Heard on the Tom/Toms
Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/21/24 www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com
- In the past I have written how Steve Garvey passed several years in a row, college physicals. How he passed the L.A. Dodger physicals. How he passed the Armey physical. Then after he was drafted and sent to Ft. Jackson, he spent time asking his fiancé about HER migraines—symptoms, effects, etc. THEN claimed he had migraines. He got the Dodger doctor, Dr. Woods, who got other doctors, to claim Garvey had debilitating migraines. Then the Army gave him a medical discharge. Before the discharge he wrote a letter to his finance claiming he had “an escape plan”. Once receiving his medical discharge from the Army, he PASSED the Dodger physical.
All of this was in the recent CPNV article, “Steve Garvey: L.A. Dodger/Draft dodger or Both”
You will note that nowhere in his bio does he mention being drafted, being in the military or getting a medical discharge. Most people who have served are proud of it. Why isn’t he? Wait till Adam Schiff asks about it publicly in an ad?
So, I just received a copy of a picture that I am told was taken on the day he left the Army, to go back to play baseball. Wonder how he will address this to those who served in the Army, the families of those killed in Viet Nam? White privilege? That is Steve Garvey.

Friday night, at the Bob Hope Patriotic Hall on Figueroa in Los Angeles. It is sponsored by the “Veterans Affiliated Council”. This organization was founded in 1921 by Governor Hiram Johnson—helps veterans with benefits issues, mental health issues and more. More than two dozen candidates for Congress will be attending—a great opportunity to meet them, question them and see who is best to represent the needs of those who serve and those who have served.

- SUZETTE VALADARES: Wants Amnesty for illegal aliens.
On September, 25, 2019, when Valadares was running for Congress, she sent a blast email to the District. This is, in part, what she said:
““We cannot allow this crisis to continue! We must increase the number of agents on the border. Most agents are on patrol by themselves, with backup up to 50 miles away. This leaves agents vulnerable to attack by smugglers and cartel thugs. We also must update our aging border infrastructure. In many areas, migrants easily climb the existing wall with little or no deterrence. Incorporating new technology, coupled with an update to existing infrastructure, would create a secure, effective border. Finally, we must find a solution for the millions of people already living and working in our country illegally. A pathway to citizenship is necessary to solving the greater issue of illegal immigration. “ |
Does she still believe that? We know she claims to be pro-life, but supported a ballot measure to make it easier to get abortions.
We know she told us she supports parental rights—but voted for a bill to allow teachers to lie to parents.
So, in the past she claimed concern about illegal aliens—but her solution was to give amnesty, which we know would be a magnet for MORE illegal aliens.
Suzette—do you still support amnesty for illegal aliens?

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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know. The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”. This column is named in her honor.)
Steve Garvey will be the GOP candidate to oppose Adam Schiff in the November election, so we each have a decision to make. Do you want to support Adam Schiff, the liar from hell, or Steve Garvey, who has some skeletons in the closet from some 30 years ago? That is your choice. Steve Garvey has been happily married for the past 20 some years to the same woman and his son is working with him on his campaign. He has been a registered Republican all of his adult life and proudly voted for Trump twice. He has held his own during the past three debates. Please! Respectively, “Vote your conscience”.
Garvey is better, however, the best will be Denice Pandol or Eric Early. Denice is high energy and well informed. eric is low energy, sorry, Eric.
Lieutenant DJ Hamburger will be a better pick instead of Suezette