Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/9/24      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

A couple of days ago, the Executive Director/CEO of the California Republican Party (CRP), Bryan Watkins, informed the duly elected CRP Associates Representative, Jon Paul White, he could not use the CRP logo to promote an orientation/training event for Associate Members.  The goal of the event, May 23 in Orange County, is to train Associates, as volunteers, in campaigning, voter registration, GOTV, gaining more volunteers.  You would think the CRP would like this—but Watkins made it clear—NO use of the CRP logo in an event of a CRP elected officer trying to grow the Party.

This could have been avoided.  At the end of December, the following letter was sent to the CRP Membership Director.  If the questions had been answered then, this attempt to erase the Associate Representatives would not have happened.

Now it is up to the Board of Directors to ask why paid staff is trying to stop a group authorized in the By-Laws is being hampered from doing their job?

Here is the letter, signed by Jon Paul White, the elected, with the CRP staff running the election, Associate Representative—who now serves on the CRP Executive Committee.

“Subject: Associate Delegate Program

Dear Ms. Cullum

I trust this message finds you well. As our organization eagerly explores collaboration with the California Republican Party (CAGOP), we have additional inquiries that we believe will contribute to the success of our joint efforts.

Accounting Options: We are interested in understanding if there are accounting options available within the CAGOP framework. Could you provide information on any accounting tools or procedures that may be accessible to our organization?

Room Space at Convention:

We are looking to secure a two-hour room space at the convention, either before or after lunch on Saturday, to accommodate approximately 200 people. Additionally, we are interested in reserving space on Saturday evening after dinner for a reception. Could you guide us on the process for securing these spaces?

Inclusion of Associate Delegate Program in CRP Training Projects:

We are interested in exploring the possibility of integrating the Associate Delegate program into the CRP Training projects. Is this a viable option, and if so, what steps should we take to facilitate this inclusion?

Resources for Leadership and Training Classes:

As part of the Associate Delegate program, we aspire to organize leadership and training classes or seminars throughout the state of California. Are there specific resources or support available within the CAGOP that can assist us in executing these initiatives effectively?

Access to the Site:

We are seeking access to the CAGOP website for specific purposes, staying informed, actively participating, and creating an Associate Delegate page. Could you kindly provide guidance on the steps to obtain access or direct us to the appropriate channels?

Information on Creating a Page with Graphics and Information: We are interested in creating a dedicated page on the CAGOP site that showcases our initiatives with relevant graphics and information. Could you please provide instructions or resources to assist us in achieving this?

Link to the Page for Associate Delegates:

Once our page is created, we would like to share it with our associate delegates. Could you furnish us with the link or any specific details necessary for dissemination?

Fundraising Options for Associate Delegates:

We are exploring fundraising opportunities for our Associate Delegates within the CAGOP framework. Could you inform us if there are existing options or guidelines for fundraising that would benefit our associates or resources designated for the Associate Delegate program?

Your guidance on these matters is pivotal to our collaborative endeavors. We appreciate your attention and assistance in addressing these additional inquiries.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we eagerly anticipate your response.

Jon Paul White”

  • Never received an answer.


  • Correction:  Yesterday I noted that Eric Early spent no money on TV or radio ads, while Porter spent about $1 million promoting Early.  I have since been informed by the Early campaign that they spent in the neighborhood of $100,000.  Glad to correct that information.

Yesterday I ran a piece written by Folsom City Councilmember Anna Rohrbough.  In part it talked about how the Sacramento GOP Chair, Betsy Mahan, refused to stop attacks on her, during a race against a 24 year DEMOCRAT member of the Council, by a GOP member of the Committee.

Three things you should know about Betsy Mahan.

She has taken credit for electing Kevin Johnson as Mayor of Sacramento—Johnson was a Progressive Democrat.

Mahan served as co-chair of the CRP Platform Committee—she pushed through the Committee a Democrat Lite Platform, taking out our opposition to illegal aliens, a reasons position to protect babies, took out sections on seniors and veterans.  It was a Platform a Democrat could accept.

Then when the full CRP held a vote, her Platform was defeated 78-22—with the body accepting the previous GOP Platform.  Mahan, in effect, voted against a Republican Platform. He had appointed her husband Charles as a CRP delegate–he also voted for the Democrat Lite Platform.

I have received calls from candidates, former candidates and an elected office

al with the same story.  They claim to have been told by Betsy Mahan, the Sacramento GOP Chair, to stay away from Chris Bish. It has been reported that Mahan has made some serious charges against Bish—Mahan had supported the Bish opponent for Congress (a good guy who had nothing to do with this).

GOP leaders should be divisive when elected to represent the Party—they should denounce Democrats, not other Republicans.  Will Mahan ask the CRP Board to “unendorsed” Bish?  Or will she openly support Bish for Congress?  Betsy, what say you?

  • ***********************************************

Biden is going to U.S. U.S. military to build a temporary pier for “humanitarian” reasons, bring in food and medical supplies to Gaza.  Yup, he is putting our troops, probably without weapons, in the middle of a war zone—in an area controlled by terrorists who hate us.  Do you really think this aid will get to the suffering people of Gaza—or the Hamas troops killing Jews and holding Americans hostage.  In fact, you should note that this is unilateral—Biden is not demanding the release of the American hostages in exchange for the pier.

Oh, if food and drugs can be brought is, so can weapons—who is going to check the cargo ships?  The U.S.?  This is another Biden disaster in the making—and our military is being put in danger.

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(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)