Heard on the Tom/Toms

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/14/24      www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Told You This Would Happen:  Schiff doesn’t need money to win his Senate race.  Now he is raising money for Democrats around the nation

On March 12, Adam Schiff sent these two emails, begging for money—mostly NOT for him, but for Democrat Senate candidates around the nation.


“$10, one time.

That is the donation we are asking you to make to Elissa Slotkin’s campaign for Senate in Michigan and Adam Schiff today.

Donald Trump just endorsed Republican candidate Mike Rogers in our Senate race. We’ll look back at this moment as a major inflection point in our race, and one where Elissa needs your help if we’re going to win.

If that’s all you need to hear, use this link to donate directly to Elissa Slotkin’s campaign today:


On the same day, I received this:

“steve —

With control of the Senate and the White House coming down to a few key states, the stakes are sky-high in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Wisconsin. That’s why I’m asking:

Will you split a contribution between my campaign and the re-election campaigns of Senators Bob Casey in PA, Jacky Rosen in NV, and Tammy Baldwin in WI? If any of these senators lose their reelection bids to their GOP opponents, we very well could lose control of the Senate majority.

This is why Schiff spent $10 million on promoting Steve Garvey.  If he had to run against Katie Porter, between the two of them, they would have spent $50 million.  Now, for just a few dollars, Schiff becomes a U.S. Senator.

Yes, it is a good thing to have a registered Republican on the ballot for Senate.  But, sometimes you have to be strategic.  Schiff was strategic in spending the $10 million—we need, in the future, to be strategic as well.

For months I have been warning this was the goal of Schiff—to have a GOP opponent, he did not car who, so he can raise tens of millions to defeat GOP Senate and congressional candidates around the nation.


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It is the premier conservative newsletter in the State.  It is read by elected officials from San Diego to the Oregon border, the media, grassroots leaders, most of the member of the Republican Party in California.  Leaders and members of volunteer organizations

We will be also able to take advertising for the newsletter.  If you are running for office and want immediate attention by conservatives, the California Political News and Views is the place to have your digital ad.  We will take only ONE candidate per race and only ONE side on ballot measures.  Want to let people know you are circulating a ballot measure—this is the place.

For more information, contact me at [email protected]

(Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “TomTom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)

3 thoughts on “HEARD ON THE TOM/TOMS

  1. DON’T GIVE A DIME TO, Lying Schiff! this man lied for weeks on end about him having conclusive evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians on the 2016 election. Of course, we know it wasn’t true and he took advantage of an archaic House rule that one may lie while in the House floor. I find that immoral, but then look at what most of the 452 men and women really are. time to replace Feinstein, a real dummy IMO, with a man that declares only one-term, Steve Garvey. California deserves some self-respect.

  2. One more comment of Schiff. He has a permanent family residence, not in his Orange County area, rather in Washington D.C.
    do we need another carpet bagger for California. Newscum appointed a Maryland resident to fulfill the CA Senate seat until the elections are completed. At least she declined to actually run for the office.

  3. “WE NEED TO BE STRATEGIC I N THE FUTURE”? WHY? It’s simple really. Steve Garvey is a Republican and Adam Schiff is not. The CaGOP endorsed someone else and they lost. They lost big time! Garvey deserves the support of Republicans nationwide, not just California. My prayer is that the newly reformed NRC issues a plea to ALL conservatives Nationwide to contribute directly to the Steve Garvey Campaign. THE FUTURE IS NOW!!! Shifty Adam has the right idea. He’s just playing for the wrong team because, thank God, he could never make the roster for this one.

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