In Santa Clarita and northern San Fernando Valley lot sizes for homes cannot sustain being split so that they crush single family dwellings and zoning. This is even more true when these splits allowed for not just four, but six units on those lots which is what this bill permitted (not just duplexes.) Even in other parts of the district, the infrastructure for roads, water, even schools can’t sustain six times the number units on lots zoned for one. Furthermore, this bill was voted down by a number of other legislators representing Los Angeles County homeowners and by Senator Scott Wilk who represented this same district in the Senate. Again, Suzette let down her constituents, supporters, and her principles. Is this really the type of behavior and voting record that deserves to be rewarded with an endorsement vote? Respectfully, The LCP Board P.S. Make no mistake, single family homeownership is under attack in California and politicians like Weiner are attacking it every chance they get – let’s make sure he isn’t supported by Republicans in the process. |
P.S. Some of asked me if Steve Garvey or his people have asked for any corrections in the stories I have written about him. Not a word. Of course if there are any mistakes, please point them out and I will publish corrections. This Friday I will be publishing a FULL background of his actions in regard to family, his legal issues and his “military” record. I have reached out to his consultant—and am calling Garvey directly prior to publishing the article. Will publish his side of the story.
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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)