Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  12/6/23    www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

(Clarification on CRP/Patterson voter registration statement)

  1.  Yesterday I reported that even with the CRP voter registration since Jessica Patterson became Chair, the Dems GREW the margin of difference between the two Parties by 504,000.  But that was half the story.  In her blast email of November, 29, 2023 she said:

““It’s Jessica here. I wanted to give you a brief update on California Voter Registration trends lately, and I’m happy to say – we have GREAT news. 

Since becoming Chair of the CAGOP, Republican Voter Registration has increased by 576,418 voters. 

And the most recent Voter Registration report showed…we’ve added more NEW Republican Voters to our Party than the Democrats added to theirs!”

She said “And the most recent Voter Registration report showed…we’ve added more NEW Republican Voters to our Party than the Democrats added to theirs!”.  Where did she get her facts?  Here is the truth from the Secretary of State,

Democrat registration in 2023:       10,353,432

Democrat registration in 2019                   8,956,480

Democrats added:  1,396,952

Per Patterson, the CRP registered   576,418.

The CRP did Not out register the Dems—in fact the Dems out registered us by more than two to one.  How much longer can we afford her “successes”?

  •  Suzette Valadares—THREE Time Loser (Four when you count 2022 Assembly seat loss)

On Monday night the LAGOP held n endorsement meeting.  This came just after it was exposed that as an Assemblywoman, she was the ONLY Republican to support a Democrat resolution to denounce the protesters in D.C. on January 6—and to take a stand against the First Amendment right to protest.

The first time she lost the endorsement by three votes.  The second time by six votes, this time she lost by 13 votes.  As her Democrat Lite record is revealed, Republicans join the no on Suzette movement.

Also as part of the meeting was an attempt to endorse the ONLY Republican running for LA DA, Judge David Milton.

The LAGOP Secretary sent out a note that stated the non partisan offices—DA—will be handle differently, with explaining the differences.  Milton followed the rules by submitting his request in a timely way—but apparently NOT for DA—the other offices had different time schedules.  But the LAGOP never noted the time schedule was different for the office of DA, a countywide office.

Once again, LAGOP Chair helped the Democrats by refusing to allow a vote for endorsement for DA.  Now the Democrats can say, “even the Republicans do not support Milton.”  But refusing to elect a Republican DA, he may have assured a Democrat will win.  Of course, remember, he voted AGAINST a Republican Platform in April, preferring a Democrat-Lite Platform.  At least under his “leadership” he is sometimes honest.

He has clearly told candidates, “we do not give money to candidates, we do not have a precinct operation to help candidates.”  He could add they are far in debt and do not have a voter registration program.  What more could the Democrats want from a GOP Chair?


I have some great readers.  At the Riverside Central Committee meeting on Friday night, some approached Steve Hilton and asked if he was running for Governor.  His response?  “I have not made that public yet.”.

The good news is that he is a solid conservative.  The very bad news is that the Far-Left of the California GOP, like Matt Shupe who is running the ethically challenged Steve Garvey for Senate (but keeping him better hidden than Joe Biden—for fear people will ask him questions that he now refuses to answer about his legal problems, his lack of even seeing children and grandchildren, his “military” record, etc.). Hilton will be used to endorse far-Left Republicans in the primary, not knowing who they are or what tghey stand for. 

We will keep an eye on this.  Wonder how long the media will take to pick this up.  Oh, since the GOP is irrelevant, not even mention or cover it?

  •  Who is Steve Schmidt?  He ran the Schwarzenegger for Governor campaign in 2006—for $1 million.  He was famously asked if Arnold was a Republican.  His answer, “Arnold is a Party of One”—the Schwarzenegger Party.  Since then Schmidt moved even further to the Left—strident opponent of Trump.  Now he is upset that the Democrat he was working for, for President, moved to the Left.  What did Schmidt think—Phillips has made clear he supported the Biden Progressive anti-freedom polices—just that Biden was too old.  Phillips was the perfect candidate for Schmidt.

PHILLIPS PIVOT — STEVE SCHMIDT has left Rep. DEAN PHILLIPS’ (D-Minn.) campaign as he shifts leftward in his primary challenge to Biden, The Daily Beast’s Jake Lahut reports from Portsmouth, New Hampshire.


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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)