Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  2/28/24    www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

1.Looks like Steve Garvey, who refuses to meet with activists and GOP clubs is also stiffing the media.  CalMatters invited Senate candidates to answer questions about issues.  Porter, Lee and Schiff participated.  Steve Garvey REFUSED to participate.  Guess if he gets into the November ballot, Garvey will have his wife’s Trust finance a long. Long vacation to Hawaii.

This is from CalMatters:

“In the last of three interviews with top U.S. Senate contenders, CalMatters reporters on Monday asked Schiff about the Gaza war, his ads on Fox News and more. While he gave us only about 30 minutes over Zoom — compared to an hour for fellow Democratic Reps. Katie Porter and Barbara Lee — Schiff still addressed a wide range of topics. (Republican Steve Garvey has declined an invitation.)”

You read that right—Garvey could have done it from his home via ZOOM—not as if he had a schedule of events to attend?  What if the GOP had a candidate who ghosted the voters?  That will be called a “Steve Garvey”.

2.  did you know that President Bill Clinton wanted to end ALL welfare and other payments to illegal aliens?  Did you know he wanted to deport illegal aliens?  Did you know he got a standing ovation from Congress by his declaration of cracking down on illegal aliens—it was an almost unanimous standing ovation—Democtats and Republicans!  By todays standards he make Sen. Cruz a lover or illegal aliens.  Too bad Clinton is silent today on his previous statements.  Hope the Trump campaign uses this as part of why a crackdown on illegal aliens is needed.

Trump should use this Bill Clinton 1995 immigration clip as a national campaign ad. 

Democrats will lose their minds. 

 I’m Donald Trump and I approve this video.

3.  Sacramento Democrats Want to Stack OC Board of Education With Their Radicals

Sacramento Democrats want politicalize the Orange County Board of Education.  Currently the Board has five members that are responsive to the parents and taxpayers of the County.  The elected Superintendent, literally has not been to a Board meeting or seen in over a year!  He is a George Gascon, AOC type Progressive.  Since the radical Democrats can not take over the Board—since the voters/parents want to control it, the Democrats have decided to ad members in hopes of getting their people on the Board.  But next door is L.A. county—and their Board of Education, none of the members, are elected by the 10 million people of the county.  The Democrats have total control of the failed schools in that County.  But, OC, just south of L.A. has an elected board—one that answers to the public not the special interests.  That is something the Democrats refuse to tolerate.

This letter was written by Tim Sheehy of Sheehy Strategies.  file:///C:/Users/Dell%20User/Downloads/SB%20907%20(Newman)%20OPPOSE%20(1).pdf

February 12th ,

2024 Honorable Josh Newman

1021 O Street, Room 6520

Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 907 (Newman) – Elections: Orange County Board of Education: Oppose

Dear Senator Newman: On behalf of the Orange County Board of Education, I am writing to express our opposition to your Senate Bill 907 (SB 907). The Orange County Board of Education (OCBE) provides educational opportunities for Orange County students, promotes student achievement, and offers leadership, services, and resources for Orange County school districts, educators, and the community. SB 907 would require the elections for seats on the OCBE to be consolidated with the November statewide general election. It would further expand the number of trustees on the board from five to seven.

As a Charter County, Orange County already has the authority to change the timing and make up of their Board of Trustee elections without interference from the state. Orange County does not require a new state law imposed by you in order to do so. SB 907 is a blatant disregard of local control and as such, is completely unwelcome and unnecessary. In fact, your representation is only a fraction of the 3.2 million residents living in Orange County but you are attempting to dictate the terms and conditions of local trustee elections to everyone there. And yet you have stated publicly your bill is aimed at improving democracy?

We do not believe it does and will further explain why. California has 58 counties and 53 of them have County Boards of Education. Of these 53 counties, 60% or 31 counties have five trustees making that the overwhelming norm in the state, and these include the major population centers of Contra Costa, Fresno, Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Joaquin, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Ventura County, and more. Your SB 907 is completely silent on these other counties. The OCBE, like the 30 other counties in California with five trustees, believes it has more than adequate representation of its constituents and no problems have been identified or brought forward to the OCBE that would indicate otherwise.

The single most populated county in the state, Los Angeles, has 10 million residents and they do not even elect the trustees on their board of education; they are appointed by the five-member Board of Supervisors! If democracy and appropriate representation of a county’s population is of such vital concern, why doesn’t SB 907 target the Los Angeles County Board of Education that is a completely unelected board, and that represents 25% of the entire population in the state of California? Orange County has experienced a net reduction in population in the last two years of -34,352 residents.

This represents a loss the equivalent of more than the cities of Dana Point, Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, La Palma, Los Alamitos, San Juan Capistrano, Seal Beach, or Villa Park. In an era where Orange County’s population is decreasing, it makes no sense to expand elected government bodies for the supposed purpose of “improving representation.” Adding two additional trustees and forcing Orange County to change its election procedures also burdens the tax payer with excessive added costs.

The California Senate Appropriations Committee has found that costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars would be incurred for the Orange County Registrar to add OCBE candidates to November election ballots resulting from adding an extra ballot card to presidential election cycle ballots to accommodate the additional contests. Plus, there will be significant information technology programming costs, and substantial staff time to make related changes. Furthermore, the current five OCBE trustees have a direct cost budget (stipends and health benefits) for five of $175,000 or $35,000 each. Therefore, adding two more trustees would cost taxpayers at least an additional $700,000 over the next decade at a time when local education budgets are being cut and California faces a $68 billion budget deficit.

Your SB 907 is extremely costly while being completely unnecessary at the same time. Ballot placement, length, and complexity are all known to have a direct impact on how and if people actually vote their ballots. November general election ballots in California are often quite complex. They have a large number of propositions, initiatives, and referenda in addition to federal, state, county, and municipal elections resulting in voter fatigue with a significant undercount for long ballots with local non-partisan office races at the end.

The OCBE has historically experienced motivated voters who are enthusiastic to vote their preferences for education leaders in the County. Lack of voter participation has never been identified as an issue in Orange County elections. SB 907 is a solution in search of a problem. Finally, the currently configured OCBE has consistently supported parents’ rights, school choice, and charter school development.

They have stood up to those interest groups that seek to thwart the charter school movement in Orange County. It would appear that the underlying agenda with SB 907 is another attempt to reconfigure a successful board into one that will do the bidding of anti-school choice interests in the County and in Sacramento. Thus, undermining the important accomplishments that our local board has achieved. For all these reasons, we must oppose SB 907. If you have any questions, please contact me at (916) 213-8998.

Sincerely, Tom Sheehy

cc: Orange County Board of Education, Senate Education Members, Orange County Delegation

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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

One thought on “HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS

  1. What if the GOP had a legitimate Candidate they refused to support, even if that Candidate by name recognition alone is leading all Republicans and two Democrats in that race?? Should that Candidate waste time and money trying to get them to change their mind? The GOP mindset is that Democrat support in California is 2-1 over the GOP, therefore why bother.

    With that logic why would a Republican candidate EVER run for any office in California, EVER? Shame on the CAGOP for refusing to support the leading Republican in this race!

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