Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  12/2/23    www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Suzette Valadares:  Supported Biden/Democrat Resolution to Condemn January 6th;  ONLY REPUBLICAN To Oppose Constitutional Rights

  1.  On Monday the registered Republican Suzette Valadares is going to ask the Republican Party of LA County for an endorsement for State Senate.
  2.  She supported a ballot measure to promote abortions
  3. She supported the Sen. Weiner housing measure to take away authority for cities to do zoning and issue permits.  She voted for Sacramento to control that process.
  4. She voted with the Democrats to keep secrets from parents about their children in government schools.
  5. Now we find she supported a Resolution, the only Republican, to do so.  See the official vote here, https://legiscan.com/CA/rollcall/AJR22/id/1122874.

Thanks to Suzette Valadares making this censorship and promotion of the end of free speech, on Thursday night the 1st VP of the LAGOP was arrested by the Gestapo, ur, Biden calls them the FBI.  Yup Siaka Massaquoi.  His crime?  He was an American in D.C. protesting.  Sadly, while he is in jail, his wife is moments away from giving birth.  Suzette, instead of fighting for free speech and the 1st Amendment,  was going with the totalitarian crowd.

2.  On a silly note, the Presidential race has another entrant.  This past week James Bradley filed with the FEC to run for President of the United States.  He filed as an Independent.  At the same time he has filed to run for Senate from California as a Republican.  Did he change his registration?  How can he run for two offices at the same time, from different Parties?

Oh, at his last FEC report he had about $340 in the account.  Not enough to file for one office.  How did this happen?  Apparently a couple of people talked him into it.  One of them is Vic Marani.  There is no rational reason for Bradly, with no money, no organization, for a Senate race, to run for President.  Why is he doing it?  It seems a Third Party might allow him on THEIR ballot line—there is no top two for President in California.

3.  A shout out to a great fan and reader.  This reader actually has “alerts” for my newsletter, so that as soon as it is posted, he can read it—the first in the State.  Thankyou KEITH for being my number one fan!!!


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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

One thought on “HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS

  1. To Steve, my roommate at the 2008 NY GOP Convention: I love California but today I am glad I don’t live there anymore. I choose to live in the land of snow in Minnesota rather than the land of sunshine because the sun don’t shine too brightly in Sacramento or pretty much anywhere else in CA. I am so sad for the state of my birth. It was destroyed by the top two primary winners rule passed in the Arnold era. Now GOPers and half a dozen other small parties have no right to be seen on the November ballot. It is no longer the land of opportunity but rather the land of lawlessness and poverty and crime (unless you are very very rich and live in a couple of elite areas). I keep this page so I know that not all is lost in CA. There are still patriots who struggle to survive the blind leftists policies that run the state. I pray for you every day and still have hope that someday CA will again be the land of opportunity and freedom. Just say’n. :-{ Vince

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